Read Cat Constipation more

Normally a cat has bowel movements once or twice a day. If the pet does not do it or strain to do it with hard feces, the cat is suffering from Constipation. It is a very common problem with cats and an occasional bout of Constipation is nothing to worry about.

But when a cat is chronically constipated it needs serious attention. As the cats age they are more prone to this problem. There are quite a few causes of Cat Constipation. Obstructions like hairballs, tumors and foreign bodies stop the movement of the feces inside the colon, and the fecal matter builds up. This becomes a hard dry mass and distends the colon, which looses its ability to contract and expel feces. This condition is known as megacolon.

When the cats are constipated they behave in a typical manner. They run to their litter box quite often and strain to pass stool. They make noise and start licking the anal area. They lose their appetite and become sluggish. Vomiting and passing a small amount of liquid feces is quite common.

If the Constipation is not very severe, an enema will clear the colon. Hard impacted feces may have to be physically removed in a veterinary clinic under anesthesia. Intravenous liquid is also given to prevent dehydration.

After the bout of Constipation is cleared, the underlying problem, like obstruction in the colon, has to be tackled. For the cats suffering from megacolon or an untreatable or unknown problem, a management regime has to be adopted. A high-fiber diet increases the bulk and assists in bowel movement. Increase the liquid consumption of the cat by feeding canned cat food rather than dry. Milk and soup can also be tried. We have to try and get the cat to consume liquid by a means that the cat likes.

If the megacolon is advanced, no amount of management can make it propel the stool to the exit. The only alternative is surgery. The colon is removed, and most surgeries are successful.


Constipation [] provides detailed information about constipation, cat constipation, causes of constipation, chronic constipation and more. Constipation is the sister site of Osteoarthritis Web [].

Cat Constipation

Go through Natural Remedies For Constipation With Effectual Home Treatments more

Constipation is a common ailment these days. It is a disease that occurs due to the weak digestive system of the body. Further the unhealthy diet and the consumption of junk foods, alcohol, aerated drinks and along with caffeine rich beverages are responsible for the cause of constipation. The person suffering from constipation actually understands the pain and discomfort caused by it. Generally people who are victims of the ailment do not even want to discuss about it. But actually, there are certain natural remedies for constipation which are helpful in curing the ailment from its roots. The best part is that these natural remedies for constipation are free from harmful side effects and can be applied at home itself.

The so called ailment of constipation is curable by following certain home remedies which are none other than natural remedies for constipation. Such natural remedies for constipation are as follows:

1. Consume warm milk mixed with one teaspoon of clarified butter/desi ghee during the bed time regularly for a week or so. It is quite effective in curing the constipation.

2. You can also consume one teaspoon of gulkand normally known as sweet rose jelly in warm water. It is a natural remedy for constipation.

3. Consume one teaspoon of castor oil in a glass of warm milk before going to bed at night. This is again a tested home remedy for curing constipation.

4. The other natural remedy for constipation includes powder of chebulic myrobalan or harad in the quantity of 3 to 4 grams mixed in warm water. Consume it just before you go to bed at night.

5. You can also make use of turmeric powder and black salt in equal quantities in a glass of warm water. Take it after meals. This also helps.

6. Moreover, suppressing the natural urge of releasing stools should be avoided if you really want to get rid of constipation.

7. All fiber rich foods like drumsticks, carrots, dry peas along with citrus fruits and green leafy vegetables should be integrated in the daily diet.

8. Avoid alcohol aerated drinks, spicy foods and beverages containing caffeine as they destroy the digestive system of the body.

9. You can make thin chapatti by mixing two parts of wheat and one part of roasted black gram powder. Include the husk in the powder.

10. Indigestion is the basic cause of constipation and other problems associated with the digestive system of the body. Drink eight to ten glasses of water every day. Don't eat fast. Chew the food slowly.

11. Minimum of 30 min walk is required twice a day.

12. It is recommended not to watch television or read while having food. Such activities may hinder the digestion process.

13. Yoga is also helpful in curing the constipation. Try to sit in vajrasana. Initially begin it by sitting on your heals for a short period of time. Once you are comfortable in the posture, you can extend the duration.

Thus by following the above natural remedies for constipation, you can get rid of discomfort, pain and also embarrassment.

Constipation Cures

If you want to know about natural remedies for constipation, I recommend you go to []. They show excellent natural methods which will help you in no time.

Natural Remedies For Constipation With Effectual Home Treatments

Constipation Cures

Understand Best Foods to Help Constipation far more


One of the most effective ways to relieve yourself when you're backed up is by eating certain foods to help constipation. There are a lot of different foods out there that can help with this problem but some are much more effective than others. Below, I will discuss different foods to help constipation and what I have found to work the best based on research and real experiences.

Foods High in Fiber: Consuming a diet rich in fiber is probably the most effective way to not only ease constipation, but to prevent it as well. Fiber works by keeping your colon and intestines clean and also makes your stools softer so they are able to pass through your body much easier. The best way to get fiber is to consume green leafy vegetables, fruits, raw nuts, and whole grains.

Some of the best foods to help constipation that fall into the above categories are: Figs, prunes, apricots, papaya, apples, bananas, carrots, berries, beans, asparagus, raw almonds, raw walnuts, and brown rice. If you start incorporating those into your daily diet, you should start to see some noticeable improvement very soon.

While eating the proper foods is good, it's usually not enough. Another very important thing you need to be doing is drinking a lot of water. Water helps by hydrating your body, and when you're hydrated, your waste will be absorbing some of that water which makes it softer and less likely to get stuck. Try to get at the very least, 64 oz of water daily. The more you drink, the better off you will be.

Since we covered foods to help constipation, now I would like to briefly talk about foods you want to avoid so you don't have future problems.

First off, you should avoid fried foods at all costs. Not only are they bad for your health in general, they have been proven to cause constipation. On top of that, you should avoid or limit other foods high in fat. You also want to be careful with soda, alcohol, salt, sugar, coffee, and meat that is not lean.

After reading about all the foods to help constipation and the foods you want to avoid, you should have a good idea on what to do to solve your problem.

If you want to learn more methods for getting rid of constipation, I recommend you check out []

Best Foods to Help Constipation

Study Effective And Easy Home Constipation Remedies more

Constipation Cures

Constipation has the ability to make some of us feel completely terrible; the thought of struggling to excrete and the pain and bloating in can cause in our bellies unbearable and often we can find ourselves running straight to the chemist and buying a selection of the last constipation remedies we seen on a television advert. The facts are that not many of understand what constipation is or how simple we can cause it ourselves.

For most of us constipation will simply be "I can't go to the toilet" or "It's taking too long to go to toilet" and we neglect the fact to research realize that is caused because of the digestive system and our intestines not working as intended.

Constipation can be caused by many things and it's easy to miss the simple causes in everyday life such as not consuming enough fiber in our diets or just being too lazy and not exercising our bodies enough either way there are many natural solutions to help our system improve.

For most people the pharmacy will be the first place to hit, there are tonnes of constipation remedies advertised on the internet, television or in magazines and because they are marketed so well people really do use these as a first solution and tend to forget the fact they are adding a foreign substance to their body. In this case it can either have positive effects, negative effects or both; it is important to remember that whenever you add a foreign agent to your body there is always a chance it will reject, so surely it is better to try some natural, healthy remedies first?

As mentioned previously there are many natural causes of constipation - not enough fiber in the diet and lack of exercise two of the most noted, however these two especially can easily be our natural cure for constipation.

Not enough fiber can give us constipation and as you'd expect eating enough fiber reduces constipation. The amazing thing about fiber is that its sole purpose in the body is the aid the digestive system to ensure it is working properly. Fiber comes in many forms and these different forms help the stool in many ways; soluble fiber tends to take in more moisture wish as you'd expect means it can help lubricate the intestines more and make the stool softer allowing it to flow through the body and into the rectum with minimum effort. Insoluble fiber works by going into the intestines unchanged, this then helps bulk up the stool so there is a larger object to pass out of the body.

Exercise is known to help our bodies stay healthy in such a way that it makes us stronger and more durable. Much like any muscle in our body, if it is left relaxed and unused for a substantial period of time it can become weak and not function properly and the same can be said for the muscles and parts of our system required for excretion. Simple keeping a routine of walking for 15 minutes a day can decrease the risk of constipation heavily.

As you can see from the few points mentioned in this article there are some great natural ways which work as constipation remedies to stop you feeling the great discomfort that is caused by this horrible problem.

For more information about constipation, take a look at Constipation Remedies

Effective And Easy Home Constipation Remedies

Constipation Cures

Study Constipation Natural Remedies and Home Treatment extra

Everyone who has suffered from constipation knows the pain and discomfort he has got from this annoying condition. Most of the people don't want to talk about this problem to others. In this article you will find some easy and effective natural remedies for constipation.

Constipation Home Remedies

Below are some of the commonly used home remedies for relieving constipation. These home remedies are natural and relieve pain, discomfort and embarrassment.

1. Mix a teaspoon of clarified butter (ghee) in a cup of warm milk and take this at bedtime regularly for some days. This is very effective home remedy for constipation.

2. Take one teaspoon gulkand (sweet rose jelly) twice, along with warm water. Gulkand is made primarily of rose petals.

3. Mix one to two teaspoon of pure castor oil with warm milk and take it at bedtime. This is another useful home remedy for constipation.

4. Take 3 to 5 grams of the powder of chebulic myrobalan or harad along with warm water to get relief from constipation.

5. Take equal amounts of turmeric powder and black salt along with warm water after meals. This is very useful remedy for constipation and gas problems.

6. Suppression of natural urge of passing stools despite pressure is a very common cause of constipation. So never suppress the natural urge.

7. Foods rich in high fiber such as drumstick, carrot, dry peas and spinach are helpful in preventing constipation.

8. Highly spicy food hampers the digestive system. So avoid such foods.

9. Make thin bread (chapatti) of wheat (two parts) and roasted black gram powder (one part), along with their husk for increased fiber, ensuring normal defecation.

10. Do not indulge in some other activities like watching television while having food. This will disturb your digestion process.

11. Indigestion sometimes leads to constipation and other digestive problems. Therefore, chew your meal slowly to digest properly.

12. Walk for at least 30 minutes both morning and evening. Also involve in physical activities and use stairs instead of lifts.

13. Sit in vajrasana for a short period in the beginning. Start by sitting on your heels. Slowly move your legs sideways, until your bottom is resting on the floor. Put your hands on your knees. This asana is good for people suffering from constipation and hemorrhoids (piles). It ensures good digestion.

Disclaimer: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the hypertension home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products or ingredients if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the website or the writer.

Constipation Cures

Copyright © Ryan Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.

Read Constipation Home Remedies to relieve discomfort and pain. Lose your excess body fat using natural Fat Loss Diet.

Constipation Natural Remedies and Home Treatment

Examine Cat Constipation far more


Normally a cat has bowel movements once or twice a day. If the pet does not do it or strain to do it with hard feces, the cat is suffering from Constipation. It is a very common problem with cats and an occasional bout of Constipation is nothing to worry about.

But when a cat is chronically constipated it needs serious attention. As the cats age they are more prone to this problem. There are quite a few causes of Cat Constipation. Obstructions like hairballs, tumors and foreign bodies stop the movement of the feces inside the colon, and the fecal matter builds up. This becomes a hard dry mass and distends the colon, which looses its ability to contract and expel feces. This condition is known as megacolon.

When the cats are constipated they behave in a typical manner. They run to their litter box quite often and strain to pass stool. They make noise and start licking the anal area. They lose their appetite and become sluggish. Vomiting and passing a small amount of liquid feces is quite common.

If the Constipation is not very severe, an enema will clear the colon. Hard impacted feces may have to be physically removed in a veterinary clinic under anesthesia. Intravenous liquid is also given to prevent dehydration.

After the bout of Constipation is cleared, the underlying problem, like obstruction in the colon, has to be tackled. For the cats suffering from megacolon or an untreatable or unknown problem, a management regime has to be adopted. A high-fiber diet increases the bulk and assists in bowel movement. Increase the liquid consumption of the cat by feeding canned cat food rather than dry. Milk and soup can also be tried. We have to try and get the cat to consume liquid by a means that the cat likes.

If the megacolon is advanced, no amount of management can make it propel the stool to the exit. The only alternative is surgery. The colon is removed, and most surgeries are successful.

Constipation [] provides detailed information about constipation, cat constipation, causes of constipation, chronic constipation and more. Constipation is the sister site of Osteoarthritis Web [].

Cat Constipation


Understand Quick and Natural Constipation Remedies much more

There are many people who are looking for quick and natural constipation remedies. This often embarrassing problem is highly prevalent and affects a fifth of all the people worldwide. It is especially prevalent in the developed nations due to the causes of this ailment. It is important to note that constipation is frequently a symptom, not a disease itself, and may require medical intervention.

Many people feel self-conscious going to a doctor about this type of a problem. However, it is important to be safe and make sure that the issue is not an underlying medical problem. In most cases, this issue can be treated using several easily available quick and natural constipation remedies. Many people may be surprised to find out that one of these remedies is simply water.

Constipation occurs due to a number of causes, but one of the major contributing causes is lack of proper hydration. A lot of people do not drink enough water in their daily diet, leading to a chronic dehydration that impacts how their body processes food. One of the major reasons for this is that many people reach for a soda or a coffee when they are thirsty.

As a result, their body does not get the water that it needs and too many calories. Obesity is another important cause of constipation, and substituting water for sugary drinks and soda can help with both. Another important causative agent of constipation and the next on the list of quick and natural constipation remedies is exercise.

Low physical activity is one of the reasons why many elderly people end up constipated. For the same reason, people who want a simple and easy way to get rid of this symptom should increase their physical activity. It is recommended to find at least half an hour each day for physical activity and to simply get more exercise.

In addition to that, what a person eats can contribute to their digestive health. For this reason, prunes are one of the oldest quick and natural constipation remedies available. Contrary to popular opinion, these dried fruits are not only nutritious but also very delicious. They are packed of vitamins and antioxidants and will be a good addition to anyone's daily diet.

Ultimately, these quick and easy natural remedies for constipation may not always work. Some people may need to employ chemical uses of taking care of this problem and use laxatives. While occasional use of laxatives is not bad, continual use over a long term period can be dangerous as a person might find it impossible to defecate without the use of laxatives. For this reason, it is a good idea to try something a bit less chemical at first.

As always, it is a good idea to follow medical advice, especially if constipation is a symptom of an underlying illness. Some medications can actually cause constipation, meaning that the reason may not be diet or physical activity of the person in question.

Constipation Cures

Are you looking for more information regarding constipation remedies? Visit our Natural Home Remedies website today!

Quick and Natural Constipation Remedies

Constipation Cures

Understand Constipation Remedies additional

Constipation Remedies


Constipation is a common problem in the United States, especially for women and people over 65 years of age. Over 4 million Americans battle this problem frequently, and it is responsible for about 2.5 million visits to the doctor each year.

Although constipation is common, it is certainly not normal, and it can be more than just annoying or uncomfortable. The delayed bowel transit time means your body's waste products stay in the intestines longer and your body reabsorbs some of these toxins into your blood stream. This may cause health problems such as headaches. Over time, constipation & straining can lead to other problems like hemorrhoids or anal tearing.

Constipation is often characterized by two or more of the following:
• straining
• hard or lumpy stools
• feeling of incomplete evacuation or feeling of blockage
• less than three bowel movements per week

Luckily, many of the most common reasons that people suffer constipation relate to improper diet or exercise, both of which can be easily remedied. Dietary causes of constipation include dehydration, inadequate dietary fiber, food allergies or sensitivities, and eating too many sweets/ starches/ carbohydrates. Too much stress and habitually ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement can also lead to constipation. A lack of exercise is another common cause of discomfort.

For short term relief, eating prunes or taking Milk of Magnesia may help. For longterm relief, however, it's best to correct the cause(s) rather than overusing laxatives, as this can worsen constipation over time by suppressing the colon's ability to evacuate the stool. The following measures often help relieve constipation:

• Make sure you are well hydrated. Most adults should drink at least 1-2 Liters of water a day. Drink a pure, quality water, and only drink in between meals, not with meals. Warm water first thing in the morning can help trigger a bowel movement.

• Increase your daily fiber intake. It's best to do this by eating more vegetables and salads with meals, but taking a fiber supplement may also help. Be sure to increase your fiber consumption slowly, as sudden increases can make constipation worse.

• Decrease your consumption of sugars, grain products, and starches, as these foods make constipation worse.

• Move throughout the day. Physical activity helps trigger bowel movements, so at a bare minimum, stretch in the mornings, and try to walk 30 minutes each day.

• Break the habit of ignoring your urge to have a bowel movement. Avoid any irregularity in meal-times and bowel movements.

• Cleansing the colon may help in cases of chronic constipation. For some people, a series of 2-3 colonics may help loosen up any fecal impaction.

Constipation may also be caused by certain medications (such as narcotics and antacids), medical conditions (like hypothyroidism), or problems with neurological control. In fact, the colon's ability to move content along, segment by segment, is controlled by the enteric nervous system. Spinal cord injuries often cause severe constipation, but milder misalignments of the spinal column (most often lumbar spine or sacrum) may be responsible for some cases of chronic constipation. For this reason, chiropractic manipulation and acupuncture are effective alternative treatments for constipation relief, especially in combination with a proper diet and adequate exercise.

For persistent constipation (despite trying natural remedies), black stools, or if you are having 2 or less bowel movements per week, see your doctor promptly. They may do tests to rule out obstruction, ulcers, or other potentially serious underlying conditions.

Constipation Remedies: Natural Options for Relief
by Dr. Margarite Melikian

Dr. Margarite Melikian is a chiropractor and acupuncture practitioner in Glen Ellyn, IL. More information about this Glen Ellyn Chiropractor can be found at

Study Natural Remedies For Constipation With Effectual Home Treatments a lot more

Constipation is a common ailment these days. It is a disease that occurs due to the weak digestive system of the body. Further the unhealthy diet and the consumption of junk foods, alcohol, aerated drinks and along with caffeine rich beverages are responsible for the cause of constipation. The person suffering from constipation actually understands the pain and discomfort caused by it. Generally people who are victims of the ailment do not even want to discuss about it. But actually, there are certain natural remedies for constipation which are helpful in curing the ailment from its roots. The best part is that these natural remedies for constipation are free from harmful side effects and can be applied at home itself.

The so called ailment of constipation is curable by following certain home remedies which are none other than natural remedies for constipation. Such natural remedies for constipation are as follows:

1. Consume warm milk mixed with one teaspoon of clarified butter/desi ghee during the bed time regularly for a week or so. It is quite effective in curing the constipation.

2. You can also consume one teaspoon of gulkand normally known as sweet rose jelly in warm water. It is a natural remedy for constipation.

3. Consume one teaspoon of castor oil in a glass of warm milk before going to bed at night. This is again a tested home remedy for curing constipation.

4. The other natural remedy for constipation includes powder of chebulic myrobalan or harad in the quantity of 3 to 4 grams mixed in warm water. Consume it just before you go to bed at night.

5. You can also make use of turmeric powder and black salt in equal quantities in a glass of warm water. Take it after meals. This also helps.

6. Moreover, suppressing the natural urge of releasing stools should be avoided if you really want to get rid of constipation.

7. All fiber rich foods like drumsticks, carrots, dry peas along with citrus fruits and green leafy vegetables should be integrated in the daily diet.

8. Avoid alcohol aerated drinks, spicy foods and beverages containing caffeine as they destroy the digestive system of the body.

9. You can make thin chapatti by mixing two parts of wheat and one part of roasted black gram powder. Include the husk in the powder.

10. Indigestion is the basic cause of constipation and other problems associated with the digestive system of the body. Drink eight to ten glasses of water every day. Don't eat fast. Chew the food slowly.

11. Minimum of 30 min walk is required twice a day.

12. It is recommended not to watch television or read while having food. Such activities may hinder the digestion process.

13. Yoga is also helpful in curing the constipation. Try to sit in vajrasana. Initially begin it by sitting on your heals for a short period of time. Once you are comfortable in the posture, you can extend the duration.

Thus by following the above natural remedies for constipation, you can get rid of discomfort, pain and also embarrassment.

Constipation Cures

If you want to know about natural remedies for constipation, I recommend you go to []. They show excellent natural methods which will help you in no time.

Natural Remedies For Constipation With Effectual Home Treatments

Constipation Cures

Examine Infant Constipation more

Infant Constipation


Constipation happens to children, teens, adults, and infants. Breast fed babies have no problem with constipation because breast milk is the perfect food for a newborn. Bottle fed babies may experience problems. You may find your baby passes a stool after each feeding - common with breast feeding or that they pass a stool on alternate days.

If there is no stool in three days, you can treat it as baby constipation. However, your baby may show signs of constipation after only one day. It depends on individual patterns, what they eat, drink, activity level and their digestive system.

After a while you will work out your baby's unique habits. You can see what causes constipation. Less frequent bowel movements are normal, but if they are obviously uncomfortable when having a bowel movement, like drawing up the knees to the chest and grunting, you must be cautious.

Gas also causes discomfort and pain. Hard, dry stools also appear to be baby constipation. Babies find it difficult to pass a formed stool instead a liquid stool. This does not mean it is diarrhea. Liquid stools can pass a blockage in the lower intestines.

Some formulas encourage constipation in an infant. A physician can help about how and when to change formulas (including formulas without iron). Feeding pattern changes can also trigger constipation, dehydration and more severe problems. Natural aids can help relieve baby constipation. Always discuss your baby problems with your pediatrician and implement what is appropriate for your baby. If after trying these methods your baby continues to experience discomfort, visit the pediatrician for a more thorough examination.

Exercise and water consumption levels can help constipation problems. Moving a baby's legs in a bicycle fashion can induce bowel movement. Ask your doctor how much water is needed daily to re-dehydrate your baby's body. Premature babies, babies less than 2 months adjusted age or those with other medical issues may not be able to take additional water.

Adding 2 to 4 ounces of water to their diet may help the lubrication of the intestinal tract thereby keeping water in the stool and helping bowel movement. Add 2 to 4 ounces of fruit juice if extra water doesn't help (quarter part juice to start and work to full strength juice if needed). A guideline is: If you feed 4 ounces, then mix 1 ounce of juice with 3 ounces of water and do this for 2 days. If no change, adjust to half strength (2 ounces juice and 2 ounce water). If no improvement after that, change to three quarters mixture and afterwards full strength. Always allow 2 to 3 days between increases. Fiber is important in the diet. Fruit juice adds fiber, increases fluid intake and increases the sugar content without nutritional value.

Bob Cotto has over 35 years experience in Senior Sales and Marketing Management positions with a variety of companies, such as We The People (largest legal document preparation franchise in US), IRM (retirement planning company for educators), Live Marketing (leading international trade show marketing company), Cigna Securities (broker dealer arm for insurance giant) and many others. For each of these companies, he's led the sales and marketing teams to triple digit record breaking growth year after year. If there's one thing he understands, its business. And that's why he KNOWS that the Ultimate Business In A Box [] has everything you'll need to succeed.

Read Constipation Cure - 14 Useful Home Remedies for Constipation Relief far more

Constipation is more of a symptom, rather than a disease. A person is usually considered to be constipated if he is having fewer bowel movements than usual, takes a long time to pass stools, and if bowels are hard.

Constipation is a common digestive tract disturbance, which restricts regular bowel movement. It is broadly defined as less than three bowel movements per week. Severe constipation is less than one bowel movement per week. Nearly everyone becomes constipated at one time or another; and older people are more prone than younger people.

The number of bowel movements generally decreases with age. Majority adults have bowel movements between three and 21 times per week, and this is considered normal. The best habit is one bowel movement a day, but most people are irregular and do not have bowel movements every day or the same number of bowel movements each day.

Constipation mostly lasts for a short time and is not serious. If you can make out what is causing constipation, you can take steps to prevent it.

Symptoms -

o No bowel movement at least once a day

o Difficulty in eliminating fecal matter - may lead to anal fissures

o Mucus coated tongue

o Foul breath

o Pain in the lower legs

o Loss of appetite

o Headache

o Dizziness, nausea

o Vertigo

o Diarrhoea alternating with constipation

o Acidity

o Wind formation

Causes of constipation:

1) Faulty diet - Lack of dietary fibre like vegetables, fruits and whole grains leads to hard stools, which slows the passage of waste food through the bowel. Eating a lot of high-fat meats, dairy products and eggs, or rich desserts and sweets also may cause constipation.

2) Lack of fluids - Without adequate fluids, waste matter in the intestine dries out, making it difficult to pass.

3) Lack of exercise - If you follow a sedentary lifestyle, muscle contractions that move waste matter through the bowel slow down.

4) Overuse of laxatives - causes damage to the nerves and muscles.

5) Hormonal and physical changes - pregnancy, menstrual cycle, menopause

6) Smoking, consuming too much tea or coffee

7) Anxiety

8) Aging - bodily functions including digestive system usually slow down with age.

9) Certain medicines - such as some anti-allergies, anti-histamines, painkillers, iron tablets and some antacids


A change in what you eat and drink and how much you exercise daily will help relieve and prevent constipation. The easiest solution is the increase of fluids (preferably water) and dietary fibre. This may be achieved by consuming more vegetables, fruits and whole grains to one's diet. The routine use of laxatives is to be discouraged as this may result in bowel action becoming dependent upon their use.
Avoid all types of processed and refined foods such as white flour, rice, bread, cakes, pastries, biscuits, white sugar.

Increase intake of wholegrain cereals, whole wheat, green vegetables, spinach, cabbage; and fruits such as guava, grapes, apples, orange, and papaya.

Drink lot of fluids - Drink between ten to twelve eight glasses of fluids/water a day to prevent constipation. Avoid alcohol or caffeine containing drinks.

Get adequate exercise - as it helps prevent constipation by stimulating the colon. Do things that keep you moving and active as it also promotes overall health.

Use laxatives only if advised by the doctor

Check medications - Certain drugs can cause constipation such as medications to relieve high blood pressure, antipsychotic drugs and even some over-the-counter pain relievers. If you are regularly taking any such over-the-counter drugs, discontinue them for a while and notice the difference.

Constipation requires immediate treatment if it is accompanied by symptoms such as rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, cramps, vomiting, and involuntary weight loss.

Home remedies for Constipation-

o Drinking a glass of warm milk before going to bed helps in easy bowel movement in the morning. In case of severe constipation, mix two teaspoons of pure castor oil in the milk. This remedy is one of the most useful Home Remedies for Constipation

o Drink one litre of luke warm water on an empty stomach, and take a light walk for a few minutes immediately after waking up early in the morning.

o A common Ayurvedic medicine for constipation is Triphala Churna. A teaspoon of this powder to be taken with warm water or milk at the time going to bed. This remedy is another effective and good Home Remedy for Constipation

o Guava is helping in relieving constipation, if eaten with seeds. One or two guavas to be taken daily, as it provide good roughage to diet.

o Eat only when hungry and give a gap of at least 4 hours between meals.

o Food should be slowly and properly chewed. Hurried meals and meals at odd times should be avoided.

o Use spices like cumin, coriander, turmeric powder, fennel as they make the food easy to digest.. This is helpful in Constipation Cure.

o Fried foods, beans, wind-forming vegetables like cauliflower, radish and dried fruits should be avoided. Do not mix too many kinds of foods in one meal.

o All fruits, like guava, grapes, papaya, figs, orange (except banana and jackfruit), are beneficial constipation cure.

o A teaspoon of linseed swallowed with water before each meal provides both roughage and lubrication.

o Ginger tea is a very good Home Remedy for constipation. It helps start bowel movement.

o Avoid milk and milk products as they contain casein, an insoluble protein that tends to block up the intestinal tract.

o Take 10/12 pieces of raisin (Munakka), and then boil them in a glass of milk. Cool it, eat the raisins and drink the milk. This is very good and effective Home Remedy for constipation.

o Turmeric powder boiled in milk along with figs also helps in relieving constipation and constipation cure.

Expert's advice - constipation is usually easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, try and follow a healthy life style.

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Constipation Cure - 14 Useful Home Remedies for Constipation Relief

Examine Constipation Remedies That Work Within Hours more

Have you been suffering from constipation? This particular condition can be undoubtedly a painful practical experience and in this short article I will go through a couple of common constipation remedies which will definitely help you eliminate the awkward symptoms within 6 to 12 hours.

Short Term Use of Natural and Effective Stimulant Laxatives

You can find several different types of stimulant laxatives on the market today which would provide rapid relief. Stimulant laxatives work by - just as the name suggests - stimulating the small intestine muscles to excrete its contents a lot faster. They deliver the results by enhancing the level of water within the colon and also by suppressing the quantity of water utilized by the small intestine. They usually are present in natural substances, such as aloe vera, senna leaves or castor oil.

When considering using laxatives, please talk to a doctor first and even if you don't, limit the intake of them. They can work incredibly well at the beginning, however, prolonged use can result in adverse effects in many ways. The efficiency of these substances can give you dehydration and also diarrhea. Digestive tract cramping pains as a result of extended use can bring about even more problems, including intestinal tract damages, therefore always be careful with them.

10 Glasses of Water a Day

If you take senna or castor oil and you manage to get initial relief, in order to maintain bowel regularity it is advised to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water. Everyone knows this and I am the first to say that it is easier said than done, but do we really do it? If you are prone to bowel irregularity, in fact I would definitely aim to drink at least 10 glasses of water daily just to be on the safe side. Being sure to drink a single glass of filtered or mineral, room temperature water is going to without a doubt help detox your whole body. Try it!

Constipation Cures

There are other effective ways to relieve your constipation, which I would like to sher with you at my holistic healing site. Please visit Constipation Remedies for help and advice.

Constipation Remedies That Work Within Hours

Constipation Cures