Ayurvedic Remedies For Constipation
Constipation CuresAyurvedic Remedies as a permanent cure for constipation
Ayurvedic remedies for constipation are a source of relief for countless patients looking to ease an irritated digestive tract that causes the condition. The human digestive system is fickle and can create trouble for even the healthiest eaters. Millions of Americans seek relief from constipation problems each year. Many people have found, however, that a natural cure for constipation, and especially Ayurvedic remedies - versus the over the counter traditional laxatives - yield a better, more natural, outcome.
Ayurvedic remedies for constipation are different than standard medications. While the traditional laxatives provide relief, they do not cure the underlying causes. On the other hand the particular Ayurvedic remedies tackle the problem from different fronts, balancing the particular effected doshas in the process.
For a constipation to occur, according to Ayurveda, something in the body must be out of order. Ayurvedic natural remedies for constipation do not directly target the stomach or intestines as they process food. Instead, the overall formula is based upon a holistic perspective that advocates detoxifying the body from the inside out, implementing a diet that is rich with fiber, vitamins and minerals and essential amino acids.
According to Ayurvedic Medicine, there are three elements of every person's body, known as Doshas. When these elements are balanced, your body is naturally healthy and resistant to sickness. When one, two, or even all three Doshas are in flux, however, it will affect your mind, body, and soul until rectified. Ayurvedic remedies assist in aligning the affected dosha or doshas until the body is fully healthy. In the case of constipation it is usually the Pitta doshas that is out of balance.
The proper Ayurvedic treatment will not only relieve intestinal problems but also balance the liver and normalize other bodily functions. In addition to the homemade remedies for constipation, doubling the amount of water, vitamins and minerals is highly recommended.
The most common herbal remedies for constipation includes a formula called Triphala, used often when treating the Pitta Dosha. The Triphala treatment blends together three types of fruiting plants that, combined, work to strengthen colon functions. Unlike a laxative that simply brings about a temporary relief, Ayurvedic home remedies provide a permanent solution. Triphala works to maximize nutritional processing, so that food is metabolized better, thus allowing for better absorption of vitamins and minerals.
It is noteworthy that over the counter, or prescribed, traditional laxatives when used often can be addictive, producing undesirable side-effects such as flushing out of the body important vitamins, minerals and especially the friendly bacteria known as flora.
While Ayurvedic remedies for constipation should not be taken without a doctor's advice, they do provide a better, longer lasting, solution than traditional laxatives.
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