Constipation can be painful, and some of the ways in which people try to alleviate this problem can only make things worse. Laxatives, one of the more popular treatments, should only be taken when the doctor recommends them. Herbal remedies are one safe way to help in this uncomfortable situation.
Some herbs that are said to help with constipation include aloe in the juice form, senna, medicinal rhubarb, cascara sagrada, dandelion root and seeds of plantain. Caution is advised when taking herbs, because overuse of them can be harmful just as is the case with chemical laxatives.
These herbs affect the way the intestines function, and some can result in diarrhea and dehydration, which is why it is important to use them with caution and moderation. They should not be used on an ongoing basis.
The herbal route can be better than taking a laxative because it contains more natural ingredients that work slowly through the body, instead of sending the person straight to the bathroom, adding more of a guarantee that the body will get back to its natural healthy state. Another herbal remedy for constipation is the colon cleanse, which is a detoxification process that the body can respond to at a normal level. It also is used to help people lose weight.
Herbal remedies alone will not be useful if the constipation is a result of the person's lifestyle. If this is the case, adding exercise, water and fiber-rich foods to the diet will help the problem.
To learn more about constipation symptoms and how to prevent constipation, visit today.