Battle Constipation With Safe and Natural Remedies
Constipation CuresConstipation is one of those unspeakable yet common conditions that people experience at some point or another. It's painful, uncomfortable, annoying and extremely embarrassing. Because most of us don't really like to talk about it, finding the right solution to remedy the constipation problem can be quite difficult. If you currently suffer from constipation, you do not need to suffer in silence and wait until the problem resolves all by itself. Nor do you have to try and test all those urban myths on yourself or have to dread going out and buy OTC constipation medication from your local drug store. Natural constipation remedies are effective in helping you relieve the problem without you having to resort to prescription medication.
Drink More Water
This may sound cliche but water is still the best remedy for constipation. Saying that water is essential is a mere understatement. It is vital and necessary, not just for the purpose of keeping bowel movements regular, but for maintaining the functions of all other organs in the body.
But, going back to water and how it relates to constipation; you see, the large intestine works by removing unneeded water from our body's waste. Once we are dehydrated (due to lack of water intake), all our internal organs go into this state of emergency and locks down anything with water in order to conserve it. This is when we become constipated. Additional water also keeps the stools soft and moist, allowing it to pass easily without pain or discomfort.
So, think back on your water drinking habits. Do you drink water on a regular basis, or do you mostly chug in coffee, sodas or juice? They may be liquid, but they are not the same as water. Drink as much as eight glasses of water a day, and your bowels will thank you for it.
Take In More Fiber
Fiber works well hand in hand with water for easier bowel movement. However, most people tend to forget the importance of dietary fiber as most processed foods such as cookies, white pasta, white bread and even rice have lost their fiber value. Dietary fiber, however, is quite easy to come by. Raw fruits, whole grains, seeds and nuts as well as vegetables (whether raw, steamed or baked) are great sources of fiber. Taking in more fiber in your diet isn't that difficult. The four food groups that contain dietary fiber are very easy to come by and prepare. You might want to make some dietary changes in order to accommodate these kinds of foods.
A quick note though. If you haven't had a high fiber diet in years, you may want to start small with your present fiber diet. Start with a small snack or two, and move on to high fiber meals as the weeks go by.
These are two simple and easy steps to take, yet are very helpful as natural constipation remedies. Incorporate the right water and fiber intake into your every day diet and say goodbye to embarrassing constipation problems for good!
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