Although constipation and leg pain are different conditions and occur in different parts of the body, they may be interconnected and can have a common origin. In most cases, the origin is related to nerve damage or dysfunction. It is also seen that people with leg pain have a greater chance of constipation and vice versa. In fact, constipation is one of the major symptoms of leg pain along with sharp or shooting pain and weakness or sensory disturbance of legs.
Many inflammations, diseases or conditions in the lower part of the nervous system can result in constipation and leg pain. Lumbar nerve root inflammations due to disk herniation, burst fractures, spondylolisthesis, foramina, and abnormal bone formation can lead to both conditions. Arachnoiditis, which causes spinal covering damage, can also result in constipation and leg pain.
The loosening of muscles and deficiency of calcium can result in malfunctioning or deterioration of the muscles which aid peristaltic actions and standing. The damages to these muscles result in diseases such as constipation, leg pain, frequent/uncontrolled urination, and diarrhea. Constipation and leg pain may also arise as a result of the diseases affecting the urinary system such as uterine fibroids.
Many pain relieving drugs such as morphine and aspirin used for curing leg pain can cause constipation. This is because all the pain killing drugs act on the central nervous system which causes a decrease in nerve impulse traffic. The result is the reduced functioning of all body muscles including that of the bowel wall. The frequent use of these drugs can result in severe constipation.
Overweight persons are the most prone to constipation and leg pain. Pregnant ladies are also more prone to have both conditions at the same time. Menstrual cramps and the use of some unnatural drugs which irritate the lower nerves can also result in constipation and leg pain. Pelvic bone dysfunctions are another common cause.
Drinking plenty of water and eating fruits can help in good functioning of the muscles, which in turn helps to manage both constipation and leg pain.
Constipation [] provides detailed information on constipation, cat constipation, causes of constipation, chronic constipation and more. Constipation is affiliated with Are Cold Sores Contagious? [].