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With all the major issues that people have to deal with in life, sometimes it's the small detours that can cause the most problems. There are certain bodily functions which everyone must go through that they'd prefer not to talk about. One such function is constipation. Constipation occurs when people have a hard time emptying their bowels. Some times this process can be very painful. It's hard to define normal bowel movement since everyone is different. But constipation may be the problem if certain conditions take place over a prolonged period such as: straining during bowel movement, hard stools, incomplete release of the bowels and two or less bowel movements in a week.

Constipation is normally a bowel disorder and not a structural one. Some of the causes of constipation can be attributed to eating a lot of dairy products, not enough dietary fiber, not drinking enough water, the lack of exercise, abusing laxatives, and medications such as antidepressants. The lack of nerve and muscle function in the bowel may also cause constipation. Although constipation is a normal fact of life any persistent change in bowel habits should be taken seriously, especially as people get older.

Some of the common symptoms associated with constipation include a bloated feeling in the stomach, abdominal pain and diarrhea. One of the easier ways to treat constipation is by drinking more water and eating more fiber. Fiber can be consumed through fruits and vegetables and whole grain bread. Laxatives maybe used in cases where dietary measures are not effective. In severe cases of constipation enemas maybe given and this procedure would normally occur in a hospital. And only under the most extreme cases would someone need physical intervention to cure their constipation.

Having constipation too long could potentially bring about other physical ailments. One of the complications could be hemorrhoids, which are swollen veins near the anus, caused by straining on the stool for a long time. Too much straining to empty the bowels may cause a part of the intestine to push through the abdominal wall manifesting as a lump, which is known as a hernia. Due to excessive straining muscles could weaken and cause a prolapse of the womb and rectum.

Anyone can get constipated, but some people who may be more affected by the condition can include elderly people which could be due to a lack of a proper diet and taking medications that can cause constipation. Pregnant women are also at risk because of the pressure on their bowels, lack of exercise, and hormonal changes. Travelers also have an increased chance of constipation due to changes in diet, dehydration, and long periods at rest. People who are stressed out because of their hectic lifestyles are also prime candidates for constipation.

Constipation can be just another one of life's little displeasures as long as it's handled properly. But any minor condition can become major, if left untreated. Because of the speed with which most people live their lives, it may be impossible not to get constipated. But once the condition arises, it should be taken seriously.


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Constipation - More Than A Feeling