If you suffer from occasional constipation, this can be caused by lack of exercise, an improper diet, and not drinking enough water. Chronic constipation can be due to digestive disorders like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), lack of fiber in the diet, depression and some medical conditions. No matter the frequency or the cause of constipation, many people don't like to take harsh stimulant laxatives.
There are herbal solutions for constipation. The first solutions are herbs that contain stimulant laxatives. Keep in mind that they should only be taken in small amounts. Using them too often can make you dependent on them and cause dehydration and deplete the potassium levels in your body.
1. Aloe - This should be used carefully. It contains a very strong laxative right where the leaf is peeled back. If you can, buy commercially prepared aloe.
2. Senna is a very popular leaf used as a laxative. In fact, it is now the main ingredient in some of the name-brand commercial laxatives.
3. Cascara bark is a little milder than Senna.
Herbal bulk laxatives are safer and milder and work by relying on the natural contractions of the colon. They have not been known to lead to dependency. Flaxseed and psyllium are seeds and seed parts. When taken with water, they swell in the stomach and develop into a bulky accumulation in the colon. Apple pectin works the same way, but it is made from apple peels. There is a slight risk that bulk laxatives can obstruct the bowels, so be sure to drink lots of water when you use these.
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