Read through Herbal Medicines For Constipation and Diarrhea Treatment much more


This is usually caused by insufficient fiber in the diet. However, lack of fluid, too little exercise, and too much stress can also contribute. Symptoms of the condition include difficult, irregular, and infrequent movements of the bowel. Consult a physician if constipation persists, or immediately if it is associated with vomiting, fever, or abdominal pain


Herbal Medicine

Camomile, hops, fennel, and a natural laxative such as linseed, will ease constipation. Drink herbal teas rather than coffee.

Reflexology and Massage Both can be helpful.

Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:

Acupuncture This can help to relieve stress.


Intolerance of certain foods, a virus, or bacteria can be responsible for diarrhea. It can also be caused by anxiety and a change of diet.


Diet and Nutrition Drink lots of water and peppermint tea to replace lost fluid. If symptoms persist, replace lost salts by regularly drinking a mixture of 1 pt/500mlt water to 1 tablespoonful of sugar and 1 teaspoonful of salt. The water strained off boiled rice is also helpful. Eat plenty of live yogurt or take half a teaspoonful of Lactobacillus acidophilus with a teaspoonful of Lactobacillus bulgaricus in a glass of water three times a day. Avoid solid food.

Herbal Medicine Golden seal, and an infusion of agrimony, plantain, or geranium are helpful, as is peppermint tea.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Dandelion, golden thread and skullcap root are all recommended.

Homeopathy Arsenicum alb. 6c and Pulsatilla 6c.

Acupressure This can help.

Fecal Incontinence

A temporary loss of bowel control can occur as a result of diarrhea. Regular lack of control may result from an injury to the anal muscles (during childbirth or surgery), or from paralysis or dementia. It can also result from fecal impaction, a condition in which feces become stuck in the bowel. This can cause inflammation and lead to the uncontrolled release of small pieces of feces from the rectum.


Diet and Nutrition Follow a high-fiber, wholefood diet, and drink plenty of water (at least six large glasses a day).

Acupressure and Yoga Both of these treatments are helpful, especially the practice of abdominal breathing techniques.

Homeopathy Causticum 6c is often recommended.


Read out for home remedies. Check out pregnancy and homeopathic remedies

Herbal Medicines For Constipation and Diarrhea Treatment
