Study Herbal Constipation Remedies much more

If you suffer from occasional constipation, this can be caused by lack of exercise, an improper diet, and not drinking enough water. Chronic constipation can be due to digestive disorders like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), lack of fiber in the diet, depression and some medical conditions. No matter the frequency or the cause of constipation, many people don't like to take harsh stimulant laxatives.

There are herbal solutions for constipation. The first solutions are herbs that contain stimulant laxatives. Keep in mind that they should only be taken in small amounts. Using them too often can make you dependent on them and cause dehydration and deplete the potassium levels in your body.

1. Aloe - This should be used carefully. It contains a very strong laxative right where the leaf is peeled back. If you can, buy commercially prepared aloe.

2. Senna is a very popular leaf used as a laxative. In fact, it is now the main ingredient in some of the name-brand commercial laxatives.

3. Cascara bark is a little milder than Senna.

Herbal bulk laxatives are safer and milder and work by relying on the natural contractions of the colon. They have not been known to lead to dependency. Flaxseed and psyllium are seeds and seed parts. When taken with water, they swell in the stomach and develop into a bulky accumulation in the colon. Apple pectin works the same way, but it is made from apple peels. There is a slight risk that bulk laxatives can obstruct the bowels, so be sure to drink lots of water when you use these.

Constipation Cures
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Herbal Constipation Remedies

Examine What are the Major Reasons Behind Constipation? more

What are the Major Reasons Behind Constipation?


Constipation is very common among today's individuals. Few reasons for the constipation are related with food and others are with the life style. Though constipation is not a very harmful disease but it can spoil the normal life of a person. Constipation takes enjoyment of life away from person and also long term constipation may cause many diseases. Below are the few of reasons associated with the cause of constipation.

1) Number one and major reason is not taking enough fibers in the food. Fibers are part of plants which are not digested by our body. They work as the cleaning agents of gut. They help the bowl to work well.

2) Second major reason for constipation is not enough intakes of fluids. This makes the stool harder and may lead to constipation. If we intake enough fluids then the stool will be soft and it will easily pass out.

3) Some medicines are also found to cause constipation; these are usually the side effects of these medicines.

4) In dieting many people stop the intake of hard food which make their food fiber deficient and may cause constipation.

5) The hormonal changes during pregnancy may cause constipation.

6) Some long term illness also increases the chances of constipation.

7) Tea and coffee are one of major reason behind constipation because they increase the amount of liquid in urine and leave very less liquid in gut.

8) There are also lots of reasons for constipation which are unknown and these constipation are known as 'idiopathic'.

9) Some syndromes are also responsible for constipation like IBD and IBS etc.


Examine Using Carrot Juice For Relieving Constipation more

Using Carrot Juice For Relieving Constipation


Carrot Juice

Carrot juices contain certain oils that work on the mucus membranes of the stomach and colon. This helps with digestion and starts your bowels functioning properly. Carrots are high in fiber and beta-carotene, an antioxidant, which the body converts to vitamin A. Carrots can make your stools softer and larger.

Why are larger stools better? Because larger stools dilute toxins, exposure less toxins to colon walls, and press against colon walls to promote peristaltic action.

Drink carrot juice twice daily, once in the morning and in the evening before bedtime.

You can drink more carrot juice if you like. Its action on the body produces enormous benefits since it contains a good number of vitamins and minerals - B, C, D, E, K, carotene, sodium, and potassium. These nutrients help to clean out your colon and speed up fecal matter movement.

As you increase the carrot juice you drink, chances are you will feel a little uncomfortable. This happens when carrot juice reaches your intestines and colon and begins stirring up the toxic layers and materials in that area. This feeling will pass and is nothing to worry about.

If you are pregnant, drink carrot juice daily to build up your breast milk and to provide your baby with the nutrients that it needs

Carrot Juice, Carrots and Celery

An effective way to clear constipation is to combine vegetables that are high in fiber and that have laxative effects.

Celery is high in fiber, potassium, sodium, and many other minerals. It can reduces inflammation and protect against cancer. Celery has a chemical call polyacetylene, which reduces prostaglandins that cause inflammation.

Celery has a calming effect on the nervous system. If you have been using laxatives, which have overworked your colon nerves, celery will help to relax these nerves and give them a rest.

Adding carrot juice to celery juice provides an even better nutritional drink. This drink will help to restore nerve function in your colon and improve its health.

Celery has the highest content of organic sodium. This sodium is used throughout the body as lymph saline liquid allowing cells to work and live properly.

Celery is also beneficial for the stomach. The stomach lining is filled with sodium and this sodium is necessary to prevent ulcers.

Here's what to do,

Eat carrots and celery during the day and for your salads; drink a glass of carrot juice in the morning and one in afternoon. By eating slightly steamed carrots you can increase the carotene available from the carrots by up to 4 times. However, by cooking carrots, you destroy the enzymes that will help you to digest them quickly and completely.

Boost your carrot juice by juicing with it a few stalks of celery, which includes the leaves. The leaves have more nutrients than the stalk and are part of the nutritional value of celery.

Tomato, Carrot, Celery Drink

Here's a drink you can take in the afternoon to activate a bowel movement.

With a juicer, juice some tomatoes, carrots, and celery. By experimenting, you can discover the amount of each vegetable to use according to your taste. Mostly likely you will want equal amounts of tomatoes and carrots and you will want to add a few stalks of celery including the leaves.

Now, let's add a few more items to give your drink more pushing power. Squeeze in a small amount of garlic, onion, and radish. While juicing your carrots, juice a small bunch of spinach or parsley.

Drink 1 to 1 ½ cups in the morning and see the results soon after.

Rudy Silva gives you more free constipation information. Go get his free "Constipation Secrets 10 Week Course" to discover how to get rid of Constipation: Carrot Juice Go here for more free tips: Constipation Remedies

Read Infant Constipation Remedy - Baby Constipation Relief extra

Infant constipation means hard and infrequent stools. It does not mean grunting or straining. How often your infant should have a bowel movement depends on if your child is breast fed or bottle fed. Before you determine the best remedy, you should first determine if your infant is really constipated.

The colon works to maintain the body's fluid balance. The colon achieves this by removing water from the stool and eliminating waste. Waste is eliminated in the form of stool. Stools are formed as water along with nutrients and salts are absorbed by the colon. If stool remains in the colon too long, too much water is absorbed, leaving it dry and hard.

Breast fed infants are never technically constipated because the milk is easily absorbed by the baby and used. What is left is stool which is loose, curd-like, seedy and mucus. Breast fed stool do not have a foul smell. Exclusively breast fed infants can go several days between movements.

When you notice your infant groaning, straining and making funny faces as he makes a bowel movement, your infant is not constipated. This is because the baby has not learned to control their abdominal and anal muscles to relax and expand when making a bowl movement. Once you introduce solids or formula, constipation may be become an issue.

Constipation in formula fed infants is very common. Infant formula is not as well digested as breast milk and more residues are left in the colon. Because formula takes longer to digest, the residue builds up, too much water is absorb and the stool becomes hard and pebble-like. It may be difficult and uncomfortable for your infant to pass. In this case straining and groaning may occur. Formula fed infants should have a bowel movement every 1-2 days.

If your infant is constipated here are some helpful remedies:

* Gently massage your infant's tummy. Stop if the baby seems to be in pain.

* Rotate the legs in a 'bicycle" movement. This causes the stomach muscles to move and stimulate the colon.

* Fruit Juice: Offer your infant a few ounces of fruit juice (apple, prune) until the bowels are moving.

* Try a gentle rectal exam. Insert a lubricated thermometer or Q-tip about a quarter inch into the rectum and wiggle it around. This really works so be prepared for what comes out.

* Karo syrup: Add about two teaspoons to formula. Corn syrup draws more fluid into the intestine, which makes stool less hard. Be sure not to give too much because diarrhea can occur

* Liquid Glycerin Suppositories for Infants: suppositories work by increasing water in the stool.

* For infants on solids offer prunes, peaches, pears, plums, apricots and peas. They make stools softer.

When to contact the doctor:

* If your infant cries while straining

* Constipation remains a persistent problem

* The number of wet diapers decreases each day

* Blood in stool or bleeding from anus

* Abdominal pain

* Reduced Appetite

Kaaryn Walker is the editor of a website providing information on causes, symptoms and relief from constipation. To learn more about remedies for constipation in infants, adults, and seniors visit No More Constipation.

Infant Constipation Remedy - Baby Constipation Relief


Read Home Remedies For Constipation Are Simple But Effective much more

Home Remedies For Constipation Are Simple But Effective

Constipation Cures

When your digestive tract works slower than it should, your energy level goes down and you just feel bad all over. Constipation remedies fill pharmacy shelves, but there are home remedies for constipation that you might not know about that could put you back in great working order again.

Constipation is more common than you may think. It also affects people from all ages. Constipation can be defined as a condition where your bowel doesn't empty totally during bowel movement.

If constipation is not treated early enough it can cause some complications, and some of them can be rather serious. For example, high blood pressure, appendicitis, and arthritis can be partly caused by constipation.

Home remedies for constipation include the most effective treatment - dietary changes. Changing your diet and lifestyle are two remedies you will see results from without purchasing a laxative or medication.

Laxatives and other medicines should be used only if you have a very serious case of constipation because your system may become dependent on them. They can weaken your muscles so that normal bowel movement is almost impossible without medication.

Perhaps the most important ingredient to keep your bowel movements normal is fiber. So, you need to eat foods with high amount of fiber. These include, for instance, whole grain cereals, fruits, and vegetables. Also, drink adequate amount of water to keep your body hydrated.

While there are some foods to favor, there are also foods that should be avoided. These include processed foods, foods with high amount of fat, cheese, and red meat. Also, minimize the consumption of artificial drinks and artificial sugary foods.

Eating at regular hours each day will help regulate your digestive system. When you do eat, consume your food slowly and chew it well.

Besides dieting, there are other home remedies that can help with your constipation. One trick that has helped some sufferers is drinking a glass of warm milk just before going to sleep. Drinking a glass of warm water along with lemon juice in the morning can help with the condition even further.

There are also some medications that can cause constipation. If you have constipation problems discuss with your doctor before taking any prescription medications. Pregnant women are one group of people who often suffer from constipation. Luckily, this is only temporary and it can be controlled.

You can also find a long-term, permanent cure for constipation by toning your muscles, enjoying outdoor activities such as walking, running, or swimming. You will notice how your body and digestive system respond quite positively to any increase in activity each day.

Laxatives offer only temporary relief. Changing your lifestyle and diet are long-term home remedies for constipation that are lasting solutions to the nagging digestive tract problem.

Constipation is a very unpleasant and awkward condition. Luckily, there are many natural home remedies for constipation that can help with the condition. Find out more by visiting at

Go through Most Popular Worldwide Remedies for Constipation extra

Most Popular Worldwide Remedies for Constipation

Constipation Cures

Constipation Cures

Constipation is an annoying problem of the digestive system. However, it is referred differently by different individuals. For most of the individuals, it is referred as the occurrence of infrequent stools. For others, it is hardening of stools as well which may be explained with straining during stool pass, sense of incomplete emptying of bowel etc. According to medical terminology, normally constipation is referred to a condition lesser than three bowel movement in a week, whereas, chronic stage implies less than one bowel movement in a week.

There are various useful treatments available to get rid off constipation problems. However, in some cases, one may depend on constipation remedy to solve constipation problems. In this article, we will be focusing on different constipation remedies popular in different countries and cultures.

Egyptian remedy for constipation

Egypt is recognized as one of the oldest culture in the world. Ancient Egyptian people showed their excellence in various areas including the area of medicine. In their oldest medicinal books, they described constipation remedy as well. Aloe Forex is referred to as a good constipation remedy that functions effectively as a natural laxative on the digestive system. It is widely popular because of its natural ability to work against inflammatory digestive complications.

Apart from that, senna is found in Egypt since ancient period which is well-known as the world's safest laxative. Sometimes, digestive problems can cause bad breath. Senna as a mouthwash offers effective relief from bad breath as well.

More than eight hundred years ago, Egyptians used honey in lukewarm water to treat constipation problem and found it an effective constipation remedy for all.

Chinese remedy for constipation

Most popularly Chinese people use Jin Yin Hua herb as constipation remedy. It helps cleansing toxic substances and relieving body heat. It offers cold energy to the body and it helps restoring health. A regular use of 6-15gm of dried Jin Yin Hua is found to be effective in managing complications particularly arising in large intestine areas.

Apart from that, traditional Chinese medicine suggests to eat boiled sweet potatoes seasoned with sugar or salt. It is recommended that you should eat it prior going to bed at night. It is truly beneficial for chronic constipation.

French remedy for constipation

French people prefer to have mustard seeds in order to relieve from digestive complications. It works well as effective laxative. Barley offers a good source for soluble fiber. French people eat muffins as well as biscuits made up of barley and oat bran meal.

German remedy for constipation

Dandelion tea is very popular among German people. It offers a good solution for treating constipation; hence it is indeed a good constipation remedy.

Constipation remedies popular worldwide

Cascara sagrada is a useful constipation remedy that offers relief from constipation. It is also not addictive and nutritionally beneficial to stomach, liver, pancreas and gall bladder. It works as a natural cleanser of colon, thus it keeps protecting body from toxic wastages and faecal substances.

Bael fruit is an excellent choice for treating constipation. It is considered as the best laxative among all other fruits. It is truly a wonderful constipation remedy. It has the ability to cleanse the digestive system along with a great relief from constipation. It is equally beneficial for normal as well as chronic constipation problems.

Guava can be eaten to get a relief from constipation problem. You need to eat guava with seeds to fight against constipation problem. Apart from that, you may count on orange, papaya, prunes, pears and grapes to promote healthy digestive system.

Bran cereal can be used as an effective constipation remedy and is perfect for toddlers and adolescents. To cure constipation problem, you may use corn syrup mixed with water. A traditional remedy to relieve constipation includes honey or extra sugar in a glass full of milk. Twice drinking in a day can definitely make you free from constipation problem.

Dr John Anne is an herbal specialist with years of experience and extensive research on herbs and alternative health. If you are looking for more information, read about Constipation Remedies at is the World's Largest Alternative Health Portal. You can also Participate in Health Questions & Answers, Discussion Forums and Blogs. If you are worried about your Pet's Health then visit Cats Constipation

Read through What are the Major Reasons Behind Constipation? far more


Constipation is very common among today's individuals. Few reasons for the constipation are related with food and others are with the life style. Though constipation is not a very harmful disease but it can spoil the normal life of a person. Constipation takes enjoyment of life away from person and also long term constipation may cause many diseases. Below are the few of reasons associated with the cause of constipation.

1) Number one and major reason is not taking enough fibers in the food. Fibers are part of plants which are not digested by our body. They work as the cleaning agents of gut. They help the bowl to work well.

2) Second major reason for constipation is not enough intakes of fluids. This makes the stool harder and may lead to constipation. If we intake enough fluids then the stool will be soft and it will easily pass out.

3) Some medicines are also found to cause constipation; these are usually the side effects of these medicines.

4) In dieting many people stop the intake of hard food which make their food fiber deficient and may cause constipation.

5) The hormonal changes during pregnancy may cause constipation.

6) Some long term illness also increases the chances of constipation.

7) Tea and coffee are one of major reason behind constipation because they increase the amount of liquid in urine and leave very less liquid in gut.

8) There are also lots of reasons for constipation which are unknown and these constipation are known as 'idiopathic'.

9) Some syndromes are also responsible for constipation like IBD and IBS etc.


What are the Major Reasons Behind Constipation?

Go through Constipation and Menopause - How to Deal additional

We all know constipation is a symptom not a disease. Further, we know that menopause creates as many different symptom scenarios as there are women. In Ayurveda, the primary principle is to look at the body type of the person suffering from constipation and menopause, or any other symptoms for that matter.

According to the individual body composition, we can predict reactions that a body type will have under different circumstances. For example, lets take three basic body compositions described in Ayurveda. One, the vata type, is usually a small or thin person. In general, a hallmark characteristic of the vata type is that this person can eat lots of food every day, but never has an issue gaining weight. Basically the vata type has a fast metabolism. Emotionally and mentally, the person with a vata composition can be blesses with an amazing imagination, and has hard time deciding what to pay attention to because everything interests them. This can results in having scattered and erratic behavior and being unable to stick to a healthy daily routine.

The second body composition is Pitta, which is a woman who has a medium build, gets hot easily, has a strong digestive fire, possesses a keen intellect and sharp intelligence and has a strong ability to concentrate.

The third body type is kapha. This body type is characterized by a tendency to easily gain weight, a body which tends to retain water and a proclivity to lethargy.

What do the body types have to do with constipation and menopause?

Those with a Vata body type are more prone to having dryness issues that are at the heart of constipation problems in menopause. Menopause triggers overstimulated hypothalamus behavior, which in turn causes an overdrying effect on the sensitive tissues of the bowel. The overdrying effect is due to changes in estrogen levels in the tissue, which causes constipation.The remedy is to take ghee and triphala.

The pitta type will overheat when estrogen is thrown out of balance. This can cause either constipation or loose bowels. The remedy is to take avipattikar powder or tablets, which are available online, for instance through

The kapha type has a tendency to have such a slow metabolism that the body accumulates poisons and "clogs" up. Kapha women should take a daily walk, drink plenty of water and take triphala at bedtime.

In each body type, constipation means blocked bowel function, followed by loss of normal secretions in the bowel,Normal bacterial activity in the bowel becomes disrupted. Each body type gets a different acute aspect of the elements of constipation. You must pay attention and carefully observe if you have sluggish bowels, persistent constipation lasting for days, abdominal bloating, headaches, anxiety, and a bad taste in the mouth. All of these symptoms mean that you need to balance the involved dosha.


Click Here for Lots More Free Ayurveda Advice and Buy the Ayurveda Healthy Sex Guide.

Constipation and Menopause - How to Deal


Read through Natural Constipation Remedies - Say Goodbye to Constipation far more

Finding natural constipation remedies is now more important than ever because of the society we live in today. We live in a society where we are constantly bombarded with advertisements and commercials about fast foods and other processed foods that do a lot of harm to your body.

Most people have no idea about the existence of natural constipation remedies and they instead go straight to the doctor and get addicted to laxatives.

Why should we choose natural constipation remedies?

When you eat any kind of processed foods, the digestive system has a very hard time breaking the foods down and that has a lot of negative impacts on the body and a lot of the internal systems have a hard time working correctly. This is why the natural constipation remedies are the healthiest choice when it comes to dealing with constipation because these natural constipation remedies integrates well with the body.

The best natural constipation remedies?

You have probably heard me say before that I do not believe in any best remedy because it varies for each person. I can however stand behind the natural remedies because I am a living proof that they work. But as in all areas of life, different individuals have different needs and not everyone will be happy with a Toyota (by the way, I have no idea about what cars are good).

I will however quickly mention some of the natural remedies that are acknowledged to work by different individuals and there is a chance that they can work for you as well.

The different remedies

Flax Seeds: Flax seeds are rich in fiber and a lack in fiber is one of the main reason that people get constipated.

Psyllium Husks: I am surprised that this does not get mentioned that often on the different lists for natural constipation remedies, but it is a great remedy to deal with constipation. It helps put pressure on the colon walls, which contracts the muscle and the feces can easily pass through.

Olive Oil: Olive Oil is a great soldier against constipation because it has a natural laxative function and is filled with many of the essential fatty acids.

These are just some of the natural remedies that can make a great difference in your fight against constipation. What we need to understand with the natural constipation remedies is that they all help to soften the digestive system and supports you in getting a relief.

I would at any time prefer the natural constipation remedies over some chemicals that you can't even pronounce, but if you have severe and life threatening constipation or any other disease for that matter, then you should consult your doctor before looking into the natural constipation remedies.

As someone who suffered from constipation, I can guarantee you that life is much sweeter on the constipation free side and whether it is through prescription drugs or natural constipation remedies is something you decide.

Constipation Cures

Tired of the pain called constipation? Tired of feeling uncomfortable around other people because of your constipation, of not feeling at ease because of the discomfort of the constipation? Then visit us at to get the best treatment available today!

I managed to cure my constipation and I can help you do the same. Visit us Now and find out How to Treat Constipation.

Natural Constipation Remedies - Say Goodbye to Constipation

Study Constipation - How to Keep Your Bowels Moving a lot more

What is constipation?

Constipation is when you have a lower than average bowel movement, usually less than 3 times a week and the stools are usually small, dry and hard. If you suffer from this problem like I have done in the past you may experience various symptoms which can include feeling bloated, sluggishness and bowel movements which are quite uncomfortable.

It is the colon which is at the heart of the problem with this condition. The colon exists to remove water from waste material as it passes from the small intestine into the colon. It serves as a waste material storage place. It helps to move and expel stools from the body. Therefore, constipation can occur if the colon removes too much water causing hard and dry stools, the stool moves slower through the colon or the sufferer is unable to expel the stool even though they feel they need to.

Constipation should be treated when it occurs to reduce abdominal discomfort and other related symptoms so that complications do not occur which could lead to serious problems such as hemorrhoid or fecal impaction. Believe me, it can be very painful if you suffer from haemorrhoids and you develop constipation.

Who suffers from constipation?

Of all the gastrointestinal complaints in North America, Constipation is the most common with over 4.5 million US citizens suffering with it on a regular basis resulting in a staggering 2.5 million visits to the physician every year.

Usually most sufferers are women, especially during pregnancy and following childbirth, children and adults aged 65 and over. However, most of us will suffer from constipation occasionally during some part of our lives to some degree, although it will not be prolonged or serious enough to consult a physician and can usually be corrected by simple treatments, a high fiber diet or laxatives.

Prevention is better than cure.

So how do we avoid becoming constipated in the first place? The simple answer is diet. By putting the right foodstuffs into your mouth at one end, the right consistency of end product will come out the other end!

Although people are now more familiar with the idea of a diet containing more fiber, generally we still do not eat enough. Its not as if fiber is a rare foodstuff. The best fiber is simply fresh fruit and vegetables and certain breakfast cereals. Raw fruit and vegetables are best.

Drinking plenty of fluids can be beneficial in many ways but certainly it helps in the prevention of constipation. About 3 liters a day of water and other fluids. Avoid tea and coffee however, as these have a dehydrating effect.

Doing some form of exercise in which you may be bending or stretching can help bowel movements sufficiently to keep things 'flowing'. If YOU are not very active your bowel and internal organs will not be either.

I have personally suffered from constipation in the past but now stick to a healthy diet and go for brisk walks everyday. This has definitely made a difference to me and has improved my lifestyle.

I hope this article has been of use to you. It is not an in depth piece but an overview of the problems associated with constipation and how to avoid them.

If you require a more details on how to relieve the symptoms of constipation quickly go to []

Stephan Hall


Constipation - How to Keep Your Bowels Moving


Read through Herbal Medicines For Constipation and Diarrhea Treatment much more


This is usually caused by insufficient fiber in the diet. However, lack of fluid, too little exercise, and too much stress can also contribute. Symptoms of the condition include difficult, irregular, and infrequent movements of the bowel. Consult a physician if constipation persists, or immediately if it is associated with vomiting, fever, or abdominal pain


Herbal Medicine

Camomile, hops, fennel, and a natural laxative such as linseed, will ease constipation. Drink herbal teas rather than coffee.

Reflexology and Massage Both can be helpful.

Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:

Acupuncture This can help to relieve stress.


Intolerance of certain foods, a virus, or bacteria can be responsible for diarrhea. It can also be caused by anxiety and a change of diet.


Diet and Nutrition Drink lots of water and peppermint tea to replace lost fluid. If symptoms persist, replace lost salts by regularly drinking a mixture of 1 pt/500mlt water to 1 tablespoonful of sugar and 1 teaspoonful of salt. The water strained off boiled rice is also helpful. Eat plenty of live yogurt or take half a teaspoonful of Lactobacillus acidophilus with a teaspoonful of Lactobacillus bulgaricus in a glass of water three times a day. Avoid solid food.

Herbal Medicine Golden seal, and an infusion of agrimony, plantain, or geranium are helpful, as is peppermint tea.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Dandelion, golden thread and skullcap root are all recommended.

Homeopathy Arsenicum alb. 6c and Pulsatilla 6c.

Acupressure This can help.

Fecal Incontinence

A temporary loss of bowel control can occur as a result of diarrhea. Regular lack of control may result from an injury to the anal muscles (during childbirth or surgery), or from paralysis or dementia. It can also result from fecal impaction, a condition in which feces become stuck in the bowel. This can cause inflammation and lead to the uncontrolled release of small pieces of feces from the rectum.


Diet and Nutrition Follow a high-fiber, wholefood diet, and drink plenty of water (at least six large glasses a day).

Acupressure and Yoga Both of these treatments are helpful, especially the practice of abdominal breathing techniques.

Homeopathy Causticum 6c is often recommended.


Read out for home remedies. Check out pregnancy and homeopathic remedies

Herbal Medicines For Constipation and Diarrhea Treatment


Read through How Constipation Affects Your Colon and Health additional

Seventy percent or more of the population struggles with constipation. Some believe the number is even higher, 80- 90%. The market for laxatives is now approaching 1 billion each year. It appears that constipation is an issue that most of us have to deal with at one time or the other. Using natural means to clear constipation is what this e-book is all about.

I believe that to have good health we need to use mostly foods and supplements that are free of additives and food enhancers that are harmful to the body. We need to eat the right foods and watch how we prepare them so we can digest and absorb them without creating or leaving residues that get turned into toxic matter in our colon.

The first question that a nutritionist or any other health practitioner should ask you on your first visit is, "how many bowel movements do you have each day or each week?"

If you visit a doctor, your colon is the last area they discuss with you. And perhaps, this is an area they may never discuss with you at all.

In his article, The Bowel is an Ecosystem, in Healthy & Natural Journal, April 1997, Majid Ali, M.D. recounts,

"When I returned to the clinical practice of environmental and nutritional medicine after years of pathology work, I began carefully testing the assertions of nutritionists, naturopaths and clinical ecologist who claimed that various types of colitis [a deterioration of your colon wall] could be reversed with optimal nutritional and ecologic approaches. To my great surprise, I found that such professionals, who are usually spurned by drug doctors, were right after all. My patients responded well to the unscientific therapies vehemently rejected by my colleagues in drug medicine."

Without good regular bowel movements and colon function, you will create various illnesses, colon discomforts, and diseases - including constipation.

By concentrating on eliminating constipation and preserving colon health, you can take a major step in preventing many body conditions and illnesses that can shorten your life or make your senior years a miserable time.

As with so many past health practitioners, I believe your colon is so important that any improvement you can make in your colon's health will help you avert many unnecessary illnesses and suffering. If you make only one effort in improving your health, it should be towards creating a clean and healthy colon.

Heart attacks, cancers, senility, pathogenic organisms and so on cause most deaths that occur in the US and throughout the world. There are few deaths related to natural causes or old age.

Your colon provides nutrients and water to all parts of the body. So, when a specific organ has degenerated it is important to see what part colon toxins have played in this degeneration.

If your colon is toxic, the blood will also be toxic. If your colon is toxic, these toxins will gradually reach all parts of your body through the blood and lymph liquid. The result is the body and various organs affected will become less efficient. Overtime this decreased efficiency will cause the body will become diseased and you will lose your good health.

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How Constipation Affects Your Colon and Health

Read through Constipation - More Than A Feeling more

With all the major issues that people have to deal with in life, sometimes it's the small detours that can cause the most problems. There are certain bodily functions which everyone must go through that they'd prefer not to talk about. One such function is constipation. Constipation occurs when people have a hard time emptying their bowels. Some times this process can be very painful. It's hard to define normal bowel movement since everyone is different. But constipation may be the problem if certain conditions take place over a prolonged period such as: straining during bowel movement, hard stools, incomplete release of the bowels and two or less bowel movements in a week.

Constipation is normally a bowel disorder and not a structural one. Some of the causes of constipation can be attributed to eating a lot of dairy products, not enough dietary fiber, not drinking enough water, the lack of exercise, abusing laxatives, and medications such as antidepressants. The lack of nerve and muscle function in the bowel may also cause constipation. Although constipation is a normal fact of life any persistent change in bowel habits should be taken seriously, especially as people get older.

Some of the common symptoms associated with constipation include a bloated feeling in the stomach, abdominal pain and diarrhea. One of the easier ways to treat constipation is by drinking more water and eating more fiber. Fiber can be consumed through fruits and vegetables and whole grain bread. Laxatives maybe used in cases where dietary measures are not effective. In severe cases of constipation enemas maybe given and this procedure would normally occur in a hospital. And only under the most extreme cases would someone need physical intervention to cure their constipation.

Having constipation too long could potentially bring about other physical ailments. One of the complications could be hemorrhoids, which are swollen veins near the anus, caused by straining on the stool for a long time. Too much straining to empty the bowels may cause a part of the intestine to push through the abdominal wall manifesting as a lump, which is known as a hernia. Due to excessive straining muscles could weaken and cause a prolapse of the womb and rectum.

Anyone can get constipated, but some people who may be more affected by the condition can include elderly people which could be due to a lack of a proper diet and taking medications that can cause constipation. Pregnant women are also at risk because of the pressure on their bowels, lack of exercise, and hormonal changes. Travelers also have an increased chance of constipation due to changes in diet, dehydration, and long periods at rest. People who are stressed out because of their hectic lifestyles are also prime candidates for constipation.

Constipation can be just another one of life's little displeasures as long as it's handled properly. But any minor condition can become major, if left untreated. Because of the speed with which most people live their lives, it may be impossible not to get constipated. But once the condition arises, it should be taken seriously.


Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Constipation []

Constipation - More Than A Feeling

Understand Constipation - Causes and Ayurvedic Natural Cure more

Constipation - Causes and Ayurvedic Natural Cure



According to Ayurveda, constipation is caused due to aggravation of vata. But it can also be caused due to aggravation of pitta or kapha.

Wrong eating habits and bowel habits are main reasons for constipation. Eating too much of food that the digestive system can't handle, eating food items that are not easily digested by body, not taking enough fibrous food like fruits and vegetables, irregular sleeping pattern, mental tensions, etc can cause constipation.

The best laxative is triphala. When used as a laxative, triphala strengthens colon. Other laxatives are harsh on colon, which is unfavorable condition. It balances metabolism, thereby ensuring more nourishment to blood. Take a teaspoon of triphala powder at bed time.
Dietary recommendations to Prevent Constipation

Include fruits like papaya, mango, banana, grapes, oranges, apple etc in daily menu.

Carefully chew your food.

Avoid spicy, frozen food items. Also avoid food items that have preservatives.

Avoid food items that are overcooked, refrigerated, preserved or canned. Replace refined starch food items with whole grain food items.

Food prepared with cumin seeds, coriander, turmeric and fennel as condiments are easily digested.
Lifestyle Recommendations to Prevent Constipation

Avoid stressful conditions.

Squat for 10 minutes in the morning and preferably while eliminating.

Make going to toilet early in the morning a habit.

Fast a day per week.

Don't wear very tight belt.

Practice yoga. Several yoga postures are especially beneficial in strengthening colon, promoting appetite and facilitating digestion.

There are generic directions to help you prevent constipation. Follow these rules to prevent constipation.

Dev Sri provides insider information about Ayurvedic herbal medicine practices and Ayurveda in Kerala. Find more about Ayurvedic medicines at

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Read through Constipation in Children much more

Constipation in Children


Constipation usually means difficulty in passing a stool; diminished frequency in opening of the bowels or the passage of hard, dry stools. Constipation is a common childhood problem.

The signs that a child may have constipation include:

pain and straining when going to the toilet. A hard stool can tear the lining of the anus leading to more pain and bleeding.
diarrhoea or soiling. When the bowel is blocked, as in constipation, the body attempts to pass a bowel motion by becoming runny and going around the blocked area. The child may have marks on their underwear or soil themselves when they are undertaking physical exercise. Constipation can also lead to a lack of sensitivity in the muscle of the anus itself so that the feeling of needing to go to the toilet is lost.
stomach or abdominal aches and pains.
other problems such as headaches, skin problems, poor concentration, muscle aches, bad breath and tiredness. These are all associated with the reabsorption of toxins from the bowel and their remaining in general circulation.

What are the causes of constipation?

The most common cause of constipation is a diet high in processed food and low in roughage. These are however, not the only causes. Other causes include the following.

Not drinking enough fluids.
Food allergies or intolerance. Allergies are often associated with cereal and dairy products.
Eating too many wheat based product, such as bread and pasta.
An imbalance in the gastrointestinal bacteria. A recent course of antibiotics or a diet that has a lot of processed foods and sugars can lead to an imbalance of the intestinal flora.
Children who are too involved in what they are doing will sometimes ignore the urge to go to the toilet allowing the motion to become dry and hard to pass.
Iron sulphate is added to some foods such as rice cereals, formulas and drinks such as Milo. In children who are sensitive to this it can lead to constipation.
Stress and anxiety. Like adults the digestive tracts of children contract during stress. This can cause the bowel motion to pass through too quickly (causing diarrhoea) or too slowly, causing too much fluid to be absorbed, resulting in constipation.
Insufficient exercise. Exercise is needed to activate the muscles of the digestive tract and to move the waste material through the intestines.

What can you do about constipation?

You need to treat the existing problem, that is clear the bowel of hard bowel motions, and then work on preventing the situation from recurring. What you can do:

Massage to encourage movement through the large bowel. Have the child lie on their back and knees raised. With warm hands apply gentle pressure. Start from the lower right abdomen, work your way up towards the rib cage, then go across the stomach and down the left side. This is roughly the direction of the bowel and is helpful for stimulating the muscles to move hard stools.
Use juices to assist the intestines. The juices can include prune, apple and lemon. Spinach, watercress and dandelion leaves can be added to milder juices such as carrot, cucumber, beetroot and celery. These can be used in small amounts or diluted.
Increase the consumption of fibre rich foods. These include vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds and at the same time reduce the intake of sweets, chocolate, cakes, bread and white rice. Don't overdo the nuts though, as this can actually be constipating.
Eat meals at a regular time so the bowel is able to get into the habit of moving at certain times.
Increase the amount of water your child drinks. Children need to drink 6 to 8 glasses per day. Using milk, cordials and soft drinks can cause further problems so use filtered water and fresh natural juices as much as possible.
Encourage plenty of physical activity.
Increase the number of friendly bacteria in the bowel by the use of probiotics.
Remind children to go to the toilet.
Change the child's position when they go to the toilet. Place a small stool in front of the toilet so they are able to have their feet on it and this will raise their knees and change the angle of the hips. This will place the child in a position that requires less pushing.. Squatting is the ideal position for all humans when defecating.
Eat plenty of magnesium rich foods. Magnesium is important for muscle contraction and a deficiency in magnesium can cause constipation. Foods rich in magnesium include nuts, whole grains and beans.
Add some psyllium seeds to the diet. For children who are prone to constipation a daily supply of psyllium seeds can help. This is a fiber that helps regulate the activity of the bowel. When mixed with water or diluted juices they can create larger and softer stools. In order to work effectively the seeds need to absorb water so the child needs to drink plenty of fluids. The dosage for children from 3 years of age is 1 teaspoon twice daily added to diluted juice.
Talk to your child about any problems or stresses that they might have. Expressing concerns and receiving reassurance can greatly reduce stresses that may cause or contribute to constipation.

You will need to see a health professional if the constipation is difficult to relieve, if it is associated with a lot of pain or blood or if the child is doing all the right things and the problem is still there. Your health professional will consider the possibility of allergic problems and should explore this more thoroughly.


Brewin, L. 2002, Natural Health for Children. ABC Books.

Hoffmann, D. 2000, The New Holistic Herbal. Element Pub.

Romm, A. 2000, Naturally Healthy Babies and Children. Storey Books.

Smith, L., Walker, L. and Brown, E. 2002, Nature's Pharmacy for Children. Three Rivers Press

Dr Jenny Tylee is an experienced health professional who is passionate about health and wellbeing. She believes that health is not just absence of disease and seeks to actively promote vitality and wellness through empowering others. She encourages people to improve their health by quit smoking, cleansing their body, taking essential vitamin and mineral supplement and many other methods, including herbal remedies.

Read Constipation - What's Really Backing You Up? much more

Constipation - What's Really Backing You Up?


It is incredible how many people are constipated these days. I remember reading a couple years ago in a book that the Emergency Room had changed their definition of constipation to not having a bowel movement in over 3 days because they were having far too many people coming in with constipation (Chek,2004). That's scary to think about that.

First thing that is important to understand is that you should be having at least 1 bowel movement every single day! If you have a healthy digestive tract at least once per day is the minimum (Lipski, 2005). If you're going longer than this, or your stool is compact and hard to pass this means you're constipated. What qualifies as "compact"? Your stool should be similar to the firmness of cookie dough or tooth paste.

Given that you're still reading this article I'm guessing you're having problems with constipation. It's been my experience most people don't invest their down time investigating constipation just for the fun of it. The great news for you is that for most people fixing up constipation isn't too difficult. I've never worked with a person who was constipated that didn't start having healthy bowel movements within 3-6 months. Typically for most within 2-4 weeks they start to get rid of their constipation with a few easy changes to their nutrition and lifestyle.

If you are chronically or frequently constipated there are a number of reasons that you may want to get your bowel movements working properly. I have seen my clients who struggle with constipation experience some of the following changes through making nutrition and lifestyle changes: flatter stomach, disappearance bloating and stomach cramping, losing 2-4 pounds, acne and other skin conditions gone, energy levels sky rocketing, and a host of other great side effect.

If that isn't enough to get your feeling really motivated about getting your bowel movements on track you can look at the fact that 1 in 14 women and 1 in 15 men will develop colorectal cancer in their lifetime (Colon Cancer Canada, ND). And this number is and has been on the rise for several years. Hopefully that fact makes these lifestyle and nutrition changes seem a lot easier to make.

First thing you are going to want to test is how long it takes food to start to go from your mouth to the toilet bowl. This will give you an idea of how backed up you are. This test is incredibly complicated and expensive... okay I lied it's actually only going to cost you a couple bucks. All you have to do is go to your grocery store and purchase some beets (real beats unprocessed, not canned).

Okay now for the complicated test. Cook the beets however you like, bake them, boil them, whatever floats your boat. Eat the beets for lunch with whatever you normally would have. Then.......wait and see how long it takes until you have a bowel movement where you can see red in your stool. The beets will leave a stain of red in your stool and this will tell you how long it took to get from your mouth out the back door so to speak. Okay maybe the test isn't that complicated, but I'm simple guy I like simple tests.

With my clients ideally I would like them to start seeing the beets 12-24 hours after they ate them. If it falls in this time frame your bowel movements are moving through you at a good pace. You will probably see the beets for 1-2 more bowel movements after the initial one, don't' worry this is normal. If you don't see them for over 24 hours you are defiantly backed up.

Why are you constipated? Well everyone is different and there could be a number of different reasons why. First it might be a good idea to talk to your physician to make sure that there are no mechanical problems. If your physician gives you the all clear, I can tell you from my own experience working with people there are a few incredibly common reasons why you're probably backed up.

1. Dehydration: This is the most common cause in my experience working with my clients. Most people tell me I drink plenty of fluids this can't be the problem. Stop and read all of this to make sure you are not dehydrated. First you should be drinking ยฝ an ounce for every pound of body weight. I weigh around 150 pounds so the minimum water I should consume in a day is 75 ounces or around 2.5 litters.

Now when I say water I mean water.......not beverages that contain water. I don't mean coke, sprite, juice, flavoured water, alcohol, coffee, tea, etc. I mean WATER. Caffeine also dehydrates you. Take out all coffee, teas, energy drinks, pop, etc. Even if it is "decaf" most of them still actually contain caffeine, just less of it than normal. So take them out of your diet. If you aren't going to take these out of your diet understand this is probably a huge factor if not the cause of your constipation. If you won't take them out of your diet at least increase water 250ml or a cup for every cup of those beverages you drink in addition to the ยฝ ounce for every pound of body weight mentioned above.

2. Processed Food: Most people this day and age have no idea what they are putting into their mouth. When was the last time you actually read all the ingredients on the label of any of the food you ate? Start reading the ingredients and pay attention to how many ingredients you can find that are some chemical you've never heard of! I could get someone with a PHD in biochemistry and they wouldn't know what the hell was in most of the food at our grocery stores.

The thing is your intestines and liver don't' have a clue what the hell that "food" is either. This often times causes issues with people getting backed up. Start reading the labels of all the food you put in your mouth. If you don't recognize an ingredient that's listed don't put it into your body! Find an alternative food that you can actually read all the ingredients listed.

Okay there you go, you have the two biggest causes of constipation. If you aren't doing those two things right now, start working on them. Once you've been getting enough water for 4 weeks in a row and once you haven't eaten any food with ingredients you don't recognize for 4 weeks see how your bowel movements improve.

You can re-check your transit time using the really "expensive" and "complicated" test we went through above. If you're still not getting a healthy transit time or your stool is still compact and hard to pass then give me a call at (613) 818-5334 or shoot me an email at to book a free consultation because you could have other more complicated barriers such as food intolerances, parasites, or fungal issues that are possibly related to your constipation.

Chek, P., 2004. "How to Eat Move and Be Healthy." C.H.E.K Institute, San Diego, CA.
Lipski, E., 2005. "Digestive Wellness." McGraw-Hill Companies, New York, NY.
Colon Cancer Canada, (ND). "Fast Facts on Colorectal Cancer." Retrieved from

Paul Graham is Nutritionist and Holistic Lifestyle Coach who is certified in Functional Diagnostic Nutrition. He works with clients on restoring vitality back to their body by coaching them on strategic nutrition and lifestyle changes they can make to reach peak health.

He works with a variety of clients located all over the world through distance coaching. His clients often have different health concerns such as: digestion, skin conditions, sleep issues, chronic fatigue, trouble with weight loss, and pre & post menopause symptoms. If you're looking for more information you can check him out online at [] or follow his blog at

Understand What Causes Constipation? much more


Constipation occurs when bowel movements occur less often than three times per week. Dry, small, hard stools that are difficult to eliminate are characteristic. However, infrequent elimination of three or more times a week may be normal for some people and does not signal constipation.

Some people think constipation is a condition, but it is really just a symptom. If it is a temporary, occasional occurrence, then it probably isn't anything to be concerned over. It is often experienced by pregnant women, or those who have recently given birth but it is most common in women over the age of sixty-five.

Most of the problems from constipation come from the colon. This is the area where water is absorbed from the food that is digested. Stools are formed and then muscles push them out of the rectum. If the colon absorbs too much water, the result is dry stools that move too slowly through the colon.

One of the biggest causes of constipation is a lack of fiber in the diet. We get fiber from eating fruits and vegetables, as well as grains. Some fiber is soluble, which means it will dissolve in water. Insoluble fiber passes through the intestines almost unchanged. Fiber keeps things moving smoothly through the colon.

Sometimes people put off the urge to have a bowel movement which can result in losing the urge to have them. Children are more likely than anyone to put off having a bowel movement because they don't want to interrupt their play. Some medications can cause constipation as well as some types of illnesses.

Regardless of what causes constipation, the most common treatment is the use of laxatives. If this is a temporary condition, laxatives will probably take care of the problem. However, if this is an ongoing problem that you treat with laxatives on a regular basis, you are in danger of causing damage to your digestive system. Laxatives can be addictive to the point that you may come to rely on them just to have a bowel movement.

Some people believe that constipation occurs when food and toxins build up in their body. Dried feces sticks to the intestinal walls and toxins that result from eating junk food never pass from their body. Over a period of time, they believe the body begins poisoning itself. Colon cleansing has gotten to be a popular way of flushing out the digestion tract.

Colon flushing also involves using fiber as a way to clean out your digestive system. This is a process that is performed over a period of several weeks, as opposed to taking a laxative which usually works in a matter of hours. Colon cleansing is also said to clean out parasites that a majority of people have in their systems.

What do professionals say? Many of them criticize the methods used to cleanse one's colon. They say that the reality is, all the things people claim to "wash out" of their digestive tracts simply don't exist. It can cause your colon not to be able to absorb the nutrients that it normally does and it may lead to dehydration. Since dehydration is part of the problem in the first place, it may only increase the constipation.

If it's occasional, treat it with a laxative. If it's more frequent, get a diagnosis to be sure you don't increase the problem.

We have all experience constipation at one point in our live and we know it is no laughing matter. For more information on colon cleaners please visit our site.

What Causes Constipation?


Go through Effective Constipation Remedies much more

There are many constipation remedies but usually the most simple ones are the most effective. Constipation can hinder you pretty much useless throughout the day and make it impossible for you to feel healthy. I know when I'm constipated I drink plenty of water until things start moving downstairs. Water won't do it alone so you have to eat lots of fiber foods, cereal, whole grains, and fruits. To keep my constipation at bay I drink a couple glass of water in the morning, a couple more during lunch time, then finally a few more around the evening.

Sometimes when my constipation and water didn't help, I even tried prune juice; it's an old person drink but very effective. Before constipation even starts its good to manage your diet and eliminate the foods that will cause your constipation. Cheese in my enemy so I know if I eat too much cheese i''m get in trouble.

The worst case scenario is that if you are really desperate to get rib of your constipation is a colon detox. This will help you cleanse your system from all the unwanted waste that causes your back up. I did a colon cleanse once in my life and I never want to get to that point again. Some people do a colon cleanse periodically to ensure their system is the best it can be. Constipation remedies are out there but the best ones are right in your home already by drinking water, eating fiber foods, exercising, colon detox.

Constipation Cures
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Effective Constipation Remedies

Examine How to Cure Newborn Constipation extra

How to Cure Newborn Constipation

Constipation Cures

Constipation Cures

Newborn babies' most commonly encountered diseases are usually associated with constipation, where they have infrequent or difficult bowel removal. This malfunction can be traced back to either a lack of water in their diet or poor coordination between the nerves and muscles of the colon and bowel. The normal frequency of fecal removal among babies is on a daily basis.

When food is digested, it travels down the intestines that absorb water and nutrients. The unabsorbed components of the food become feces. This is only possible though when there is enough water left in the unabsorbed materials. In order for the fecal matter to move out of the rectum, the muscles in the lower intestines and rectum must be capable of making appropriate contraction and relaxation. Another identified culprit of constipation among infants is the switch from breast milk to formula or vice versa. Milk incompatibility could also be another cause.

On Your Baby's Poop

Within twenty-four hours, infants have their first fecal removal after birth. The stools are usually thick and sticky, which progress to soft yellow in the first week of their lives. On an average basis, breastfed babies poop eight to ten times up to their first week. Month-old babies who are breastfed have the normal habit of removing their bowels to four times a day. Those who are formula-fed of this age poop lesser compared to their breastfed counterparts. Their stool is usually tan or yellow and much harder. At two months old, babies remove their stools once or twice in a day.

The Danger of Constipation Among Babies

Infants who do not remove their bowels within the span of forty-eight hours from their birth must be immediately subjected to more thorough medical evaluation because it could mean a more serious malfunction such as:

" Hypothyroidism, a hormonal imbalance
" Meconium ileus
" Hirschsprung's disease

Newborn Constipation Cures

Available remedies that parents can do for their infants are simple, but a doctor's advice must be sought. Some of these remedies are the following:

- Breastfeed infants because the most digestible food for them is breastmilk.
- Feed the babies with water by using an eye dropper, or when they are already capable of suckling a bottle, provide them a bottle of water a day.
- Dilute 1/16 tablespoon of magnesium in water and administer the mixture to the infants by using a bottle.
- Gently massage the infants' abdomen using gentle little circular motions from left to right and up to down as often as ten times a day.
- A teaspoon a day of flax oil that may be mixed with breastmilk or water and fed using a bottle also helps prevent constipation.
- Administer an infant enema: Prepare lukewarm water. Place it into a bulb syringe. Use olive oil to ready the syringe and anus of the infant. Be sure that the bulb does not contain air bubbles. Insert the tip into the infant's anus at half an inch. Squeeze the lukewarm water in a very gentle manner. Repeat the procedure until the baby defecates. Consult with your pediatrician before doing an enema!

For another article on 11 Ways to Cure Newborn Constipation head on over to Colon Health Advice for more high-quality and easy to read articles.

Examine Constipation - Not All Fibre Is Created Equal a lot more


Who is an expert in constipation? A doctor, a nurse, a scientist, a nutritionist or someone who has spent a lifetime challenged with it. I fall into the last category. I have researched constipation, its cause and possible solutions for years; I have battled constipation until now.

My challenge has been arduous, expensive, embarrassing, frustrating, depressing and painful.

My earliest memories to well into my forties were filled with uncertainty and daily discomfort. My day's events were always influenced by the distress of constipation. Something as simple as choosing my wardrobe for the day was influenced by how I thought my body would feel as if I suspected "today" was going to be one of "those" days, I could wear nothing fitted. I tried over-the-counter laxatives, stool softeners, "just add water" gooey drinks, prescription strength remedies and suppositories. No long term relief. Zero.

For some inexplicable and mysterious reason my body would not process food more frequently than about once a week sometimes longer. That familiar yet infrequent sensation of wanting to "poop" would come but relief quickly turned to anxiety as I knew there would be pain; pain from passing waste that was now impacted inside my body. What really became unsettling and disturbing was thinking about the toxins and rotting food now filling my intestines and colon.

Over the years advice from family, friends, doctors and pharmacists was: "Eat fibre. Drink water". I did. For thirty-five years, I ate bran cookies, bran cereal, bran muffins, bran everything, I even put bran on my ice cream. No relief.

In my thirties, a doctor diagnosed me with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, IBS. While I felt temporary elation that my symptom had a label, my jubilation was short-lived as research revealed IBS to be a mysterious "condition" with varying symptoms relating to the stomach, intestines or colon.

Was my problem a food allergy? A structural intestinal problem? A spastic colon? Or something else?

Years of doctors' visits, innumerable diagnostic tests and thousands of dollars spent on "over-the-counter" remedies and pharmaceuticals was now reduced to an acronym and two words: IBS, fibre and water. It was as good a place as any to begin my own research to find my cure.

Research I did.

With formality and technical terms aside let me share with you what I learned.

Constipation is a symptom, not a disease or a condition. Constipation feels like your body is bloated, you feel like your bowel is full but you feel unable to poop.

To better understand the "mechanics" of constipation you need to know the basics of what happens to food when you eat it. Swallowed food makes its way into and through the stomach then into and through the intestines and arrives in the colon. Food, now "waste", sits in the colon in a gelatinous and bulky form; gelatinous because of soluble fibre and bulky because of insoluble fibre. The colon now performs two functions: it draws moisture out of the waste and the colon muscles contract to push the waste through to the rectum on its way to elimination.

Constipation occurs when the waste spends too much time in the colon. As the waste sits in the colon, the colon continues to draw out moisture and if the colon muscles are slow to contract, the waste continues to sit becoming drier and drier. When the colon muscles finally "kick in" passing dry waste is often painful.

While constipation for some can be mysterious like it was for me, there are some generalities that lend to constipation: immobility; surgery; medication; dehydration; maladies within the intestines, colon or rectum; travel; resisting the urge to poop; conditions or disease; and DIET.

Immobility due to surgery or accidents or simple lack of exercise, experts say, can all be precursors to constipation. Walking stimulates the abdominal muscles and gastrointestinal tract which can assist in relieving constipation.

Narcotics, some antacids, blood pressure medication, iron supplements, diuretics, antidepressants and many other medications are known to cause constipation.

The abuse of laxatives is also shown to cause constipation due to its inherent habit-forming nature; the body becomes dependent on the laxatives to perform. Did you know that "over-the-counter" laxatives are the biggest self-treatment aid purchased in the United States to the tune of $725 million a year?

Some conditions and diseases including metabolic diseases like diabetes; neurologic diseases like Multiple Sclerosis or systemic diseases like Lupus can lead to constipation.

DIET. The understated, misunderstood and highly overlooked contributor to constipation: What you eat?

It is too easy to say, "Eat fibre and drink water". It is critical to understand what fibre really is, the role it plays in your body and the equally important consideration of the balance of your diet.

Fibre comes from plants. Fibre is either soluble or insoluble. Understanding the difference, for me, was the solution for my constipation.

Soluble fibre is found in beans, oats, some fruits and vegetables, some rooted vegetables and in psyllium. Soluble fibre absorbs water as it travels through your body becoming "goopy" and gelatinous.
Insoluble fibre is found in wheat, nuts, seeds, some vegetables and some fruits. Insoluble fibre absorbs water and "swells" in your colon and makes for bulky stools.

You NEED both.

You must also understand that diets comprised of fats, cheese, eggs, processed or refined foods and meat do not lend well to healthy digestion and pooping; these food items contain virtually no fibre and gives your body no assistance in passing waste.

What Can You Do?

Eat a combination of soluble and insoluble fibre.
"Label read" to meet the suggested intake of 20 to 35 grams of fibre daily. Remember nearly all refined and processed food is stripped of natural fibre.
Drink as much water as you can remember to drink. Understanding that fibre needs moisture for it to work is essential to stave off constipation.
If you are prone to constipation, limit foods that have little or no fiber, such as dairy, cheese, meat, and processed foods.
Eat a well-balanced, high-fiber diet that includes beans, bran, whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables.
Do not ignore the urge to have a bowel movement.
Create a ritual or a routine in the mornings. Consume a warm cup of tea or warm water with lemon, eat a fibrey breakfast and set aside time that is undisturbed to allow your body to respond.
Whenever a significant or prolonged change in bowel habits occurs, check with a doctor.

My quest to find a prepared food item that met my soluble and insoluble fibre standards failed. Instead I tested my own variations of fibre, fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts and came up with a muffin, I call a SmartBar, that cured me of my constipation. My personal success over constipation has been the platform for my dedication to assisting others who are equally challenged. There is hope!

Here is to "fibre" both soluble and insoluble!

Jacquie MacDonald

Jacquie's Smart Foods is dedicated to creating quality, great tasting fibre-filled foods that are preservative-, dairy-, egg-, wheat-, and sugar-free for the diabetic, athlete, vegan, those with food allergies, anyone interested in a healthy gastrointestinal tract and YOU.

Jacquie MacDonald

Jacquie's Smart Foods is dedicated to creating foods that are preservative-, dairy-, egg-, wheat-, and sugar-free for the diabetic, athlete, vegan, and those with allergies to wheat, dairy and egg and anyone interested in a health.

Constipation - Not All Fibre Is Created Equal


Go through 7 Tips For Overcoming Constipation much more

Almost everyone is troubled by constipation once in a while, but when constipation is prolonged or becomes chronic then it becomes a serious health problem and needs to be dealt with. In this article I will give some natural, life-style based, tips that you can use to prevent and cure constipation.

Before I go on to the tips, it should be remembered that while constipation by itself is uncomfortable and annoying, it becomes more than an annoyance if it is allowed to continue. Constipation plays a role in the onset of ailments such as cancer, heart disease, appendicitis, diabetes, hernia, abnormal menstruation and other diseases. If you are not able to move your bowels at least one time per day, then you need to take some action now if you want to prevent serious health problems later on in your life.

It is better not to try to solve the problem with laxatives alone. Like many medicines, laxatives treat the symptoms but do not offer a long-term cure to the problem. Here are some natural ways in which you can fight constipation:

1. Get plenty of fresh air each day

If you are cooped up in a room or office and don't go outside then your digestive system will not work properly. Kids who play outside seldom get constipated, and likewise for anyone who has a job which entails outdoor labor. Make it a point to go outside and take a walk in the fresh air each day. Breathe deeply and walk until you have worked up a sweat and then you will know that you have taken enough air.

2. Drink a lot of water

Water helps your digestive system to function. It is said that "water is a cure for all diseases." A healthy person should drink around four liters (quarts) of water per day. Start the day with a glass of water and keep drinking continuously through the day. It is not good to drink all the water at one time, and it is especially bad for heart patients to drink a lot all in one sitting. If you have constipation in the morning, start drinking and keep drinking; the water will act as a natural laxative. It is also helpful to put a little bit of lemon and salt in the water.

3. Use the toilet as soon as you get an urge to "go"

Another old saying says that "If you are in doubt about whether to eat or not, then don't eat. However, if you are not sure whether or not to use the toilet, then use the toilet." Listen to the demands of your body and as soon as you get the call of nature, then respond. If you delay, then it may not be possible for you to move your bowels later on.

4. Eat fresh and fibrous foods daily

It is very important to include fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your daily diet. If you only eat processed foods and refined starch products then you are inviting constipation. When I am troubled by constipation I like to cure it with a "leafy lunch." I eat a big lettuce salad and a large portion of steamed spinach and it usually does the trick.

5. Squat at the toilet

In many parts of Asia you have no choice in the matter. The toilets are holes in the ground or porcelain holes and you are obliged to squat down to relieve yourself. This is the natural position for defecation and it is superior to sitting on the "porcelain throne" that is found in western toilets. You don't have to rip out your plumbing and dig a hole in the floor. You can get a better position by squatting on the rim of your toilet bowl. (You may find it strange, but no one will see you and it will definitely help you to eliminate the waste that is accumulating in your body).

6. Learn and practice yoga postures and mudras

There are several yoga postures that prevent constipation. These postures put gentle pressure on the digestive system and help the natural process of your body. Visit a competent instructor and ask for yoga postures that help the digestive system.

7. Exercise daily

One of the causes of constipation is a weak liver, and a major cause of liver weakness is lack of exercise. Combine exercise with the taking of fresh air, and walk briskly, jog or run, or practice some outdoor sport and you can overcome one of the root causes of constipation.

Finally, if you really want to relieve the problem immediately, you can flush out your intestines with a half liter to one liter of warm water. Here's how to do it: add the juice of one lemon to the water and then add plenty of salt (a tablespoon should do the trick and the solution should taste both lemony and salty). The more salt you add the surer the water will move through the body without being absorbed. If you do a full day's fast or a half day's fast before taking the lemon water, then you can get excellent results.

Incorporate these points into your daily life and you will seldom be troubled by constipation.


Dada Vedaprajinananda is a senior yoga teacher with the Ananda Marga meditation society ( You can find more health and self-improvement articles like this one at

7 Tips For Overcoming Constipation


Study How to Cure Constipation Through Fruits a lot more

How to Cure Constipation Through Fruits

Constipation Cures

Constipation Cures

Constipation is a condition where you feel difficulty in passing motion or take a few days to do one purge. If you are suffering from constipation, you are advised to eat more fruits and vegetables to increase your fiber intake. Water and other fluids (especially fruits and vegetable juice) also play an important role in cleaning and toning your intestinal tract. If you are looking for the list of fruits that may help you in relieving constipation, then you can stop your search now. This is the article you were looking for...

List of fruits that help in constipation cure -

1. Papaya - Take half a medium-sized papaya at breakfast daily. It act as a natural laxative and helps in colon cleansing and relieving constipation.

2. Orange - Taking one or two oranges at bedtime and again on rising in the morning is an effective way of stimulating the bowels.

3. Grapes - Take at least 350 gm of grapes daily to clear the bowel. It tones up the stomach and intestines and relieves the most chronic constipation.

4. Guava - Take one or two guavas everyday to cure constipation. Guava when eaten with seeds provides roughage to the diet and helps in the normal evacuation of the bowels.

5. Pear - Take a glass of pear juice daily for few days to cure your problem or in ordinary cases, a medium-sized pear taken after dinner or with breakfast will have the desired effect.

6. Bael fruit - Bael fruit cleans and tones up the intestines and throws out even the very old accumulated fecal matter if taken regularly for two or three months.

There are some herbal combinations that can also be used to improve your colon's health and get your bowels moving again. Triphala is one among them. It contains equal proportion of three natural herbs haritaki, amalaki and bibhitaki. It not only cleanses your colon but also cure constipation from the root.

Read more about Triphala and know how it can cure your constipation from the root. Also read home remedies for constipation at Natural cures website - a health guide to make you and your family fit and healthy.

Understand Green Tea is a Natural Remedy For Constipation more

If you are looking for a natural remedy for constipation, there is help.

Although each person's routine is different, you pretty much know when you're constipated. However, you might not know what's causing the problem.

Green tea is considered a natural cure for constipation mainly because it promotes "friendly" bacteria in the intestines thereby encourages bowel regularity.

These friendly bacteria helps increase your resistance to infection, helps maintain bowel regularity, and promotes digestion. It has also been reported that regular consumption of green tea results in a reduced odor from the feces.

Constipation can also be caused by stress, dehydration, hemorrhoids, or anal fissures. A colon with weak muscle tone can also cause constipation.

If there aren't any serious underlying causes, there is a natural constipation relief.

Make sure you drink plenty of water. Water adds soft bulk to stools. It's also required by the cells of the colon to lubricate the stools' passage.

You should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. If you're physically active or if you drink coffee or soda that makes you urinate often, you should drink 12 glasses a day.

Dietary fiber absorbs water and makes stools fuller and easier to pass.

Good food sources include prunes, apples, kidney beans, and other legumes, and other oats.

Prune juice, of course, can help you with your problem.

Although it's best to get your fiber from food sources, you can also take a supplement when your meals aren't supplying enough.

If you can afford, eat organic foods. They are healthier choice because they are free from hormones, pesticides, and preservatives. These chemicals are toxic to our system which causes a "traffic" or delay to the normal flow.

In the long run, you would be saving money by buying organic items because you will be a lot healthier, thereby less prone to sickness.

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Green Tea is a Natural Remedy For Constipation

Understand Constipation in Children extra

What is Constipation anyway ?

There are different definitions in some dictionaries it's defined as a condition in which bowel emptying occurs infrequently or in which the stools are hard and small or where bowel movement causes difficulty or pain.

Doctors prefer using a practical working definition such as the irregular bowel movements (passage of stool ) less than 3 times a week , frequently associated with difficulty, straining and discomfort during defecation.

Here are some facts that Mothers should know about constipation :

Children who are Breast fed have an average of three stools per day.

Bottle fed Babies have an average of two stools per day.

As long as your Child has no pain, does not strain during defecation and stool is not hard ,infrequent defecation (e.g. every other day) should be considered normal.
What your doctor may ask in the history :

Take a detailed and careful dietary history as this plays a significant role in constipation.

Your social and family history will also be asked and it's important that you give a detailed history as this will give a clue to the problem.

For instance you may be asked ,if there was a delay in passing meconium -the first stool of a new born baby within 48 hours .

Constipation at a very early age which may suggest something more sinister for example Hirschsprung's Disease which is associated with failure to thrive, abdominal distension and vomiting.

Does your child have adequate fibre rich food and daily fluid intake ?

Does your child have Cow's milk intolerance (more commonly associated with diarrhoea) ?

Is your child on any regular medications?

He may also want to exclude other possible causes.

An adequate social history is essential , for instance fear of defecation .

Previous pain or coercive potty training may cause toddlers to withhold defecation.

Domestic stress or lack of privacy (For example in school lavatories) may do the same for older children.

Your Doctor should also exclude painful anal problems such as fissures, perianal skin infection, sexual abuse as possible causes of the constipation.
Examinations usually carried out:

Palpation ( feeling with the palm) of the abdomen may demonstrate distension or faecal loading.

Digital Rectal examination is usually not recommended in children unless in exceptional circumstances.

Plain abdominal X-rays are not recommended (except to confirm faecal impaction and overflow where the presentation is diarrhoea).

Studies like - Solid marker transit, are occasionally necessary where rectal retention or colonic inertia is suspected (child swallows radio-opaque markers over 3 days and X-ray taken on day 5).
Management of Constipation in Children

Remember normal children have a wide variation of frequency of defecation and hardness of stool.

Treatment is aimed at those with pain on defecation, severe straining, overflow incontinence or soiling. The cause if known should be treated.

Your Doctor will encourage diet rich in fibre with adequate fluid intake - unless the cause is gastrointestinal obstruction, mega colon, or colonic inertia/hypotonia.

If diet alone is unsuccessful your Doctor will then consider medication .

Stool softeners/osmotic laxatives initially (eg lactulose) or bulking-forming agents (eg ispaghula husk, methylcellulose).

If these fail, he may consider adding in a stimulant laxative (e.g senna, bisacodyl or sodium picosulfate syrup); as combination therapy (e.g lactulose and senna) may be effective where single drugs fail.

Treatment may be needed for many months, with the doses slowly being reduced to reduce the likelihood of re-impaction. More extreme measures include the use of bowel preparation techniques ( Picolax® - unlicensed indication) or manual evacuation under GA. When Your Doctor will consider referring your child to Paediatric Specialist? :

If constipation is prolonged (>6 months), Treatment unsuccessful,

Frequent soiling and distress,

The constipation is interfering with school or social relationships.

He may also involve community paediatric nurses where available, with health visitors and/or school nurses and social workers to provide support network for child and family.

Severe psychological problems may need the help of child psychologists.Psychological problems such as distress ,depression ,anxiety and others.
When will your Doctor consider referring your child to a Paediatric Specialist ? :

If constipation is prolonged (more than 6 months) and treatment has been unsuccessful,

Frequent soiling and distress.

The constipation is interfering with school or social relationships.

The Doctor may also involve community paediatric nurses where available, with health visitors and/or school nurses and social workers to provide support network for child and family.

Severe psychological problems may need the help of child psychologist.

Dr Jacqueline A

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Constipation in Children
