Understand Constipation Cures Exposed! a lot more

Constipation Cures

If you're suffering from constipation, you are no doubt looking for some answers to bring relief. Treatments for constipation vary with the type of constipation from which you're suffering. Most people do not know that they should have 1 bowel movement for each meal they eat. At a minimum people should have two bowel movements daily.

If you experience constipation for more than 1 week, you should consult your healthcare provider to determine the cause of your problem. Most people are suffering as a result of lifestyle changes and choices. For some people, though, constipation can signal a more serious problem such as a bowel obstruction or even colon cancer. If your bowel movements smell foul it is your body giving you a warning signal! Listen to your body.

If you're diagnosed with a bowel obstruction, you and your physician will have to make a decision about appropriate treatment. If you're suffering from constipation as a result of lifestyle, there are several treatment options for you.

Changing your diet. People who have chronic constipation will almost certainly need a change in diet. Increasing the amount of fiber in the diet can help relieve chronic problems with constipation. Eating raw fruits and vegetables, brown wild rice, flaxseeds, bran and whole grain cereals will provide a good source of fiber.

Adding exercise. It's also important to increase the amount of activity you're getting. Starting an exercise program can help regulate your bowels. Exercise can be as simple as taking a brisk 20 minute walk every morning of evening.

Keeping your body hydrated. People who suffer from constipation are often dehydrated. Make sure to drink 6-8 glasses of purified water each day. Avoid tap water!

Tap water can contain harmful chemicals, viruses and bacteria. I recommend adding raw organic apple cider vinegar to the water you drink. Organic apple cider vinegar has been used for centuries as a remedy for all sorts of health problems.

Check your medications. Many medications are the cause of constipation. Check with your healthcare provider to make sure that you're not making your problem worse with prescriptions. Be aware that there are natural alternatives available if you know where to find them. A good source of information and high tech natural alternatives to prescription drugs and surgery can be found at http://www.globalhealingcenter.com

Be wary of laxatives. Try to avoid over-the-counter laxatives. They are often very harsh on the large intestine and overuse can actually cause more problems with constipation. Laxatives can cause serious health problems such as diarrhea, bloating, dehydration and damage to the intestinal lining.

Herbal remedies. Many herbal supplements are designed to aid in constipation. If you decide to try an herbal remedy, make sure that you talk with your physician first. Some herbal remedies interfere with prescription medications you may be taking. We suggest the following: Pure aloe vera, ginger, senna, yerba mate. The best is a concentrated green formula such as "Perfect Food OM" manufactured by Garden of Life.

Improve your bowel habits. Try to go the bathroom at the same time every day, after meals and as soon as you feel the urge. Give yourself enough time to go to the bathroom. Never, Never hold in a bowel movement.

Cleanse the colon weekly. It may be a good idea to begin a colon-cleansing program every week that will help remove impacted feces from the large intestine. It's best to participate in a program, such as using oxygen colon cleansers such as "Oxy-Powder", that is non-invasive and will not remove the good bacteria in the large intestine. Oxy-Powder will also deliver oxygen into your system. This is the secret used by the stars in Hollywood.

It's always best to seek the advice of a healthcare professional before beginning any treatment option. Everyone's body is a little different. You'll want to make sure that your treatment choice is safe and will be effective for your body.

A prolific author, Dr. Edward Group has written seven books and dozens of articles on subjects such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, ultimate health, constipation, pain relief and more... In addition he is editor of the worldwide Internet monthly newsletter Alternative Health and Healing.

His latest work, "Transforming Your Health in 90 Days or Less!" shows people the seven most important steps to feeling good and looking younger without using drugs or surgery. Dr. Edward Group's knowledge of alternative/natural protocols is thorough and his expression is opinionated and passionate. He never fails to share inside tips and helpful ideas that his audience can gain immediate benefit from.

A prolific author, Dr. Edward Group has written seven books and dozens of articles on subjects such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, ultimate health, constipation, pain relief and more... In addition he is editor of the worldwide Internet monthly newsletter Alternative Health and Healing.

His latest work, “Transforming Your Health in 90 Days or Less!” shows people the seven most important steps to feeling good and looking younger without using drugs or surgery. Dr. Edward Group’s knowledge of alternative/natural protocols is thorough and his expression is opinionated and passionate. He never fails to share inside tips and helpful ideas that his audience can gain immediate benefit from.


Constipation Cures Exposed!

Constipation Cures

Examine How Constipation Remedies Move Your Bowels Naturally? additional

While constipation remedies can do wonders, the best relief for constipation continues to be prevention. Living a healthier life by eating and doing right is a natural constipation remedy that would naturally keep you away from all miserable feeling that comes along with constipation or any gastrointestinal problem for good. Here are a few of the lifestyle changes and activities you can do as a form of constipation prevention. Like any other health concern, prevention is the best policy to avoid the negative impact of constipation in our day to day life.

1. Move Your Body To Move Bowels. Aside from keeping your body healthy, exercise can be a good constipation relief by making your organs functions properly. Sedentary people are more prone to constipation than active ones. A simple morning walk can go a long way both as a healthier way of life and as a constipation relief.

2. Heed The Call Of Nature. If you find yourself fighting the urge to make a bowel movement just because you do not want to go to a public toilet or your schedule's too tight, DON'T IGNORE IT. The best time to move bowels is when your natural urge is there.

3. Take Your Time. Patience can be a true cure for constipation if you take into account the fact that making a bowel movement takes time. Actually if you are trying to move your bowels in a rush manner, you may not be able to pass stool at all, so relax a little bit and be patient.

4. Potty-Training. Children aren't the only ones who need toilet-training. You can train yourself by choosing a specific time and retiring to the bathroom whether you have the urge to make a bowel movement or not. Soon, your body would recognize the routine as the time when it has to move your bowels and moving will naturally become a regular thing.

5. Drink Up. Water is very important for your organs and that includes your intestines. If your intestines contain sufficient amounts of fluids, your stool tend to be softer making it easier to pass. However, there are many people who fail to see water as a natural constipation relief and tend to limit the amount of water they drink to 8 glasses or less in a day. Though, many health care professionals advise you to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, our modern diet of high-sodium, high-fat and high-cholesterol calls for more than 8 glasses.

6. Dairy. If you are suffering from constipation, keeping a food diary can be a good way to keep track of the kinds of food you are eating. This way, you can check the food you ate the other day if you are experiencing from constipation today.

When A Natural Remedy For Constipation No Longer Works

There are many reasons why most of us are suffering from constipation like stress, sedentary lifestyle, or unhealthy diet. However, there are cases, when natural constipation treatment no longer works and issue with constipation is caused by a more serious medical condition and can be a symptom of the disease.

If changes in your lifestyle and diet fail to get a good results and your constipation problem persists and/or becomes severe, you should consult your physician immediately for a better diagnosis of your condition.

Constipation Cures

Stuart Griffin is a freelance writer. She widely writes for health and wellness. She prides herself in finding the best constipation treatment [http://www.hghhealthshop.com/a-constipation-remedy-that-help-move-bowels-the-natural-way/] online. She agrees that the best constipation cure are found at newcolonsweep.

How Constipation Remedies Move Your Bowels Naturally?

Constipation Cures

Go through Most Popular Worldwide Remedies for Constipation additional

Most Popular Worldwide Remedies for Constipation

Constipation Cures

Constipation is an annoying problem of the digestive system. However, it is referred differently by different individuals. For most of the individuals, it is referred as the occurrence of infrequent stools. For others, it is hardening of stools as well which may be explained with straining during stool pass, sense of incomplete emptying of bowel etc. According to medical terminology, normally constipation is referred to a condition lesser than three bowel movement in a week, whereas, chronic stage implies less than one bowel movement in a week.

There are various useful treatments available to get rid off constipation problems. However, in some cases, one may depend on constipation remedy to solve constipation problems. In this article, we will be focusing on different constipation remedies popular in different countries and cultures.

Egyptian remedy for constipation

Egypt is recognized as one of the oldest culture in the world. Ancient Egyptian people showed their excellence in various areas including the area of medicine. In their oldest medicinal books, they described constipation remedy as well. Aloe Forex is referred to as a good constipation remedy that functions effectively as a natural laxative on the digestive system. It is widely popular because of its natural ability to work against inflammatory digestive complications.

Apart from that, senna is found in Egypt since ancient period which is well-known as the world's safest laxative. Sometimes, digestive problems can cause bad breath. Senna as a mouthwash offers effective relief from bad breath as well.

More than eight hundred years ago, Egyptians used honey in lukewarm water to treat constipation problem and found it an effective constipation remedy for all.

Chinese remedy for constipation

Most popularly Chinese people use Jin Yin Hua herb as constipation remedy. It helps cleansing toxic substances and relieving body heat. It offers cold energy to the body and it helps restoring health. A regular use of 6-15gm of dried Jin Yin Hua is found to be effective in managing complications particularly arising in large intestine areas.

Apart from that, traditional Chinese medicine suggests to eat boiled sweet potatoes seasoned with sugar or salt. It is recommended that you should eat it prior going to bed at night. It is truly beneficial for chronic constipation.

French remedy for constipation

French people prefer to have mustard seeds in order to relieve from digestive complications. It works well as effective laxative. Barley offers a good source for soluble fiber. French people eat muffins as well as biscuits made up of barley and oat bran meal.

German remedy for constipation

Dandelion tea is very popular among German people. It offers a good solution for treating constipation; hence it is indeed a good constipation remedy.

Constipation remedies popular worldwide

Cascara sagrada is a useful constipation remedy that offers relief from constipation. It is also not addictive and nutritionally beneficial to stomach, liver, pancreas and gall bladder. It works as a natural cleanser of colon, thus it keeps protecting body from toxic wastages and faecal substances.

Bael fruit is an excellent choice for treating constipation. It is considered as the best laxative among all other fruits. It is truly a wonderful constipation remedy. It has the ability to cleanse the digestive system along with a great relief from constipation. It is equally beneficial for normal as well as chronic constipation problems.

Guava can be eaten to get a relief from constipation problem. You need to eat guava with seeds to fight against constipation problem. Apart from that, you may count on orange, papaya, prunes, pears and grapes to promote healthy digestive system.

Bran cereal can be used as an effective constipation remedy and is perfect for toddlers and adolescents. To cure constipation problem, you may use corn syrup mixed with water. A traditional remedy to relieve constipation includes honey or extra sugar in a glass full of milk. Twice drinking in a day can definitely make you free from constipation problem.

Dr John Anne is an herbal specialist with years of experience and extensive research on herbs and alternative health. If you are looking for more information, read about Constipation Remedies at http://www.ayurvediccure.com/colon/natural-colon-cleansers.htm. AyurvedicCure.com is the World's Largest Alternative Health Portal. You can also Participate in Health Questions & Answers, Discussion Forums and Blogs. If you are worried about your Pet's Health then visit Cats Constipation

Understand Cure Constipation Naturally additional

Constipation Cures

What is Constipation
Constipation is a disorder related to improper lifestyle and food habits. If you are suffering from constipation, try and identify what's causing it, what symptoms go hand in hand and natural alternative ways to treat constipation at home.

Causes of Constipation
The likeliest culprits which cause constipation are:

Sedentary Life and Lack of exercise: Lack of enough physical activity can slow down bowel movements.

Irregular meal timings: can send the digestive system haywire

Not enough fiber intake: Starchy and pasty foods lack bulk. They stick to the walls of the intestine and make motion difficult.

Overeating: Eating more than your requirement, slows down your metabolism and messes up your digestive system.

Dehydration: Water flushes out the toxins from the body. Drink water and keep yourself well hydrated.

Medications: Drugs containing iron can lead to constipation.

Hypothyroidism: A slow acting thyroid gland can give rise to irregular bowel movement.

Stress: High stress can lower the body's natural defense mechanisms, dull down the natural body rhythm and increases risk for constipation and other health problems.
Symptoms of Constipation
Bowel movements which are irregular and/or painful too often can give rise to these symptoms:
loss of appetite, headache, lethargy, depression, insomnia, coated tongue and bad breath, piles, distention of colon. Sometimes constipation which is associated with stool retention can be followed by diarrhea. This can lead to an incorrect diagnosis. If you apply pressure while passing stools, it can lead to anal fissures and hemorrhoids.
Constipation Treatment
First of all, adopt a cool and relaxed mentality to deal with problems.
Home Remedies for Constipation

Ayurveda Remedies for Constipation: Triphala and Psyllium husk (popularly known as Isabgol) are known to benefit constipation.

Homeopathy for Constipation: Here are some homeopathic medications effective for constipation - alumina 30, bryonia 30, grapbites 30, nux v 30, senna 30, silicea 30, nux vomica 6c, sepia 30c, sulfur 6c. These should be taken only after consulting a qualified homeopathic doctor who would suggest medication based on the constipation symptoms present.

Yoga for Constipation: Yoga is a 100% natural remedy. Yoga asanas strengthen abdominal muscles, colon and improve peristalsis of the bowels.
Yoga asanas useful to treat constipation are: Surya Namaskar (Sun salutation pose), Pavan Muktasana (Wind pose), Trikonasana (Triangle pose), Halasana (Plough Pose), Tadasana (Mountain pose), Matsyasana (Fish pose), Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half fish pose)

Yoga pranayamas: Bhastrika with Kumbhaka

Bandh: Uddiyana Bandh, Moolabandha

Combat constipation with high fiber foods and home remedies for constipation to deal with this condition naturally and effectively at home. HomeRemediesCures.com is your online guide to check out topics related to yoga, aromatherapy, massage, nutrition, exercise and fitness activity. Also, read about natural remedies for piles and other common health problems.

The writer is a qualified health professional who guides you with natural cures related information on aromatherapy, yoga, home remedies, diet, massage, physical fitness and more. Home Remedies Cures is your guide to deal with your everyday health problems at your convenience.

Cure Constipation Naturally

Read Constipation - Why Exercise And Water Are NOT Giving You Relief - What Most Doctors Do Not Know extra

Constipation - Why Exercise And Water Are NOT Giving You Relief - What Most Doctors Do Not Know



It's so frustrating! You've increased your exercise routine and water intake, but so far, it's not helping your constipation.

Why not? After all, it makes sense that exercise and water would help your digestive system move better.

But the fact is, while exercise and water are vital for overall health, they are unsuccessful as constipation-relievers for more folks than you may imagine.

Before I give you some relieving tips, and tell you how you can learn the biggest mistakes you're making when you eat, let me reveal the real problem.

What's going on?

Constipation is more than just a slow-moving digestive system. It's an issue rooted more deeply, at the cellular level.

The early stages of constipation begin when you do not chew your food thoroughly enough. When you don't chew thoroughly, your saliva doesn't interact with your food long enough to initiate carbohydrate digestion.

You see, digestion begins in the mouth, and saliva is the first step of the digestive process. When you swallow food before it's adequately chewed, you place an extra burden on your stomach and pancreas. This sets the stage for constipation, excessive gas, burping, painful bloating, and a host of other digestive complications.

There's something else happening!

There's a second reason why inadequate chewing leads to constipation- and sadly, it's a reason about which many doctors are ignorant. It has to do with hydrochloric acid production.

Once you swallow your food, your stomach receives "HCl", or Hydrochloric Acid, from your blood. It takes approximately 1 hour for your stomach to receive enough HCl. HCl is extremely acidic, and vitally necessary in the digestive process.

Once the appropriate pH level in the stomach is reached, your body can now accomplish two essential tasks:

1. Protein digestion

2. Mineral absorption

Now, here's the problem: if your digestive process is compromised, then minerals from your food are inadequately absorbed for use in the body. One of these minerals is sodium.

Why is sodium so important? Sodium is a key player in the formation of bile, a substance that allows you to move your bowels smoothly. Perhaps you have heard the term, "bile salts".

If you're not absorbing sodium, your bile will be too thick, and you'll become constipated. The thicker your bile, the worse your constipation!

So, if your stomach is already exhausted and your digestive organs are stressed because you're swallowing your food in chunks, can you be at all surprised that the production of HCl in your stomach is also faulty?

An incredible amount of your stomach's energy is wasted by cleaning up large portions of unchewed food strains. When this occurs, HCl production will be compromised, you will not properly absorb your food's minerals, you will not absorb enough sodium, your bile will be too thick, and you'll become constipated.


So, does this mean you should eat more salt? NO!

Consuming more salt in your diet is NOT the answer. The answer begins with chewing more thoroughly. Without the added burden of digesting big chunks of food, your digestive system will have a better success rate of absorbing the sodium it needs from the food you're already eating.

Your bile will be the correct thickness, and your bowels will move more regularly.

"Besides chewing better, what else can I do to get faster constipation relief?"

Start with these 5 steps:

1. Consume three servings per day of raw, organic fruits and vegetables. They must be raw! Raw produce supplies your body with digestive enzymes necessary to help digest your food.

2. Decrease your intake of red meat, chicken or turkey. Meat is devoid of fiber.

3. Ever heard of "hempseed"? It's a tremendous source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and it keeps your digestive system moving. Add a TBSP into your cereal or smoothies each day. Visit your local health food store- one of the more popular brands is "Nutiva".

4. Because the G.I. tract and brain are closely linked, do your best to decrease emotional stress. Emotional stress aggravates symptoms of constipation. Eat in a calm environment.

5. Make sure you consume at least 25-30 grams of fiber per day. But don't be fooled . . . some of the foods you think are high-fiber may actually be low-fiber, so be sure to make the right choices.

Last but certainly not least . . . STOP making these mistakes!

Even the most health-conscious folks are making mistakes every time they eat, that are making their digestive problems worse. To summarize the most important points for you, I've written a FREE report, called "The 5 Mistakes You're Making Every Time You Eat!"

We've briefly touched upon one or two ideas, but if you want faster constipation relief, you'll certainly want all of this information. Get your FREE copy right now by clicking here: thedigestiondoctor.com/smartdigestion [http://www.thedigestiondoctor.com/smartdigestion]

Natural Digestive Health Specialist and Internal Health Specialist Dr. Christine Kaczmar, "The Digestion Doctor", helps people get their lives back from I.B.S., Constipation, Diarrhea, Gas, Bloating, Heartburn, High Cholesterol, Stiff Joints, Insomnia and more. Get "The 5 Mistakes You're Making Every Time You Eat" right now by clicking this link: thedigestiondoctor.com/smartdigestion [http://www.thedigestiondoctor.com/smartdigestion]

Understand Simple Herbal Remedies For Constipation extra

Constipation is the medical term used to irregular bowel movement usually characterized by incomplete passing of bowel and passage of small quantity of dry and hard bowel movements. Incomplete passing of bowel is only achieved by means of straining hard enough to allow passage. Lack of fiber in the diet and insufficient fluid intake are the culprits of the condition. In some cases it can also be due to an underlying medical condition. During constipation bouts, most rely on doctors in finding solutions; probably because they're not aware that there are available herbal remedies for constipation.

While there are cases wherein constipation is caused by a presenting disease in the body, still the safest and most effective way to deal with constipation is to observe and follow the most natural approach. Increasing fluid intake and diet modification incorporating foods with high-fiber content are still the most recommendable option to induce proper bowel function. In addition to this practice, several herbal remedies for constipation can be helpful in facilitating ease in bowel movement.

Herbal Remedies for Constipation

Did you know that the humble cabbage can help relieve constipation? Yes, half a cup of cabbage juice can help treat constipation. Cabbage juice must be taken two times a day.

Almond oil mixed in milk helps control constipation and aids in stool voiding the next morning. You should drink this almond oil-milk drink few hours before sleeping.

One effective natural herbal remedy that can provide instant relief for constipation is the mixture of carrot and spinach juices.

Cascara Sagrada also known as California buckthorn has long been used by Native Americans due to its strong laxative effect. This is owed to the presence of the compound anthroquinones that is responsible for stimulating colon contraction to facilitate bowel movement urges. Aside from its strong laxative effect, Cascara Sagrada can also increase and strengthen muscle tone of the walls of the colon. It is available in capsule formulations, liquid extracts, and dried bark. Never attempt to consume fresh bark of Cascara Sagrada because it can lead to vomiting and bloody diarrhea.

Other good herbal remedies you can try:

o Licorice for Constipation: This herb helps the colon bring back its natural balance. Take this herb in tea form. Three to four cups everyday should be good until constipation is gone.

o Tamarind pulp Treatment: Tamarind pulp is the herb that's widely used in North American country and elsewhere. It is a laxative that can help promote the languid movement of bowels. Just take one to two tablespoons of tamarind pulp in the evening. You can also add this herb as flavoring to food.

o Natural Constipation Treatment with Psyllium: Psyllium is a high soluble fiber called mucilage that absorbs water and provides food for good bacteria.
Psyllium helps the good bacteria multiply. Psyllium fiber helps the colon to ease constipation. Prepare it by stirring in 1 teaspoon of psyllium in a cup of water. Quickly drink 2 teaspoons of the solution before it thickens. Take it once a day, preferably in the mornings. You can add honey or lemon for added flavor.

o Treat Constipation with Ginger: Ginger helps prevent muscle spasms that trigger constipation.
Mix 1 tablespoon ginger with flax seeds and simmer it in 2 cups of water. Let it steep for 15 minutes. Take half-cup doses a day if needed.

o Milk Thistle Treatment: The seed extract of milk thistle helps produce bile secretion that flows in the intestines. This can serve as a mild laxative. Milk thistle is available over-the-counter in the form of pill, teas, and tincture. It should be taken according to the instructions.

While these herbal remedies for constipation are proven to bring about favorable treatment outcomes, nothing can beat the practice of proper diet and lifestyle modification to prevent frequent bout of constipation. This is especially true if constipation is most of the time caused by a sedentary lifestyle and insufficient fiber and fluid intake. Herbal remedies for constipation are preferable than using laxatives in chemical formulations. As always, natural is still the best option so as to prevent encountering negative side effects.

Constipation Cures
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Simple Herbal Remedies For Constipation

Examine Constipation Symptoms far more

Constipation is a subjective feeling of insufficient evacuation of the bowel, and dry or painful passing of stool. There is a popular misconception that it is a must to have at least one bowel movement every day. Medical facts do not support this view.

There are no fixed Symptoms of Constipation except for persons having a serious underlying cause, where Constipation itself is a symptom of that problem. However, some general Constipation Symptoms are followed as guidelines. When the bowel movement is less than three times a week it is considered to be a symptom of Constipation. Other symptoms include hard and dry pellet-like stools, straining too much to pass stools, painful bowel movement, feeling of bloated stomach, uneasiness and sluggishness, and a feeling of incomplete evacuation.

When the patient suffers from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), the colon goes into spasms. This alternately causes Constipation and diarrhea, abdominal cramps, gas and bloating. A physical examination may find local anorectal lesions, such as anal fissures, fistulae, strictures, cancer and thrombosed hemorrhoids and stenosis, abscess, rectal prolapse, bleeding, hernia, fecal retention or abdominal distention. In pelvic floor dysfunction the sphincter muscle of the anus tenses rather than relaxes when the patient attempts a bowel movement. In elderly woman a search may reveal a rectocele bulging into the vagina.

Apart from a physical examination, other examination procedures include blood tests (which may reveal hypothyroidism), abdominal x-rays, barium enemas, colonic transit studies, defecography, ano-rectal motility studies, colonic motility studies and more.

The history of the patients' Constipation may indicate various symptoms. It would include the factors like the time spent in the toilet to defecate, the changes - environmental and psychological - that have taken place prior to the onset of the problem, steps taken to control the problem, such as the use of laxatives (laxative abuse is one of the common cause of Constipation), other measures or behavior patterns adopted by the patient to facilitate bowel movements, and the psychological condition of the patient, where Constipation induces mental worries which in turn worsen the condition, in a vicious cycle.

Constipation [http://www.WetPluto.com/Cat-Constipation.html] provides detailed information about constipation, cat constipation, causes of constipation, chronic constipation and more. Constipation is the sister site of Osteoarthritis Web [http://www.WetPluto.com/Hip-Osteoarthritis.html].

Constipation Symptoms


Read Constipation: An Overview more

Constipation is an extremely common condition. It is estimated that up to 4 million Americans suffer from constipation at a given time. Constipation affects children, women, and elderly most commonly, although individuals of all age can be afflicted. If you are having difficulty passing stool, or having incomplete or infrequent passage of stool, it is likely that you are experiencing constipation. For reference, the normal bowel movements varies person to person, but usually range from 3 bowel movements per day to 3 times per week.

The most common causes of constipation includes dietary and life style factors. If you do not take enough fibers, do not drink enough water, or do not exercise, then, there is a higher likelihood of developing constipation. Other factors that are thought to be important in constipation includes medications. Medications that you take for high blood pressure or heart condition, medication for depression, calcium and iron pills are all important in causing constipation. Patients with diabetes or thyroid condition also have higher incidence of constipation. Another important cause of constipation is colon cancer. If you are over the age of 50 and is developing a new onset constipation, this possibility needs to be fully excluded.

In the treatment of constipation, it is very important that we modify certain life style and dietary factors. To do this, you will need to increase fiber intake that will result in increased volume or bulk of stool, and increase hydration to soften the stool. This is analogous to the situation with toothpaste. With a new toothpaste, it is extremely easy to squeeze out the toothpaste. But when there is very little toothpaste left or it is dried out, it becomes very difficult to squeeze out the toothpaste. Thus, it is important to increase the fiber and fluid in your diet to increase the bulk and soften the stool. It is also helpful to exercise on a regular basis to increase colonic activity. Other helpful measures include ingesting dietary fiber supplements. They can be purchased under the brand name of Metamucil or Citrucel. You can also soften the stool by taking stool softener sold under the name of Colace or mineral oil. Colonic stimulants are another type of medications that you can take to relieve constipation. They are sold under the brand name of Dulcolax and Senokot. Medications that require prescription includes Miralax, Amitiza, Lactulose, and Orlistat, and they can be helpful in certain situations.

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Constipation: An Overview