Understand Diseases of the Colon Caused by Constipation and Past Emotional Trauma a lot more

It was estimated that of all the people who died of cancer - colon, lung, prostate, and breast - in 1999 sixteen percent were attributed to colon cancer. But, how many of these other cancers originated in your colon? We do know that colon cancer is the second leading cause of deaths in the United States.

We don't know what cancers originated in your colon because the medical profession treats symptoms not the causes. Many doctors do not go looking for the cause of your problem. They don't have the time. In fact, they normally will not tell you what you need to do to prevent your illness. Sometimes the reason they will not tell you is they just do not know.

It is the nutritionist's job to tell you what foods and supplements you need to prevent and to overcome specific illnesses and what to eat to eliminate or stop constipation.

Why is it that some many people are dying of various diseases at such an early age - at forty, at fifty, at sixty, even 30, or younger? They die of heart diseases, blood diseases, cancers, autoimmune diseases and the list goes on. It has been know for a longtime why diseases occur and what you can do to prevent it.

These death producing illnesses are a result of our life style - the foods we eat, the water we drink, the air pollution we breathe, the thoughts we think, the toxins we are exposed to at work, and the cleaning products we use at home.

What is it that causes us to behave in a way that is harmful to others or ourselves in ways that affect our health, our relationships, and our life? Why do people smoke when they know it causes Cancer? Why do people drink coffee when they know caffeine affects their adrenal gland, which eventually leads to exhaustion? Why is it that people eat sugar when they know it has untold health effects beyond diabetes? The answer is simple but difficult to accept.

All illness originates from repressed traumatic memories resulting from early life trauma.

Dr Arthur Janov explains this clearly in his book, 1996, Why You Get Sick How You Get Well.

"Over the last thirty years I have learned a great deal about humans and what drives them. As trite as it may seem, what I have found is a single yet complex emotion called love. Not the romantic love of novels, but a fundamental love - the love of a parent for a child. When a child lacks love and nurturing, no matter how that lack is manifest, it creates pain, and if this pain is not "felt" or integrated into the system, it will in turn cause physical and emotional illness in later life."

It takes disciple to change behavior, thought, and life style, which are good for health. This is what is necessary to reduce or eliminate illness. This is what is necessary to bring on a feeling of well-being way into your old age - at 80, at 90, at 100, and well beyond that. With the new anti-aging nutrients and supplements on the market, I can see people living well into 120 years provided they follow a good lifestyle.

How many people are willing to devote the time and money to start eating the right foods and change their lifestyle? This is the first step in reducing or eliminating constipation.


Rudy Silva gives you more free constipation information. Go get his free "Constipation Secrets 10 Week Course" to discover how to get rid of Constipation: Constipation Go here for more free tips: Constipation Information

Diseases of the Colon Caused by Constipation and Past Emotional Trauma


Read Breastfeeding and Constipation a lot more

Constipation in exclusively breastfed babies is very rare; breast milk is a natural laxative which helps in maintaining the softness of stool and also moving it effectively through the intestines. However, in babies who are given formula along with breast milk, the instances of constipation are common as the constituents of formula can often slow down the digestive system of the baby. Cow's milk is another common irritant which can lead to constipation in babies and should ideally be avoided for infants.

What Signals Constipation in Babies and How Can it be Treated?

It is easy to misinterpret normal digestive cycle of a baby as constipation. It is absolutely normal for a young infant to pass stool once in a week or two. Babies who are exclusively breastfed do not have much waste matter to pass out. Breast milk is very easily digestible and almost all of it is absorbed by the body as nutrients, this leads to very little stool formation, which in turns makes the baby pass stool after long intervals. If the stool is soft and is not causing unnecessary discomfort to your baby while passing it out, then constipation can be easily ruled out.

Hard pellet like stool which is dry and flaky and causes acute discomfort to the baby while passing it out signifies constipation and should be treated if it lasts long. Generally formula or cow's milk are the culprits causing constipation these should be stopped immediately and the amount of breast feed increased, this generally takes care of the problem.

Over the counter medication, glycerin suppositories, syrups can all be helpful in treating constipation in babies; however they should be given only after consulting your physician. Most of the times constipation in breast fed babies is temporary and goes away naturally without any medical intervention.

Constipation in Breastfeeding Mothers

The bodies of breastfeeding mothers focus almost solely on the well being of the babies and every part works together to help produce more milk for the baby. This can lead to all the fluids in a mother's body being used up for producing milk. You might feel you are taking adequate fluids and yet could get highly constipated as fluids are all used up for the production of life giving milk for your baby. Hence the need for some constipation relieving foods which could help you in passing stools normally.

Foods that Help

Prune juice: A glass of prune juice is a sure shot way of getting your colon cleared up within a couple of hours. However, this is a measure that should be used only as a last resort.

Lemon juice: Drinking lemon juice squeezed in hot water twice a day is an effective way of warding off constipation.

Vegetables: Steamed broccoli, cauliflower when teamed with ginger and olive oil can help in clearing the colon. Red beets should be eaten at least thrice a day for an efficient digestive system. Drinking home made fresh vegetable juices is a great way of providing the required roughage and fiber to your body.


If you want to learn more about constipation issues, visit my constipation information Squidoo lens. If you are interested in cleansing and detox, please visit my comprehensive colon cleanse website.

Breastfeeding and Constipation


Go through How Diet and Constipation Affect You extra

Diet and constipation are linked and can cause you discomfort if you eat the wrong foods. There are ways you can avoid constipation, and below are a few tips to help you if you suffer from it.

If you eat a diet consisting of mostly soft and liquid food, then you may not be getting enough roughage in your diet. This can cause constipation, and by eating high fiber foods, you can combat it. Include things like whole grain bread, apples, oranges and green leafy vegetables in your diet, and get the recommended 4 or 5 servings of them a day. It can take several days to have an effect, but once it is included regularly, then you will have less problems with it long term.

if you are medication where constipation is a side effect, then you may need to eat less high fiber foods. You can get too much fiber which can bind you up as well.

Drink eight glasses or more of water a day. This can soften your stool, and process the waste more efficiently. The results will not be instant, but the lack of water can impact the stool in you system and make it harder to pass, and adding more water will make it easier to have a bowel movement.

Exercise can also have an effect. If you are eating and staying sedentary, but are not active, then you will have a harder time passing the solid waste. Adding walks two or three times a week can greatly reduce the problems you may have.

Diet and constipation are closely connected, and if you experience problems that these tips do not help alleviate it, then speak to a health professional. They can help you alleviate it and come up with solutions to make you feel more comfortable and help you determine the case of the problems you are having.

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How Diet and Constipation Affect You

Go through Simple Home Remedies For Constipation far more

Constipation is common in America. Estimates indicate that millions of people suffer from constipation in the United States. And more than 2 million also suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). There are many causes of constipation and there are various methods that will result in some form of relief from constipation. The purpose of this article is to focus on the natural home remedies that are useful in the relief of constipation and make people aware of the serious consequences of chronic constipation.

1. Drinking at least six glasses of water daily is helpful. A large amount of water aids quick digestion and enables easier bowel movement.

2. Adding roasted black gram powder to chapatti made of wheat including the husks too can enhance constipation relief.

3. Blackstrap Molasses is very good. Beware that it has a strong taste. Suggest adding it to fruit juice or milk when taking it. All that is needed is two tablespoonfuls of blackstrap molasses just before sleeping at night.

4. East a good portion of sauerkraut or take half a cup of cabbage juice twice a day. This is effective in treating constipation.

5. Eat a mango in the morning right after brushing before breakfast, and one at night after dinner. There is a guarantee that you'll have to "go" before nightfall.

6. Mix Spiegel seeds and warm milk. This can be done by dipping the seeds, 5-10grams in 200 grams of warm milk, add sugar and you have for yourself an effective treatment.

7. For those suffering from chronic constipation, take a drink of figs dipped in water in the morning. You will find yourself looking for the next available toilet.

8. Pouring a whole sachet of Andrew's Liver Salt in a glass of water sand gulping it down immediately will also produce fast constipation relief.

A poor diet can result in chronic constipation and other intestinal diseases such as Irritable Bowel Disease (IBS) which could evolve into more serious and even life threatening diseases.

Constipation Cures

Less harsh treatments for constipation are available through natural supplements, click on the link below for additional information on these natural remedies.


Simple Home Remedies For Constipation

Constipation Cures

Go through Using Carrot Juice For Relieving Constipation more

Carrot Juice

Carrot juices contain certain oils that work on the mucus membranes of the stomach and colon. This helps with digestion and starts your bowels functioning properly. Carrots are high in fiber and beta-carotene, an antioxidant, which the body converts to vitamin A. Carrots can make your stools softer and larger.

Why are larger stools better? Because larger stools dilute toxins, exposure less toxins to colon walls, and press against colon walls to promote peristaltic action.

Drink carrot juice twice daily, once in the morning and in the evening before bedtime.

You can drink more carrot juice if you like. Its action on the body produces enormous benefits since it contains a good number of vitamins and minerals - B, C, D, E, K, carotene, sodium, and potassium. These nutrients help to clean out your colon and speed up fecal matter movement.

As you increase the carrot juice you drink, chances are you will feel a little uncomfortable. This happens when carrot juice reaches your intestines and colon and begins stirring up the toxic layers and materials in that area. This feeling will pass and is nothing to worry about.

If you are pregnant, drink carrot juice daily to build up your breast milk and to provide your baby with the nutrients that it needs

Carrot Juice, Carrots and Celery

An effective way to clear constipation is to combine vegetables that are high in fiber and that have laxative effects.

Celery is high in fiber, potassium, sodium, and many other minerals. It can reduces inflammation and protect against cancer. Celery has a chemical call polyacetylene, which reduces prostaglandins that cause inflammation.

Celery has a calming effect on the nervous system. If you have been using laxatives, which have overworked your colon nerves, celery will help to relax these nerves and give them a rest.

Adding carrot juice to celery juice provides an even better nutritional drink. This drink will help to restore nerve function in your colon and improve its health.

Celery has the highest content of organic sodium. This sodium is used throughout the body as lymph saline liquid allowing cells to work and live properly.

Celery is also beneficial for the stomach. The stomach lining is filled with sodium and this sodium is necessary to prevent ulcers.

Here's what to do,

Eat carrots and celery during the day and for your salads; drink a glass of carrot juice in the morning and one in afternoon. By eating slightly steamed carrots you can increase the carotene available from the carrots by up to 4 times. However, by cooking carrots, you destroy the enzymes that will help you to digest them quickly and completely.

Boost your carrot juice by juicing with it a few stalks of celery, which includes the leaves. The leaves have more nutrients than the stalk and are part of the nutritional value of celery.

Tomato, Carrot, Celery Drink

Here's a drink you can take in the afternoon to activate a bowel movement.

With a juicer, juice some tomatoes, carrots, and celery. By experimenting, you can discover the amount of each vegetable to use according to your taste. Mostly likely you will want equal amounts of tomatoes and carrots and you will want to add a few stalks of celery including the leaves.

Now, let's add a few more items to give your drink more pushing power. Squeeze in a small amount of garlic, onion, and radish. While juicing your carrots, juice a small bunch of spinach or parsley.

Drink 1 to 1 ½ cups in the morning and see the results soon after.

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Using Carrot Juice For Relieving Constipation

Understand Herbal Constipation Remedies more

If you suffer from occasional constipation, this can be caused by lack of exercise, an improper diet, and not drinking enough water. Chronic constipation can be due to digestive disorders like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), lack of fiber in the diet, depression and some medical conditions. No matter the frequency or the cause of constipation, many people don't like to take harsh stimulant laxatives.

There are herbal solutions for constipation. The first solutions are herbs that contain stimulant laxatives. Keep in mind that they should only be taken in small amounts. Using them too often can make you dependent on them and cause dehydration and deplete the potassium levels in your body.

1. Aloe - This should be used carefully. It contains a very strong laxative right where the leaf is peeled back. If you can, buy commercially prepared aloe.

2. Senna is a very popular leaf used as a laxative. In fact, it is now the main ingredient in some of the name-brand commercial laxatives.

3. Cascara bark is a little milder than Senna.

Herbal bulk laxatives are safer and milder and work by relying on the natural contractions of the colon. They have not been known to lead to dependency. Flaxseed and psyllium are seeds and seed parts. When taken with water, they swell in the stomach and develop into a bulky accumulation in the colon. Apple pectin works the same way, but it is made from apple peels. There is a slight risk that bulk laxatives can obstruct the bowels, so be sure to drink lots of water when you use these.

Constipation Cures
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Herbal Constipation Remedies

Read Common Causes of Constipation far more

Constipation Cures

People who have suffered from constipation can surely attest to the discomfort and pain that this digestive disorder brings. The best way to prevent it is to delve deeper into the causes of constipation. If you have an idea why it exists, you will be able to know how to prevent or cure it. Here are the common causes of such digestive disorder:

Lack of fluid intake

If you are always dehydrated you will most likely become constipated as the stool can be hard and dry. You should avoid caffeinated drinks such as coffee as this can also stimulate constipation. The most popular remedy for constipation is drinking enough amount of water everyday. Although this is not a sure fire solution to this kind of digestive problem, it can still improve your bowel movement.

Lack of exercise

If you have a sedentary life, you are subjecting yourself to all kinds of diseases as less physical activity can also make your vital organs less efficient and more susceptible to toxic build up. Bed-ridden individuals due to serious illness can also become constipated. In this case, certain medications are ingested to regulate the patient's bowel movement.


Some diseases can cause constipation. Neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease, stroke, multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injuries can be contributing factors to becoming constipated. Other diseases that can also cause constipation include diabetes, hypothyroidism, uremia and lupus.

Laxative abuse

Although the use of laxative can help defecation less difficult, the abuse of it also has harmful effects to the body. If you use laxative on a daily basis, your body will become dependent on such medication and will not be able to have normal bowel movement unless you take laxative again. If your body becomes too dependent on laxative, your organs especially the colon will be lazy and very inefficient.

These common causes of constipation can be prevented by simply maintaining a healthy lifestyle and incorporating exercise into your daily routine. You should also watch what you eat by eating fibrous foods at least once a day so you can have normal stools. If you continue to rely on laxative you will feel its adverse effect later on. Always remember that everything should be taken in moderation. If you take something in excess, it can definitely have damaging effect on your body. Before you consider any constipation medication, make sure that you ask your doctor about it.

Isobel Paolini has been successfully teaching Body Cleanse techniques for over 15 years and has written many helpful guides on the subject of Body Cleansing. You can find much more information by visiting her online site. To find out more click here: CAUSE OF CONSTIPATION.

Common Causes of Constipation

Constipation Cures

Examine Constipation and Herbal Remedies much more

Constipation can be painful, and some of the ways in which people try to alleviate this problem can only make things worse. Laxatives, one of the more popular treatments, should only be taken when the doctor recommends them. Herbal remedies are one safe way to help in this uncomfortable situation.

Some herbs that are said to help with constipation include aloe in the juice form, senna, medicinal rhubarb, cascara sagrada, dandelion root and seeds of plantain. Caution is advised when taking herbs, because overuse of them can be harmful just as is the case with chemical laxatives.

These herbs affect the way the intestines function, and some can result in diarrhea and dehydration, which is why it is important to use them with caution and moderation. They should not be used on an ongoing basis.

The herbal route can be better than taking a laxative because it contains more natural ingredients that work slowly through the body, instead of sending the person straight to the bathroom, adding more of a guarantee that the body will get back to its natural healthy state. Another herbal remedy for constipation is the colon cleanse, which is a detoxification process that the body can respond to at a normal level. It also is used to help people lose weight.

Herbal remedies alone will not be useful if the constipation is a result of the person's lifestyle. If this is the case, adding exercise, water and fiber-rich foods to the diet will help the problem.

To learn more about constipation symptoms and how to prevent constipation, visit http://www.ConstipationInformation.com today.

Constipation and Herbal Remedies

Constipation Cures

Read Constipation Solutions For Different Ages extra

Constipation is a normal condition suffered regardless of the age of the individual. It is defined by irregular and infrequent bowel movement. An individual who suffers from this ailment has trouble passing stools as they are often hard and dry. This type of stool is caused by the excessive absorption of water in the body, leaving the stool in such condition. Although painful, it is an embarrassing condition which most sufferers do not admit to having. With the number of constipation solutions available, individuals both young and old will not be hard pressed to find constipation remedies to fit their situation.

Although infants can also experience constipation, it does not happen with the same frequency as those in adults. Because infants are unable to express what they feel, parents oftentimes become anxious and perplexed as to how to help their baby. With infants, parents can choose to change its diet to foods high in fiber such as prunes and apples or use all natural stool softeners or colon cleansers. Going for all natural solutions will prevent the infant from suffering side effects caused by chemicals used in other types of treatments.

Pregnant women are another specific demographic. As women are in the stage of carrying a smaller person inside of them, expectant women tend to be physically weaker, more fragile and susceptible to disease. This is why constipation can be rampant during this stage. Some possible causes include the changes in hormones, diet or the stress incurred with a baby developing inside her. As a result, it is more important that women seek more natural remedies for their condition. A change in the diet is more recommended at this stage by increasing the amount of fiber in their daily foods. Besides drinking plenty of water, pregnant women are suggested to consume more fiber rich foods such as fruits and green vegetables, cereals and breads that contain whole grains. Drinks rich in fiber can also accomplish the same effect.

For most other adults, laxatives are commonly used to treat constipation. However, as these often contain chemicals, it is imperative to choose carefully. Although adults have better resistance compared to infants, the chemicals inside laxatives can still cause side effects. Select laxatives that contain natural ingredients. Better yet, it is healthier to make slight changes on the individual's diet and switch to foods that are high in fiber content instead.

Along with exercise and a well-balanced diet, constipation no longer needs to be an uncomfortable experience. Constipation solutions are available for any budget to fit any age and type of person.

Constipation Cures

If you found the information in this article useful and you would like to get some more information about constipation solutions or other subjects such as Body Cleanse then you should click here: CONSTIPATION REMEDIES

Constipation Solutions For Different Ages

Constipation Cures

Study Treatment Options for Cat Constipation far more

I had never heard of cat constipation until one of our cats had problems with it over a year ago. In fact, I took him to the doctor thinking he was having problems urinating because he would go in and out of the litter box all day long without any results. What I learned when I too him to the veterinarian is that cat constipation is not all that rare and that is often "misdiagnosed" by cat owners because it isn't talked about as much as urinary problems.

While any age cat can have constipation problems, must of the cases reported are for cats that are 8 years old or older (our cat was 10). Cats will typically have one to two bowel movement everyday, although some might have more or less. If a cat goes for three or more days with no bowel movement, it is likely an indication that there is a problem. By not treating cat constipation, you could seriously harm your pet. Cat constipation can be treated both medically and naturally. We chose the natural route, which worked for our cat.

Fortunately, our cat liked canned pumpkin, which is high in fiber, so we mixed it with his food. We also cut out dry cat food for awhile since wet cat food has more water in it. Water bowls were in every room of our house to encourage him to drink more water and we found that in front of the bay window was his favorite watering hole. We also read up on herbal remedies for cat constipation, but did not have to try them since he got better.

If your pet is experiencing cat constipation, you need to act now to help them get better. Consult with your veterinarian for ideas on how you can help alleviate the constipation. There are plenty of natural remedies for cat constipation that you can try to find the one that works for him.


For information on over 70 natural remedies for constipation, visit [http://www.stopconstipation.info].

Get your copy of 77 ways to alleviate constipation [http://www.stopconstipation.info] online now.

Treatment Options for Cat Constipation


Read What Are The Most Effective Constipation Remedies? more

Constipation Cures

People might suffer from constipation at least once in their life. It is a condition that should be dealt with quickly because it is embarrassing. Lots of people who are suffering from the illness are having second thoughts in sharing their problems with others. Likewise, they are reluctant in asking for the best remedies that can help them get rid of the condition. However, it is a must to know the most effective constipation remedies to help them get rid of the situation and maintain the quality of their life.

Nevertheless, before asking for any particular treatment and remedy for constipation, it is a must for people to know if they really have the condition. With that said, they should seek help from doctors in order to help them know the origin of their condition. Also, doctors can provide effective consultation and the things that are needed to be done to get rid of it once and for all. Constipation might arise if people do not have any bowel movements for three consecutive days.

Aside from irregular bowel movement, the condition has little known symptoms. Once found out that they are having the condition, they can take advantage of having the constipation remedies. Remedies for the condition have been proven safe and effective for everyone. Another great part of it is that it is inexpensive, which is why it can be obtained by anyone. Remedies for the condition include different kinds of herbs and spices that can be easily obtained in the market or at home.

In addition, it is a must to consider stool softeners or laxatives. Those can also help sufferers to get rid of the condition in the most effective way. Most of the medication and remedies for the condition will not require any prescriptions from a doctor, which is why people can get it readily in drug stores. All they need to do is to ensure that they will follow the instructions given by their doctors in using those remedies. If people did not get any relief in two weeks, they have to stop whatever remedies they are taking and consult their doctors.

Overall, Constipation Remedies should be taken with caution. Even though it will not have any harmful effect in the body, it is a must to use it accordingly. People have to be patient in having positive results. Like what has been said, remedies for constipation are readily available at home. All people need to do is to know the effective remedies to get rid of constipation and it should be prevented from coming back.

Constipation Remedies are essential ways to get rid of the condition to help people maintain their health. For more information on the remedies that everyone can have, go to http://natural-constipation-remedies.org/constipation-remedies/.

What Are The Most Effective Constipation Remedies?

Constipation Cures

Study Constipation Remedies for Breastfed Babies much more

Constipation Remedies for Breastfed Babies


If you thumb through most books about breastfeeding, you are not likely to find a section on constipation. This is because true constipation in a fully breastfed baby is very rare. In fact, most experts agree that if a breastfed baby is constipated, there is something medically wrong.

Breast milk is a natural laxative; however a breastfed infant may become constipated due to the introduction of foods or formula. Formula in particular is constipating. If you have recently started giving your baby formula, this may be the reason for the constipation. The single best remedy is simply more breast milk.

Reasons for constipation in a breastfed baby:

1. Illness that requires medical care (call your doctor!)

2. Formula consumption

3. Starting solids


1. The American Academy of Family Physicians defines constipation as a delay or difficulty in defecation (pooping) for more than two weeks. In a newborn (less than 6 weeks old), the AAFP recommends that parents contact their physician if their infant has had fewer than five bowel movements per week over a two-week period

2. Hard, pebble-like stools

3. Excessive straining and crying in pain. Some straining, grunting, and fussing is normal. Babies are learning how their bodies work. Grunting, straining, and fussing that results in a soft bowel movement is not constipation and does not need to be treated.

Remedy/Treatment for babies younger than 6 months:

1. If you have been exclusively breastfeeding, call your doctor right away. This could be a sign of a more serious problem and your baby needs to be evaluated by your health care professional. Constipation along with weakness, a weak cry, and reduced eating could indicate botulism. While very rare, this is a life threatening disorder and requires prompt medical care.

2. If you were providing formula as a supplement, but mostly breastfeeding, stop giving the formula and exclusively breastfeed. Cow's milk protein is very irritating to a baby's tummy and intestines. Providing only breast milk will help sooth that irritation.

3. If you have been formula feeding, start breastfeeding (if your baby is less than 2 weeks old) or get the help of an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) to re-lactate. Even if you have never breastfed before, you will most likely be able to produce milk. If breastfeeding is simply not an option for you, use donor breast milk. You can either contact a milk bank (this could be expensive) or you can ask a trusted friend or family member for some of her milk.

Some health care providers discourage using un-processed breast milk since you could be exposing your baby to drugs or illness through the donor milk. However, if you trust this person and their baby is healthy, you most likely have nothing to worry about. This could be a great use for the frozen breast milk of friends who aren't sure what to do with their surplus supply. While you can try an alternate formula, they are not derived from human milk, therefore it is likely the problem will not be solved or could even get worse.

Babies older than 6 months:

1. More breast milk! If you are in the process of weaning, go back up on the number of feedings per day until the problem resolves. Back down on how much food or formula you are giving. See a Registered Dietitian to discuss solid foods that are less constipating for your baby.

2. Time. Usually, constipation will go away without any help from special foods or medications. Although there are over the counter treatments for constipation, talk to your health care provider before using them. Repeated bouts of constipation can be a sign of a more serious problem.

3. If you are certain it is constipation and you have approval from your health care provider, the American Academy of Family Physicians states that "Parents may give infants 1 oz of sorbitol-containing juice (such as prune, pear, or apple) to treat constipation." This should only be given to babies over the age of 6 months.

4. Some health care providers recommend giving corn syrup for constipation. This is not necessary as the other treatment options mentioned will usually work better. However, if you do decide to give your baby corn syrup, put 1 teaspoon in 2 oz. of water. Do not put the syrup directly into formula or pumped breast milk. Corn syrup works by drawing water into the intestines and stimulating the intestine to move stool on through. It is easy to overdo the corn syrup and cause diarrhea and electrolyte imbalance. Both of these problems can be harmful to your baby.




Julie Morgan is a Registered Dietitian and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. She specializes in breastfeeding support for the military community. You can learn more about Julie and about breastfeeding at her web site [http://www.brilliantbreastfeeding.com/]

Study Calcium and Constipation - How to Get Rid of Constipation Caused by Calcium Supplements far more


Decreased frequency of bowel movement indicates the problem of constipation. It must not be less than 3 times a week. When you have constipation, you pass hard & dry stools that are small in size. The elimination of such stool becomes difficult. You may often feel pain & strain in such cases.

Calcium and constipation are associated to some extent as excessive consumption of calcium leads to constipation. The other causes are as follows:

· Less fiber diet

· Lack of physical activities

· Medications

· Milk

· Ignoring the urge

· Dehydration

· Colon problems

Calcium may cause constipation. So, you must take the following precautions while taking calcium:

· Space out your calcium intake.

· Take some vitamin supplements along with calcium.

· Avoid having calcium carbonate as it reduces the frequency of your bowel movements. Also avoid calcium while having food items containing phosphates, oxalates or phytates.

· It is wise to take it at 2 hours gap from the other drugs.

· The best forms to have are orotate, gluconate or aspartate.

· The food items rich in this mineral are egg yolk, skimmed milk, seeds, nuts, cauliflower, cottage cheese, etc.

Here are few tips to get rid of the constipation caused by the calcium apart from the above mentioned precautions:

· Take magnesium rich food. The list includes berries, nuts, grains, apples, cashews, peas, cabbage, fish, etc.

· Drink plenty of water. Try having a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of honey & a half lemon juice. You may take this in the morning before eating or drinking anything else.

· Have at least 350 grams of grapes everyday.

· Eat bael fruit.

· Chewing a few liquorice sticks every day helps a lot.

· Take brown rice instead of white rice.

· Go for a fiber cereal during morning time.

· Avoid refrigerated, canned, preserved and overcooked food items. Take whole grain food items instead of taking refined starch foods.

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Calcium and Constipation - How to Get Rid of Constipation Caused by Calcium Supplements

Understand Glucomannan - Natural Cures For Constipation extra

Constipation Cures

Cure for constipation would be foremost in your mind but it is important to understand the difference between acute constipation from chronic constipation. Acute constipation is rather serious which means that you require immediate assessment to understand whether you are suffering from a serious medical problem or illness which may be the underlying cause for acute constipation.

But when we talk about chronic constipation, an immediate analysis would be necessary to assess whether this is followed by symptoms that are equally worrisome. These symptoms include cramps, rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Most of the time, it must be noted that constipation is caused because of the slow passage with which food gets digested through the intestine. Most delays, almost 95% or more, takes place in the colon.

Some of the causes of chronic constipation are:

Hormonal disorders
Colonic inertia
 Pelvic floor dysfunction

Treatment for constipation is possible but natural cures for constipation are the best way to treat or find relief.

The best way of getting some relief from constipation is by adding fiber like Glucomannan to the diet. As a bulk forming laxative, it helps to increase bulk to the stool and the water tends to soften the stool. You can also increase the intake of fruits and vegetables too, but Glucomannan is the best way to get relief from constipation.

Chronic constipation is a frequent disease in the United States, so now there has been a great deal of research on Glucomannan and its efficacy. One study at the Institute of Medicine at the University of Milan in Italy, studied its effect on ninety-three subjects suffering from constipation. The researches found that Glucomannan presented no side effects and concluded that it was an ideal medicine for the management of the symptoms of chronic constipation.

Another study in the pediatric department, University Federico II, Naples in Italy looking for an explanation for chronic constipation in brain damaged children, gave twenty children either a placebo, or Glucomannan for twelve weeks.

The Glucomannan considerably increased the frequency of bowel movements and the pain of defecation was reduced. The placebo group showed no improvement.

Bob Rutledge has written about nutritional supplements for six years and has a vast knowledge on the subject gleaned from the time he owned a chain of health food stores. His expertise includes research and development of natural therapies for weight loss, bone loss and hormone replacement.

Glucomannan - Natural Cures For Constipation

Read through Back Pain Constipation: How to Treat It and Get Instant Relief additional

Do you think that your back pain is brought on by chronic constipation? Do you consistently strain at the loo? Do you have to keep pushing until the pain gets unbearable? Well, chances are that constipation may be part of the problem.

Research has shown that apart from constipation, there could also be an underlying cause of the pain. In this article we'll be looking at the relationship between back pain and constipation. I'll also show you what you can do to not only cure the constipation, but also the back pain and its underlying causes -if any.

Constipation is a common condition that affects millions of people annually. It is a major cause of discomfort and back pain and constipation. This can be rather frustrating, painful and debilitating.

Back pain and constipation are caused by many factors. Chief among the factors is the impaction of feces resulting in an overloaded intestine. When an individual aches in the back and has constipation at the same time, it's mostly because of the weight and pressure of the overloaded intestine on the lower back. This often occurs among adults because of their eating habits and lifestyle.

Recent estimates and stats have shown that next to cold and flu, most people visit their physicians because they have aches in different parts of the body. While it is normal to develop aches -particularly back aches- after a stressful physical workout or hectic day, back aches can often be as a result of constipation. Other causes of aches in the back could be stress, excessive walking, degenerative, disc disease, stair climbing, bending, heavy lifting and standing for long periods.

If the above mentioned are not a common part of your daily activities and you are constipating, chances are that you are having a bout of back pain and constipation. Straining hard to pass stool can cause an ache in the lower back. This ache happens because the anus is inflamed and because of the stress put on it when trying to defecate.

Kids are also known suffer from these problems. Parents have been known to take their kids to the doctor to help diagnose an ache only to find that the kid is suffering from pain caused by straining the anal sphincter and nerves. When left untreated, it can be so strong that it weakens the individual.

How Do You Know that Your Back Pain is Caused by Constipation?

Look for the following symptoms. If they are present, then you sure have got it.

• Consistent pain which doesn't ease off even when you're lying down.

• The pain becomes more intense when you're trying to poop.

• It doesn't just remain in the lower back. It extends to the upper region of the back.

• The intensity gradually increases regardless of what pain relief medications you may have taken.

• Loss of appetite and nauseous feeling.

• Numbness and weakness in the legs, buttocks and feet.

• Inability to pass feces and intense pressure on the bladder.

What Can You Do?

They can be treated using various methods. You can opt for pain relievers and laxatives. It is important however to know that pain killers and laxatives or enemas don't mix. However, a meal consisting of a large bowl of All-Bran combined with a tablespoon of oat bran for breakfast, lots of vegetables, whole meal bread and lots of water can work wonders. Others recommend thyroxine as being very efficient.


Back pain and constipation can and will kill you if you continue to treat it with drugs, pills, and enemas. Get rid of it by going to this proven back pain and constipation cures. If your back pain isn't caused by constipation or is even more severe because of the constipation, then you need to get a proven back pain cure. You can get rid of your back pain and constipation if you combine two powerful, proven methods available at http://constipationremedies.blogspot.com.

Back Pain Constipation: How to Treat It and Get Instant Relief


Read Natural Cures for Constipation a lot more

Natural cures for constipation require a combination of lifestyle and dietary changes. Unlike medicinal and other treatment methods, natural cures are simple and easy to practice, and also have less negative side effects. Often these natural cures enable one to completely eliminate infrequent and mild constipation.

Dietary changes include consuming fibers which are present in raw fruit (like bananas, apples, papaya, grapes and oranges) and vegetables, whole grains and pulses, and drinking plenty of water (minimum 8 glasses per day). Avoid alcohol, highly processed/junk foods and caffeine as they cause dehydration. Avoid drugs as much as you can.

Guava with seeds, due to its roughness, can give relief to constipation. Giving bran cereal to infants and children can help in safeguarding them from constipation. Drinking of milk with extra sugar or honey can also help in elders. Daily exercises are important in preventing constipation. You do not need to exercise vigorously; walking 30 to 40 minutes daily will be enough.

There are many natural laxatives available in the market to cure constipation. These laxatives make the bowel wall muscles relax, and reduce anxiety and tension. They also enhance liver and gall bladder functioning, and promote bile flow, which improves digestion of food.

The use of herbs, which was once practiced only by tribes and some cultures over the world, is becoming more and more popular in natural constipation treatments. Most of these herbs have laxative properties, which promote digestion and act as a liver tonic. The most used herbs are Aloe Vera, Taraxacum officinale (Dandelion) and Passiflora species. These herbs can be used for both chronic and occasional constipation. Almost all of them do not have any side effect.

Herbal products from these herbs are available in tablet forms as well. Each tablet includes a definite amount of high quality fresh herbs. Thus you can change your dosage according to the state of the constipation. Most of these tablets can be used in conjunction with digestion tonics.

Constipation Cures

Constipation [http://www.WetPluto.com/Cat-Constipation.html] provides detailed information on constipation, cat constipation, causes of constipation, chronic constipation and more. Constipation is affiliated with Are Cold Sores Contagious? [http://www.WetPluto.com/A-Look-at-Cold-Sore-Treatments.html].

Natural Cures for Constipation

Constipation Cures

Study Easy Cures For Constipation the Natural Way additional

Easy Cures For Constipation the Natural Way

Constipation Cures

Constipation Cures

There are some easy cures for constipation available the natural way, as long as there is no underlying cause such as bowel surgery or cancers present. Mostly constipation is just a disturbance in the digestive system. The symptoms are an inability to move the bowels correctly and the chief reason for this is toxins which are present in the body caused by a poor diet.

The condition can be quite distressful and is able to affect the health of the rest of the body if the toxins due to the constipation enter the bloodstream. Common symptoms include but are not limited to bad breath, headaches, a coated tongue, nausea, dizziness, depression, loss of appetite, bad skin, mouth ulcers, hemorrhoids, dark smudges under the eyes, back pain and many others.

Eating food which has little nutrient or fiber content, too much meat and refined sugars, taking too little exercise, and drinking too much strong tea of coffee can cause constipation. As can overeating, irregular eating habits, and eating the wrong combination of food.

Many natural and even home remedies are available to help with problem constipation, some of the most popular are herbal colon cleanses. This assists to break down the waste and get rid of any old build up. The main point however is to also change eating habits. Use of strong fiber sources such as sagrada, triphala and psyllium help, but they are not much good if the constipation sufferer is still eating poorly.

Herbal laxatives are also a common approach for this problem and my favorite treat for it is liquorish, which tastes delicious and is a gentle solution. While some herbal laxatives are mild, others can be very powerful and will only result in causing the intestines or colon to become irritated.

Herbs have been used by many cultures over the millennia to solve the problem of constipation, and we have seen are return to this type of treatment in recent times. Natural substances such as Aloe Vera, Dandelion (Tarazacum Officinale) and Passiflora are regularly used, excuse the pun, to keep many people "regular". They may be used for both chronic and intermittent constipation and also act as a tonic for the liver and the rest of the digestive tract.

Did you find this article helpful? If you did, get more information about cures for constipation [http://www.freecolondetox.org] today at [http://www.freecolondetox.org].

Examine Foods That Relieve Constipation - What Should We Eat? additional

If you've got problems with constipation, you need to know about the foods that relieve constipation. There are several changes that you can make to your diet in order to alleviate some of the symptoms of constipation. These simple changes can make a world of difference in your digestive health.

One of the major reasons that you may be experiencing constipation is a lack of fiber in your diet. Fiber rich foods like fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains are severely lacking in our modern diet. Most of us depend on packaged meals and fast foods to get through our days. Even meals at restaurants can have low fiber counts. Including fiber rich foods that relieve constipation should be your first step in changing your diet.

Fiber is a food that relieves constipation, and it also helps prevent hemorrhoids and reduces blood cholesterol levels. Dietary fiber comes from the parts of plants that aren't digested in the intestinal tract. Fiber binds water to your digested food and makes stools softer and bulkier, therefore making it easier to pass.

What are fiber rich foods? Although there is natural fiber in all fresh foods, some have more fiber than others. The top of the list for fiber rich foods that relieve constipation includes raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, rye, broccoli, green beans, apples with the skin, stone ground whole wheat, peanuts, walnuts and turnip greens.

Make it a habit of including more fresh foods in your diet. Start looking at the nutrition information on the sides of packaged foods to see how much fiber you are getting. Your daily intake of fiber should be between 25 and 30 grams for adults.

Constipation can also stem from a lack of friendly bacteria in the intestines. When you eat food, the enzymes and friendly bacteria in your small intestine do most of the work of breaking down the food. When antibiotics have killed off your friendly bacteria, it slows down the digestive process, which leads to constipation. There are foods that relieve constipation and can help build friendly bacteria in your intestines. Foods like miso, yogurt, dark greens and alfalfa greens can help your digestive system. Kefir, wheat grass products and micro algae can also build friendly bacteria.

Incorporating foods that relieve constipation into your diet is just part of preventing constipation. While these foods can help get your digestive system back on the right track, you need to take steps to cure the cause of constipation instead of just the symptoms.

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Foods That Relieve Constipation - What Should We Eat?

Read Constipation in Children far more

Constipation in Children


What are the signs of constipation?

Here is the list of the signs that a child can have constipation:

• Straining and pain when going to stool, even bleeding
• Diarrhoea. When trying to pass the bowel motion, children may leave marks on their underwears.
• Pain in stomach
• Other common symptoms such as headaches, tiredness, skin problem, anorexia...
• If constipation continues for a few days, it may lead to other diseases, affects seriously living way of children

What are the causes of constipation?

The main reason for constipation is a diet high in processed food and low in roughage. The other reasons include:

• Eating disorder: Children who suffer from constipation often haven't a good diet. Especially, they eat so much wheat like pasta and bread, too little roughage (roughage can make children digest easily).

• Not drinking enough fluids. Fluid or mineral water plays an important role in body and helps to digest easier. When children don't drink enough fluids, they get constipation quickly.

• One of the causes of constipation is medicine such as pain-killer ( Tylenol #3, oxy codone ( percocet), hdrophonrmone ( Dilaudid)

• Stress and anxiety. This can cause the bowel motion to pass through too quickly ( causing diarrhea).

• Metal activities: Not having a habit of going to stool frequently, especially, reading newspapers, books when going to toilet are causes of constipation.

• Imbalance in the gastrointestinal bacteria. Diet that has a lot of sugars can lead to an imbalance of the intestinal flora.

Treating and preventing constipation in children

• Fluids

Have your child drink more pure water, especially fruit juices ( apple juice, grape juice...)) are helpful in preventing from constipation. Avoid drinks contained much sugar like soda.

• Food

When your child gets constipation, avoid to digest food trans fats, limit constipating food like bananas, milk, carrots,apples... Provide them with more vegetables (cabbage, nightshade...)

• Creating a habit of going to stool

Often remind children to go to the toilet and change the position when they go to. Simply, place a small stool in front of the toilet, your child can place his feet on it and raise his knees. This thing may make them feel more comfortable.

• Physical activities

It's no doubt that physical activities prevent from constipation effectively. Everyday, go for a walk with your children, let them take part in sport activities like swimming, running... Encourage them to go out or simply to walk in the parks. Avoid them spending much time on TV or computer because it can also cause obesity in children.

Sometimes, your child must go to see a health professional if constipation is very difficult to relieve. To avoid this case, learn more about constipation as well as its treatment or prevention to assure that your child don't get constipation any more.

Trung Anh - author of http://www.health32.com

Read through Dog Constipation far more

Constipation is the most common cause of dyschezia. As you read on, this article will tell you how to fight this disease so your dog can regain its health.

Look for the following symptoms of constipation in your dog:

1. The dog will feel uneasy or uncomfortable when trying to pass feces.

2. The dog may find it difficult to pass feces.

There are several different causes of dog stranguria and at times it may as well happen for no apparent reason. Having said that, one of the most common reasons for constipation causing dyschezia is the lack of fibre in the body. The fibre makes the feces softer and thus it becomes easier to pass through the dog's body. Other symptoms for this include:

1. Grooming more than normal may result in excess hair which causes itching and scratching and results in harder feces.

2. Rectal diverticulum. This is where the dog pushes against walls of the rectum next to the anus which have become weak and stretched and due to this any pushing against it may cause a bulge to develop and further pushing against this bulge will produce a pocket and the feces will have nowhere to go. The pain will gradually increase as feces are passed because every time this happens the pocket will become larger and the feces will come hard and dry.

3. Painful obstructions which result in scraping in the rectum such as chicken bones may make the dog not want to pass feces due to the pain.

4. Other conditions which include rectal and colitis tumors or growths.

In most cases your vet will lower the mass of the feces by pumping some sort of fluid into the rectum helping to release the blockage. After the enema the vet will probably want to examine the feces in order to find the problem and choose an appropriate prevention method for future cases of dyschezia.

If the problem is hair then conditions such as fleas or mites may be what has caused the disease and thus should be cured first in order to treat the disease. The same is the case when colitis or rectal growths are the problems.

If due to the straining caused by passing of the feces the dog feels weak or is struck by hernia then an operation may be conducted to correct this condition.

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Dog Constipation

Understand What are the Major Reasons Behind Constipation? a lot more


Constipation is very common among today's individuals. Few reasons for the constipation are related with food and others are with the life style. Though constipation is not a very harmful disease but it can spoil the normal life of a person. Constipation takes enjoyment of life away from person and also long term constipation may cause many diseases. Below are the few of reasons associated with the cause of constipation.

1) Number one and major reason is not taking enough fibers in the food. Fibers are part of plants which are not digested by our body. They work as the cleaning agents of gut. They help the bowl to work well.

2) Second major reason for constipation is not enough intakes of fluids. This makes the stool harder and may lead to constipation. If we intake enough fluids then the stool will be soft and it will easily pass out.

3) Some medicines are also found to cause constipation; these are usually the side effects of these medicines.

4) In dieting many people stop the intake of hard food which make their food fiber deficient and may cause constipation.

5) The hormonal changes during pregnancy may cause constipation.

6) Some long term illness also increases the chances of constipation.

7) Tea and coffee are one of major reason behind constipation because they increase the amount of liquid in urine and leave very less liquid in gut.

8) There are also lots of reasons for constipation which are unknown and these constipation are known as 'idiopathic'.

9) Some syndromes are also responsible for constipation like IBD and IBS etc.



What are the Major Reasons Behind Constipation?

Read Best Foods to Help Constipation more


One of the most effective ways to relieve yourself when you're backed up is by eating certain foods to help constipation. There are a lot of different foods out there that can help with this problem but some are much more effective than others. Below, I will discuss different foods to help constipation and what I have found to work the best based on research and real experiences.

Foods High in Fiber: Consuming a diet rich in fiber is probably the most effective way to not only ease constipation, but to prevent it as well. Fiber works by keeping your colon and intestines clean and also makes your stools softer so they are able to pass through your body much easier. The best way to get fiber is to consume green leafy vegetables, fruits, raw nuts, and whole grains.

Some of the best foods to help constipation that fall into the above categories are: Figs, prunes, apricots, papaya, apples, bananas, carrots, berries, beans, asparagus, raw almonds, raw walnuts, and brown rice. If you start incorporating those into your daily diet, you should start to see some noticeable improvement very soon.

While eating the proper foods is good, it's usually not enough. Another very important thing you need to be doing is drinking a lot of water. Water helps by hydrating your body, and when you're hydrated, your waste will be absorbing some of that water which makes it softer and less likely to get stuck. Try to get at the very least, 64 oz of water daily. The more you drink, the better off you will be.

Since we covered foods to help constipation, now I would like to briefly talk about foods you want to avoid so you don't have future problems.

First off, you should avoid fried foods at all costs. Not only are they bad for your health in general, they have been proven to cause constipation. On top of that, you should avoid or limit other foods high in fat. You also want to be careful with soda, alcohol, salt, sugar, coffee, and meat that is not lean.

After reading about all the foods to help constipation and the foods you want to avoid, you should have a good idea on what to do to solve your problem.

If you want to learn more methods for getting rid of constipation, I recommend you check out [http://HelpStopConstipation.info]

Best Foods to Help Constipation

Go through Most Popular Worldwide Remedies for Constipation much more

Constipation is an annoying problem of the digestive system. However, it is referred differently by different individuals. For most of the individuals, it is referred as the occurrence of infrequent stools. For others, it is hardening of stools as well which may be explained with straining during stool pass, sense of incomplete emptying of bowel etc. According to medical terminology, normally constipation is referred to a condition lesser than three bowel movement in a week, whereas, chronic stage implies less than one bowel movement in a week.

There are various useful treatments available to get rid off constipation problems. However, in some cases, one may depend on constipation remedy to solve constipation problems. In this article, we will be focusing on different constipation remedies popular in different countries and cultures.

Egyptian remedy for constipation

Egypt is recognized as one of the oldest culture in the world. Ancient Egyptian people showed their excellence in various areas including the area of medicine. In their oldest medicinal books, they described constipation remedy as well. Aloe Forex is referred to as a good constipation remedy that functions effectively as a natural laxative on the digestive system. It is widely popular because of its natural ability to work against inflammatory digestive complications.

Apart from that, senna is found in Egypt since ancient period which is well-known as the world's safest laxative. Sometimes, digestive problems can cause bad breath. Senna as a mouthwash offers effective relief from bad breath as well.

More than eight hundred years ago, Egyptians used honey in lukewarm water to treat constipation problem and found it an effective constipation remedy for all.

Chinese remedy for constipation

Most popularly Chinese people use Jin Yin Hua herb as constipation remedy. It helps cleansing toxic substances and relieving body heat. It offers cold energy to the body and it helps restoring health. A regular use of 6-15gm of dried Jin Yin Hua is found to be effective in managing complications particularly arising in large intestine areas.

Apart from that, traditional Chinese medicine suggests to eat boiled sweet potatoes seasoned with sugar or salt. It is recommended that you should eat it prior going to bed at night. It is truly beneficial for chronic constipation.

French remedy for constipation

French people prefer to have mustard seeds in order to relieve from digestive complications. It works well as effective laxative. Barley offers a good source for soluble fiber. French people eat muffins as well as biscuits made up of barley and oat bran meal.

German remedy for constipation

Dandelion tea is very popular among German people. It offers a good solution for treating constipation; hence it is indeed a good constipation remedy.

Constipation remedies popular worldwide

Cascara sagrada is a useful constipation remedy that offers relief from constipation. It is also not addictive and nutritionally beneficial to stomach, liver, pancreas and gall bladder. It works as a natural cleanser of colon, thus it keeps protecting body from toxic wastages and faecal substances.

Bael fruit is an excellent choice for treating constipation. It is considered as the best laxative among all other fruits. It is truly a wonderful constipation remedy. It has the ability to cleanse the digestive system along with a great relief from constipation. It is equally beneficial for normal as well as chronic constipation problems.

Guava can be eaten to get a relief from constipation problem. You need to eat guava with seeds to fight against constipation problem. Apart from that, you may count on orange, papaya, prunes, pears and grapes to promote healthy digestive system.

Bran cereal can be used as an effective constipation remedy and is perfect for toddlers and adolescents. To cure constipation problem, you may use corn syrup mixed with water. A traditional remedy to relieve constipation includes honey or extra sugar in a glass full of milk. Twice drinking in a day can definitely make you free from constipation problem.

Constipation Cures

Dr John Anne is an herbal specialist with years of experience and extensive research on herbs and alternative health. If you are looking for more information, read about Constipation Remedies at http://www.ayurvediccure.com/colon/natural-colon-cleansers.htm. AyurvedicCure.com is the World's Largest Alternative Health Portal. You can also Participate in Health Questions & Answers, Discussion Forums and Blogs. If you are worried about your Pet's Health then visit Cats Constipation

Most Popular Worldwide Remedies for Constipation

Examine Constipation - Cures and Prevention, the Natural Way more

Everyone suffers from occasional constipation. Usually it's diet-related. Within a few days, things work their way out, so to speak.

But what if it's a daily occurrence? What if you're frequently bloated or plagued with abdominal discomfort due to constipation? What if your hemorrhoids bleed every time you pass a hard stool? What if you are elderly and decide not to eat because you fear the inevitable cramping?

Fortunately, a better understanding of human bowel function can help prevent a chronic problem.

The human intestine was designed to pass banana-size stools most comfortably. It is easier for the colon to propel a banana-size stool forward than little marbles - there's more to grip. Also, oversize but overly firm stools offer too much resistance to the muscles of the colon. Aim for stools the consistency of what I call "brown bananas" - not too big, not too small, not too hard, not too soft.

Inadequate dietary fiber is the most common culprit for chronic constipation. Certainly many medications and certain diseases may also contribute, but most people who don't have to dig for their own food simply do not choose foods containing sufficient soluble fiber, the type of fiber that is able to absorb extra water. Bran is an excellent example of this. Though it's flaky and dry when poured from a cereal box, it soaks up the milk and becomes nice and mushy. It does the same thing when passing through the colon. Meat, on the other hand, does not absorb extra water, nor does fat, whether inside your body or in a frying pan.

Therefore, remember that the first important ingredient in softer stools is sufficient water. If you eat bran all day but don't have any fluids on board for it to absorb, your stools will be as hard as ever.

Also, fiber only softens stools as they are being formed. Once a stool is already formed it's a done deal. You simply have to wait for it to pass (or help it along with a stimulant laxative or enema, which most people prefer to avoid). Think of your intestine as a conveyor belt. You need to keep all your stools soft in order for it to work correctly. You don't want a hard stool to plug up the works, which causes cramping as the softer stools that follow try to escape.

The bowel may need some re-training. If it's grown used to constipation, it will need to stretch out a bit to accommodate a diet higher in fiber. This may cause mild discomfort or bloating until your body has adjusted. One word of warning: if you have a hard stool that is acting like a plug, you may experience significant cramping as your intestine tries to expel the obstruction.

As for increasing your fiber, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" is a good place to begin. One medium apple contains approximately 3 grams of fiber. In comparison, a slice of white bread contains as many calories but only a fourth as much fiber.

The most natural sources of dietary fiber are vegetables and fruits. The skin of apples, pears, and other fruits contains a large amount of fiber, so don't peel your fruit for best results. Strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries are good choices, along with peaches and plums. The infamous prune is, of course, simply a dried plum. Beans, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, peas, spinach, and artichokes are high in dietary fiber as well.

Whole grains are also a good source of fiber. Choose whole wheat or whole grain bread instead of white bread. Choose brown rice over white rice. Choose Raisin Bran, oatmeal, or shredded wheat over Rice Krispies or Captain Crunch.

Aim for at least 5 servings a day of high fiber foods. Once your colon adjusts to the increased fiber and water in your diet it should be smooth sailing. There may be an adjustment period, however, during which you may experience a little bloating or abdominal discomfort. In the long run, though, you'll not only be more comfortable but healthier as well, with all the natural foods you'll be eating.

Copyright 2010 Cynthia J. Koelker, MD


Constipation and 2012 - Answers for the end of the world: http://armageddonmedicine.net/?p=2275

To read additional articles by Dr. Koelker visit: http://ezinearticles.com/?expert_bio=Cynthia_Koelker.

Permission is hereby granted to publish this copyrighted article elsewhere on the web or in print media, in whole or in part, with the stipulation that Dr. Koelker be properly credited as author, and that the material be unaltered with regard to content.

Cynthia J. Koelker MD is a family physician of over twenty years, and holds degrees from MIT, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, and the University of Akron. She is the author of "101 Ways to Save Money on Healthcare."

Constipation - Cures and Prevention, the Natural Way


Go through 12 Common Home Remedies for Constipation a lot more

Constipation Cures

This article is dedicated to the best Home Remedies for Constipation. First of all let me tell you what is Constipation?

Constipation is one of the most ordinary digestive disorders. Constipation is most ordinary in children and older people, and affects women more than men.

Constipation is identified when bowel movements are difficult, hard, or painful. Constipation is also a moderately common complaint among children, affecting up to an estimated 10 percent at some point.

Constipation may cause abdominal pain and swelling in some people. Constipation can lead to a build up of toxins, which can cause many health problems. Constipation mostly refers to a reduction in the frequency of bowel motions or increased difficulty passing stools.

Most cases of constipation are due to the less fibre included in diet.
However, some cases of constipation may be due to a severe problem such as colon cancer. Nausea, headache and malaise (general feeling of discomfort) may be linked with constipation.

Most people have at least three bowel movements weekly, but some people have lesser and would not be detected with constipation. Most individuals with constant constipation build up a variety of symptoms, ranging from abdominal pain, rectal discomfort, and abdominal fullness and bloating, nausea, and loss of appetite to a common feeling of malaise.

Complications of Constipation

Difficulties of constipation include hemorrhoids (which are caused by straining to have a bowel movement) and anal fissures (which are tears in the skin around the anus). Causes Constipation occurs when the large intestine sucks up too much water from the stool to make it dry and hard or the bowel walls cannot contract adequately to pass the stool and waste products along fast enough

Diet for Constipation Sufferers

If your constipation is associated to diet, however, simple additions of fiber-rich foods and non-dehydrated fluids are your best way of treatment.

Drink abundance of Purified Water

One of the main causes of constipation is a shortage of hydration. You should drink 6 to 8 glasses of purified water each day to encourage a healthy bowel. Adding lots of water is always superior in the diet for constipation sufferers.
Five servings of all-natural fruits and vegetables each day can develop your bowel

Here is a list of some best Home Remedies for Constipation:

Home Remedies for Constipation

1) Fiber is brilliant for largely intestinal health and for alleviating chronic constipation so try to include fibre in your diet. .

2) 8 ounce of milk should be mixed with about 3 ounces of prune juice in addition to little drops of licorice extract and should be taken in morning to treat constipation as soon as possible. This is simple and effective Home Remedy for Constipation.

3) Drink each morning on an empty stomach, humid water mixed with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and half a lemon juice.

4) One good Home Remedy for Constipation is to Drink lemon juice mixed with warm water two to three times a day.

5) Another remedy is to drink one liter of warm water and walk around for a few minutes instantly after waking up early in the morning.

6) Immerse 10-12 big raisins in a cup of milk and bring to boil, first eat the raisins then drink the milk.

7) Mix 2 tsp husk seed (Isabgol) in 1/2 a cup of hot milk and drink instantly. This is effective Home Remedy for Constipation.

8) Mix 1/4 teaspoon of Epsom salt to 1/2 a glass of water and drink (bitter but wonderful).

9) Mix 1/4 teaspoon dry ginger powder with a pinch of asafoetida and a bit of black salt in a little warm water and sip it. This is simple Home Remedy for Constipation.

10) One or two teaspoons of aloe gel can be taken two times in a day.

11) Pears are valuable in the treatment of constipation. Patients suffering from chronic constipation should accept an exclusive diet of this fruit or it's juice for a few days, but in usual cases, a medium-sized pear taken after dinner or with breakfast will have the preferred effect.

12) Guava is a further helpful Home Remedy for Constipation. When eaten with seeds, it offers roughage to the diet and helps in the usual evacuation of the bowels. One or two guavas must be taken every day.

Dr John Anne is an Ayurvedic doctor having years of experience in the field of Ayurveda and Alternative medicine. Find out more Home Remedies for Constipation at http://www.natural-homeremedies.org He has an exclusive website on Home Remedies for various diseases. You can also contribute to the Home remedies by visiting the website.

12 Common Home Remedies for Constipation

Constipation Cures