Examine Home Remedies for Constipation a lot more

Constipation Cures

Many people who suffer from constipation invariably end up taking laxatives without realizing how much harm these can cause. The best way to treat constipation is by eating foods or using home remedies that can induce movements of the bowel and also aid in the cleansing of the colon and digestive tract.

There are many home remedies for constipation that a person can use to ease discomfort, and bloating are as follows:

• Castor oil is a natural laxative. Taking one teaspoon of castor oil early in the morning helps bowel movements.

• Drinking a warm glass water sweetened with one teaspoon of honey twice a day helps to ease constipation.

• Orange juice mixed with olive and consumed twice a day helps to relieve constipation. Mix half cup each of orange juice and olive oil.

• Aloe vera is known for many curative properties. One such property is treating constipation. Juice of aloe vera can ease constipation. Have some juice in the morning and then again in the evening to help loosen the bowels.

• If you are looking for a natural colon cleanser and laxative, then mix a teaspoon of corn syrup in one glass of water.

• You can also use phylum husk to ease constipation. The husk can be mixed with warm milk or water to treat constipation.

• Cranberry juice and prune juice not only work to help loosen bowels, they also cleanse the colon. These juices should be consumed in the morning when having breakfast.

• For some people, a cup of coffee early in the morning helps to relieve constipation. However, this is not recommended due to the ill-effects of caffeine on health.

• If a baby is suffering from constipation, it can be eased by mixing raisin juice and a little bit of butter. Give the mixture three times a day. This gentle laxative will not cause any harm to the baby, so you can give it without worrying.

• Soak 2 dates overnight and the following morning, make a pulp. Then consume the pulp three times in a day to ease constipation.

• Juice of certain fruits, like papaya, banana, apple, avocado, and figs, helps to provide relief from constipation.

• Mix quarter cup of carrot juice, one cup of tomato juice and half cup of sauerkraut juice and consume this mixture three times a day to help with bowel movements.

While these remedies will provide relief from constipation, make sure that you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, drink ample water and get regular exercise. If you follow this regimen, you will not suffer from constipation.

Kum Martin is an online leading expert in health care industry. He also offers top quality articles like: Symptoms Of Glaucoma, Double Vision Causes

Home Remedies for Constipation

Constipation Cures

Read through List of Foods That Cause Constipation - Avoid These Foods to Prevent and Treat Constipation additional

List of Foods That Cause Constipation - Avoid These Foods to Prevent and Treat Constipation



Constipation is not a disease. It is the condition in which bowel movement of a person gets disturbed and causes uneasiness and its heavy feeling disturbs the constipated person. You must not ignore this problem as it signals that your digestive system has been affected. This problem is directly related to poor dietary intake. In such a case you must try to concentrate on healthier diets and make a list of foods that causes constipation so that you can ignore them as far as possible.

Avoid These Food Items to Prevent and Treat Constipation:

* Cheese
* Pizza
* Cookies
* Red meat
* Fried foods
* Processed foods
* Instant mashed foods
* Wheat-based foods
* Ice-cream
* Milk
* Cookies
* Chips and dried beans
* Pastries

Further there are also other causes which are responsible for this problem and needs to be avoided: Check them out:

* Drinking too much coffee, milk and sodas
* Anxiety and suffering from diabetes
* Fatigue and consuming huge amount of protein rich and processed foods
* Avoiding the intake of water and not chewing food completely
* Overeating and not doing enough exercises
* Using excess iron supplements and ignoring fiber foods

Treating this problem:

If you want to prevent this problem then you must surely concentrate on more liquid and fiber food intake. Vegetables and fruits contain fibers naturally. Moreover, you must try to consume high fatty food items in less amount such as meats, cheese and eggs. Furthermore, the food items which cannot be digested easily should be chewed very well and then swallowed. In short check the following simple tips:

* Drink lots of water

* To avoid the recurrence of constipation at regular intervals start using laxatives

* Lead a healthy lifestyle complimented with healthy diets.

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Understand Body Odor and Constipation: What's the Big Stink About? additional


Constipation occurs when waste material moves through the bowel too slowly. It is characterized as infrequent bowel movements and the passage of hard and painful stools.

Many people do not realize that constipation can cause body odor. The body releases toxins through emptying of the bowels. When your bowels are "backed up," the toxins may be released through the skin, thereby causing body odor. Remember the last time your toilet got backed up? I'm sure the smell wasn't

Other symptoms associated with constipation
Low abdominal pain
Flatulence and gas
Bad breath
Sallow skin

The best solution to eliminating constipation is a preventive regime. Constipation is prevented by exercise, high fiber diet and drinking lots of water. More aggressive but still safe and natural methods are enemas, stool softeners and dietary supplements.

Tap Water Enema

A very effective cleansing enema is a tap water enema. Tap water stimulates bowel activity through irritation of the lower bowel. Tap water is commonly used for adults and older children but should not be used for infants because of the danger of electrolyte imbalance. Seek the advice of your physician before administering a tap water enema to a child.

In order to use a tap water enema, you will need an enema bag kit. This can be purchased from your local pharmacy. Fill the bag with lukewarm tap water. Add a few shavings of a bar of white soap into the bag. Soap suds stimulate bowel activity. The soap should not have been previously used to prevent unwanted bacteria from entering the rectum. Shake the bag mixture, attach the tube that comes with
the kit and insert into the rectum according to the kit's instructions. Bowel movement should start within a matter of minutes.

Dietary Supplements

Dietary Supplements that aid in the digestion and cleansing of bowels are:
Garlic destroys harmful bacteria in the colon.
Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids has a cleansing and healing effect.
Chlorophyll Liquid eliminates toxins and bad breath.
Multienzyme Complex aids digestion.
Vitamin E helps heal the colon.
Aloe Vera heals and cleans the digestive tract and softens stools when
taken internally.
Ginger stimulates the digestive system and helps food pass through the

Kaaryn Walker is an contributing editor of [http://www.kidshygieneandhealth.com], a website offering causes, remedies and support about childhood hygiene and health related issues.

Body Odor and Constipation: What's the Big Stink About?


Examine Constipation Cures - Herbs To Get Things Moving extra

Your constipation may not be a serious problem now, but it can lead to much more serious issues. Constipation is where a person is unable to have bowel movements for a period of time usually from a few days to over a week. This article is going to discuss a few constipation cures that will really help.

Constipation is more than just an annoyance. It can lead to skin eruptions due to the toxins in our bodies, hemorrhoids, irritability, weight gain, body odor, and headaches. These are some things that I won't be signing myself up for anytime soon!

If you find many over the counter medications and laxatives to be harsh on your body and produce unwanted side effects. Herbal constipation cures may just be what you need. They are just as effective yet they are much more gentle on the body.

The side effects of over the counter constipation cures may actually do more harm than the constipation itself. Many people have switched to using nature's own constipation cures to get things moving. Here are some of the best herbal constipation cures available:

Aloe Vera - This herb is well known to help relieve cramping and symptoms associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. This also works well as one of the constipation cures on our list. In addition to helping you get your bowels moving, aloe vera gives us an energy boost, which helps get our bodies moving as well.

Senna - This is one of my favorite constipation cures. This special herb produces a relaxing effect on the bowels and eases the cramping associated with constipation. Senna is also nature's very own stool softener and helps the body to eliminate built up wastes.

Wormseed - This is another of the best constipation cures there is. Wormseed kills any intestinal or bowel parasites, without getting rid of our own natural 'good bacteria.' The good bacteria in our bodies, and intestinal tracts is there to keep harmful fungus and bad bacteria in check. This herb prevents both diarrhea and constipation, which is great because we want to be somewhere right in the middle, not off in one extreme or the other!

Organic Cloves - This is one of the amazing constipation cures that works by clearing bowel obstructions, and relaxing the bowel muscles. This ensures that the body stays regular, and there is no cramping or pain associated with bowel movements.

Each of these herbal products is great alone, however, when used in conjunction with one another, they maximize proper bowel functioning and ensure that your bowels are healthy and that waste is moving through the way it should be.

One product I highly recommend is Bowtrol because it contains every single one of the best herbs used for constipation cures. These herbs are Mother Nature's own way of relieving constipation and promoting healthy bowels.

Constipation Cures

You are invited to discover the secrets to more simple yet effective home remedies for any condition at the Herbal Home Remedy website.

Constipation Cures - Herbs To Get Things Moving

Constipation Cures

Understand Breastfeeding and Constipation much more

Constipation in exclusively breastfed babies is very rare; breast milk is a natural laxative which helps in maintaining the softness of stool and also moving it effectively through the intestines. However, in babies who are given formula along with breast milk, the instances of constipation are common as the constituents of formula can often slow down the digestive system of the baby. Cow's milk is another common irritant which can lead to constipation in babies and should ideally be avoided for infants.

What Signals Constipation in Babies and How Can it be Treated?

It is easy to misinterpret normal digestive cycle of a baby as constipation. It is absolutely normal for a young infant to pass stool once in a week or two. Babies who are exclusively breastfed do not have much waste matter to pass out. Breast milk is very easily digestible and almost all of it is absorbed by the body as nutrients, this leads to very little stool formation, which in turns makes the baby pass stool after long intervals. If the stool is soft and is not causing unnecessary discomfort to your baby while passing it out, then constipation can be easily ruled out.

Hard pellet like stool which is dry and flaky and causes acute discomfort to the baby while passing it out signifies constipation and should be treated if it lasts long. Generally formula or cow's milk are the culprits causing constipation these should be stopped immediately and the amount of breast feed increased, this generally takes care of the problem.

Over the counter medication, glycerin suppositories, syrups can all be helpful in treating constipation in babies; however they should be given only after consulting your physician. Most of the times constipation in breast fed babies is temporary and goes away naturally without any medical intervention.

Constipation in Breastfeeding Mothers

The bodies of breastfeeding mothers focus almost solely on the well being of the babies and every part works together to help produce more milk for the baby. This can lead to all the fluids in a mother's body being used up for producing milk. You might feel you are taking adequate fluids and yet could get highly constipated as fluids are all used up for the production of life giving milk for your baby. Hence the need for some constipation relieving foods which could help you in passing stools normally.

Foods that Help

Prune juice: A glass of prune juice is a sure shot way of getting your colon cleared up within a couple of hours. However, this is a measure that should be used only as a last resort.

Lemon juice: Drinking lemon juice squeezed in hot water twice a day is an effective way of warding off constipation.

Vegetables: Steamed broccoli, cauliflower when teamed with ginger and olive oil can help in clearing the colon. Red beets should be eaten at least thrice a day for an efficient digestive system. Drinking home made fresh vegetable juices is a great way of providing the required roughage and fiber to your body.


If you want to learn more about constipation issues, visit my constipation information Squidoo lens. If you are interested in cleansing and detox, please visit my comprehensive colon cleanse website.

Breastfeeding and Constipation


Study Effects of Constipation - Side Effects and Treatment of Constipation and Bloating extra

Effects of Constipation - Side Effects and Treatment of Constipation and Bloating



Constipation & bloating are among the most common ailments that people have. We do not even realize how it gradually undermines our minds & bodies. These have innumerable health hazards. These are physical, internal as well psychological.

Let us see some of the side effects of Constipation and Bloating

· You always feel light headache.

· One feels irritated

· You are actually never active. That means you always feel lethargic & fatigued.

· You have a trouble sleeping.

· You feel groggy.

· The people suffering with constipation & bloating easily catch cold.

· The taste buds almost fail at times as the food & drinks you take taste extremely bad & rotten.

· It causes rheumatic fever.

Treatment of Constipation & Bloating

The treatment of constipation & bloating are closely related to its causes. For instance, in case it has happened due to lack of fiber in your diet, you must start taking enough fibers in your meals in the form of salads, juices, etc. Also some times, they happen due to some particular medicines that you take. In that case, when you stop taking that medicine, the problem is cured.However there are several other tips & treatments to cure & prevent constipation & bloating.

Here are some of the tips that would help you avoid this chronic ailment:

· You must have loads of water. That is the best detoxifier for the bowel. Properly hydrated water system would always keep your bowel clean.

· Exercise regularly. That makes you active and brings the digestion system back on track.

· Have your meals on time & never miss them.

· As far as possible, avoid taking processed food. Whole grains are a much better diet option.

· Also there are several diet supplements that help in curing & preventing constipation & bloating; for instance acai.

· People do take enemas and other chemical options. But they have several side effects.

However, you must consult the doctor to get the right treatment in case you face severe symptoms of the disease!

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Read The Truth About Constipation Revealed! a lot more

Constipation is another great problem which can leave people very frustrated and disturbed. It is basically when someone has got less than three bowel functions in one week. There is no restriction to age and gender when it comes to constipation. But if you are one of those frustrated chaps then you must understand what causes constipation.

If you are able to detect what causes constipation then you would be very easily able to solve the problem yourself without any help or guidance. There are a few things that cause constipation in a person. These can be lack of physical activity, lack of fibrous food, dairy items, and lack of water, irregular eating problems, too much fatigue or stress. It has also been observed that constipation can also be the side effect of any medication that you are taking.

There are also some people who have got constipation which is because their severe illness they are suffering from. Diseases like cancer, tumor and other illnesses can cause constipation in the patients.

Constipation remedies are also available for those people who have got serious problem in their bowel movements. But there are certain things that you can do in order to stay safe from severe constipation. You would be able to control the extent of constipation by a great level if you can alter your lifestyle. Try to add some regular exercise in to your everyday routine. You also need to eat more fruits and vegetables which are high in fiber content. It would help you greatly in your bowel movement and you would feel more relaxed.

Constipation remedies also include eating and chewing your food properly so that your food gets digested easily and your system does not have to work much on it. When it would be easier to digest then it would even be easier to pass it out off your body regularly.

So you need to understand what is actually causing you to be so constipated and you can then try to resolve the issue by altering things. It is not much a deal if you are not going through some illness. It all revolves around a healthy lifestyle. If you can maintain a healthy lifestyle then you would be able to make your system safe from various kinds of illness. So think about where you are going wrong and you would be able to make your own constipation remedies.


Effendy Lie is a professional writer and a researcher. He keens to assist those who are trying to find a great way to improve their health. If you are looking for more information about constipation, check out his personal blog about Constipation Remedies [http://www.licensetohealth.com/constipation] at [http://www.licensetohealth.com] to transform your life today!

The Truth About Constipation Revealed!

Examine Constipation - All Natural Remedies For Constipation a lot more

Constipation, why do we get constipated, and what can we do about it?  Constipation is an all too common digestive complaint, with symptoms of course, of the inability to have a bowel movement or having to strain to pass stools that are dry and hard. Most people normally have a bowel movement from a couple of time a day to a couple of times a week. If you are less frequent than this or find you have difficulty having a bowel movement and if you pass dry hard stools than you very well may be constipated.

Constipation effects nearly everyone at one time or another, with over 5 million people suffering from chronic or severe constipation. Constipation can have many causes, including, insufficient water intake, lack of exercise, poor diet, ignoring the urge to go, some medications and/or supplements can cause constipation, changes in your life or routine, surgeries, pregnancy, stress, hormonal disorders, and some conditions that can effect the central nervous system, colon, bowels, rectum, or digestive tract.

Constipation tends to be more common as we age, and in women more than men. Whether you are irregular infrequently or suffer from chronic or severe constipation, you may get relief through simply making a few lifestyle changes (visit my site for the specifics.) There are many all natural herbs that can help you find relief from your constipation, such as, licorice, Aloe Vera, garlic, caffeine, and many others. Visit my site for a complete list. Some vitamins and supplements can also prove helpful in relieving and sometimes virtually eliminating constipation (MSM- taken to help joint function can provide lasting relief from constipation.) If you suffer from constipation, be aware there are many very effective, all natural, homeopathic, remedies and cures, that will offer quick and lasting relief with a much less chance of dependence than OTC (over the counter) alternatives!     

If you need to fine relief from constipation, please visit my page devoted to this condition at http://enaturesremedies.com/constipation-natural-home-remedies-and-cures

Or visit my main site at Natural Home Remedies And Cures

Constipation - All Natural Remedies For Constipation

Constipation Cures

Understand What is Constipation? more


The whole flow of the digestive system maybe disrupted because of constipation. Do you have constipation?

What Is Constipation?

Constipation is having a bowel movement fewer than 3 times per week. Constipation causes stools to be unusually dry, hard, small in size and difficult to eliminate. Is it painful for you to have a bowel movement? If so then you probably have experienced bloating, and straining during a bowel movement. Constipation is a symptom and not a disease. At some point in their life most people have experienced constipation. In addition, constipation is temporary and not serious.

What Causes Constipation?

Constipation isn't caused by a lack of dietary fiber, but by opioid peptides in wheat and dairy products and beta carbolines in prepared food (proteinous prepared food in particular). In order to properly get rid of constipation we should consume as little prepared food as possible including wheat and dairy products. Fruits are a great food to consume with around 5,000 choices.

Is Constipation Caused By A Lack Of Fiber?

Fruit can actually cause the bowels to move and it only contains about 2% fiber. In contrast, cookies and white bread do cause constipation and they contain more fiber on average around 3%. Sugars and fats help to move the bowels.

What Causes Constipation?

There are certain substances that cause or initiate the bowels to move, and then there are other substances that cause constipation.

These Foods Cause Constipation?

-Dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt etc.)

-Wheat products (bread, pasta, pastries, cookies etc)

-Prepared proteinous food (baked, cooked, fried, steamed, canned or heated in any other way fish, beans, grains, meat and soy products.

-Supplementary Iron

-Supplementary Calcium muscles can only contract if they can deport calcium from the cells. If calcium levels are elevated, functioning of the colon muscles is inhibited.

Constipation is a pandemic problem, which affects millions of people. A proper diet is important for preventing or even reversing constipation. Exercising is a great way to help stimulate bowel movements.


The information provided herein should not be construed as a health-care diagnosis, treatment regimen or any other prescribed health-care advice or instruction. The information is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in the practice of medicine or any other health-care profession and does not enter into a health-care practitioner/ patient relationship with its readers.

Do you have constipation? Many Americans only have 3 Bowel movements or less. If you are one of these individuals go to [http://www.healthylife4unow.biz]

What is Constipation?


Study Home Remedies For Constipation You Can Try far more

Home Remedies For Constipation You Can Try

Constipation Cures

When constipated, you experience a disturbance in your digestive tract that makes it painful and difficult to move your bowel. You may also feel like you are not able to empty your bowel successfully.

What home remedies for constipation can be carried out?

Maintain a healthy and balanced diet. Improper bowel movements are the result of eating foods that are low in essential vitamins and minerals as well as the consumption of too much coffee and alcoholic drinks. 6 to 8 glasses of water and an apple a day can help regulate bowel movement.

Create a routine to improve your bowel habits. Ignoring the urge to go is a bad idea and can cause chronic defecation problems. Train yourself to go to the toilet after meals as this is the best way to promote regular defecation.

For improved digestion and bowel movements, add about two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to your daily apple juice or grape juice. Apple cider vinegar contains pectin that helps in maintaining the acid levels in the stomach. Are there more conventional home cures for constipation?

Eating vegetables, fruits, grains, fish and beans that have enough fiber content can add mass to the stool therefore stimulating the colon for easier passage. If your daily diet cannot provide you with enough fiber, take fiber supplements however, make sure you increase your intake gradually.

For roughage, sesame seeds are effective causing stool to bulk up and improve movements in the bowel to resolve the problem of being constipated. Aside from these, there are many other home remedies for constipation that you can try. The best key to resolving this issue however is maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Discover the effective Constipation Treatment that will cure your constipation for good but the medical industry doesn't want you to know about.

These little known secrets discovered by Matthew Helmsford have helped thousands of constipation sufferers to cure constipation without expensive prescription drugs, laxatives, or enemas. Find out how to cure constipation in 7 days by visiting Goodbye Constipation today.

Study Get Rid of Constipation much more

A good and regular bowel movement is something we usually take as granted. But as soon as people experience a problem with it they want to know how to get rid of constipation. The symptoms we are talking about are a bloated and upset stomach, indigestion and sometimes pain in the large intestines.

It is a good idea to not even let it get that far. A lifestyle and nutrition which will prevent constipation in the first place is all we need. Today we are used to spend most of the day sitting on a chair, be it at home or at work. We need to start paying attention to our colon and do things which are beneficial for healthy bowel movements.

Laxatives should be avoided and your diet should always be rich in fruits, fibers, grains and vegetables. If you are eating it is important that you take your time. One of the reasons for constipation is the fact that we don't chew our foods long enough. We are living in a hectic world and such eating habits are simply not beneficial to our health. Furthermore, make sure to drink plenty and frequently.

One major cause for digestive problems is the lack of movement and exercise. By moving we actually support and help our bowels with their work, greatly reducing the chance of constipation even to occur. A little walk around the block can already do wonders, so do frequent stretching breaks at work.

What to do if it is too late and you want to get rid of constipation?

The first thing you want to do is drink a lot of water. If you go to some place with foods (like your kitchen) it might actually encourage bowel movement.
Go to your bathroom, do some light exercises like bending and stretching. Massage your lower abdomen carefully.Those exercises and the massage might help to trigger bowel movements. If nothing seems to help you might want to revert to suppositories.

But be advised that the long term use of laxatives is not a good idea. You want natural relief from your constipation and laxatives should only be used as a last resort. Laxatives simply would make your colon "lazy" and you will have the same problem again in no time.

If you finally had success in the bathroom it is time to think over your diet since you want to prevent this from happening again.

Cut down on alcohol as well as on coffee and tea. Those can actually dehydrate your body. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and keep moving.


If you want to get rid of constipation I recommend you go to [http://www.getridofconstipation.org]. They show excellent natural methods which will help you in no time.

Get Rid of Constipation

Examine Natural Cures For Constipation That Work a lot more

Irregular and infrequent bowel movements with hard fecal matter painful to excrete are what a constipated person suffers from. People who have this problem also tend to have a tongue that is coated with white matter and foul breath.

What are the cures for constipation?

Most people suffer from bowel contraction due to poor diet and lack of exercise. Other symptoms include stomach aches and a feeling of having a full abdomen, depression, dizziness, loss of appetite, under eye circles, insomnia, acne, varicose veins and acidity.

The best cure for this is to increase fiber intake. Fiber is the part of our food that is not digested by the body. This is found only in plant foods. Vegetables, fruits, legumes, seeds, nuts and grains are the best sources of fiber.

Oranges, berries, apples and pears, spinach, grapes, figs, different types of beans, carrots, peas and broccoli stimulate the growth of colonic bacteria that aid digestion. Whole grain cereals like wheat bread, bran, oats, brown rice and similar foods are also natural cures for constipation as they help retain water within the stool making it easier to pass through the intestine.

Dehydration is one big cause of difficulty in passing stool and plenty of water can prevent this. If you can't drink the recommended 11 glasses of water daily, make up with vegetable and fruit juices. Lessen your intake of coffee and alcoholic and carbonated beverages.

Suffering from chronic irregular bowel movements?

Chronic constipation can be naturally remedied by regular exercising. Exercise is also among the cures for constipation because it helps move food faster through the colon that leads to lesser water absorption from waste resulting in soft, easy to pass stools. If you find exercising hard, walking at least half an hour daily will do.

Constipation Cures
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Natural Cures For Constipation That Work

Go through Constipation - Not All Fibre Is Created Equal extra

Who is an expert in constipation? A doctor, a nurse, a scientist, a nutritionist or someone who has spent a lifetime challenged with it. I fall into the last category. I have researched constipation, its cause and possible solutions for years; I have battled constipation until now.

My challenge has been arduous, expensive, embarrassing, frustrating, depressing and painful.

My earliest memories to well into my forties were filled with uncertainty and daily discomfort. My day's events were always influenced by the distress of constipation. Something as simple as choosing my wardrobe for the day was influenced by how I thought my body would feel as if I suspected "today" was going to be one of "those" days, I could wear nothing fitted. I tried over-the-counter laxatives, stool softeners, "just add water" gooey drinks, prescription strength remedies and suppositories. No long term relief. Zero.

For some inexplicable and mysterious reason my body would not process food more frequently than about once a week sometimes longer. That familiar yet infrequent sensation of wanting to "poop" would come but relief quickly turned to anxiety as I knew there would be pain; pain from passing waste that was now impacted inside my body. What really became unsettling and disturbing was thinking about the toxins and rotting food now filling my intestines and colon.

Over the years advice from family, friends, doctors and pharmacists was: "Eat fibre. Drink water". I did. For thirty-five years, I ate bran cookies, bran cereal, bran muffins, bran everything, I even put bran on my ice cream. No relief.

In my thirties, a doctor diagnosed me with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, IBS. While I felt temporary elation that my symptom had a label, my jubilation was short-lived as research revealed IBS to be a mysterious "condition" with varying symptoms relating to the stomach, intestines or colon.

Was my problem a food allergy? A structural intestinal problem? A spastic colon? Or something else?

Years of doctors' visits, innumerable diagnostic tests and thousands of dollars spent on "over-the-counter" remedies and pharmaceuticals was now reduced to an acronym and two words: IBS, fibre and water. It was as good a place as any to begin my own research to find my cure.

Research I did.

With formality and technical terms aside let me share with you what I learned.

Constipation is a symptom, not a disease or a condition. Constipation feels like your body is bloated, you feel like your bowel is full but you feel unable to poop.

To better understand the "mechanics" of constipation you need to know the basics of what happens to food when you eat it. Swallowed food makes its way into and through the stomach then into and through the intestines and arrives in the colon. Food, now "waste", sits in the colon in a gelatinous and bulky form; gelatinous because of soluble fibre and bulky because of insoluble fibre. The colon now performs two functions: it draws moisture out of the waste and the colon muscles contract to push the waste through to the rectum on its way to elimination.

Constipation occurs when the waste spends too much time in the colon. As the waste sits in the colon, the colon continues to draw out moisture and if the colon muscles are slow to contract, the waste continues to sit becoming drier and drier. When the colon muscles finally "kick in" passing dry waste is often painful.

While constipation for some can be mysterious like it was for me, there are some generalities that lend to constipation: immobility; surgery; medication; dehydration; maladies within the intestines, colon or rectum; travel; resisting the urge to poop; conditions or disease; and DIET.

Immobility due to surgery or accidents or simple lack of exercise, experts say, can all be precursors to constipation. Walking stimulates the abdominal muscles and gastrointestinal tract which can assist in relieving constipation.

Narcotics, some antacids, blood pressure medication, iron supplements, diuretics, antidepressants and many other medications are known to cause constipation.

The abuse of laxatives is also shown to cause constipation due to its inherent habit-forming nature; the body becomes dependent on the laxatives to perform. Did you know that "over-the-counter" laxatives are the biggest self-treatment aid purchased in the United States to the tune of $725 million a year?

Some conditions and diseases including metabolic diseases like diabetes; neurologic diseases like Multiple Sclerosis or systemic diseases like Lupus can lead to constipation.

DIET. The understated, misunderstood and highly overlooked contributor to constipation: What you eat?

It is too easy to say, "Eat fibre and drink water". It is critical to understand what fibre really is, the role it plays in your body and the equally important consideration of the balance of your diet.

Fibre comes from plants. Fibre is either soluble or insoluble. Understanding the difference, for me, was the solution for my constipation.

Soluble fibre is found in beans, oats, some fruits and vegetables, some rooted vegetables and in psyllium. Soluble fibre absorbs water as it travels through your body becoming "goopy" and gelatinous.
Insoluble fibre is found in wheat, nuts, seeds, some vegetables and some fruits. Insoluble fibre absorbs water and "swells" in your colon and makes for bulky stools.

You NEED both.

You must also understand that diets comprised of fats, cheese, eggs, processed or refined foods and meat do not lend well to healthy digestion and pooping; these food items contain virtually no fibre and gives your body no assistance in passing waste.

What Can You Do?

Eat a combination of soluble and insoluble fibre.
"Label read" to meet the suggested intake of 20 to 35 grams of fibre daily. Remember nearly all refined and processed food is stripped of natural fibre.
Drink as much water as you can remember to drink. Understanding that fibre needs moisture for it to work is essential to stave off constipation.
If you are prone to constipation, limit foods that have little or no fiber, such as dairy, cheese, meat, and processed foods.
Eat a well-balanced, high-fiber diet that includes beans, bran, whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables.
Do not ignore the urge to have a bowel movement.
Create a ritual or a routine in the mornings. Consume a warm cup of tea or warm water with lemon, eat a fibrey breakfast and set aside time that is undisturbed to allow your body to respond.
Whenever a significant or prolonged change in bowel habits occurs, check with a doctor.

My quest to find a prepared food item that met my soluble and insoluble fibre standards failed. Instead I tested my own variations of fibre, fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts and came up with a muffin, I call a SmartBar, that cured me of my constipation. My personal success over constipation has been the platform for my dedication to assisting others who are equally challenged. There is hope!

Here is to "fibre" both soluble and insoluble!


Jacquie MacDonald jmm@jacquiessmartfoods.com http://www.jacquiessmartfoods.com

Jacquie's Smart Foods is dedicated to creating quality, great tasting fibre-filled foods that are preservative-, dairy-, egg-, wheat-, and sugar-free for the diabetic, athlete, vegan, those with food allergies, anyone interested in a healthy gastrointestinal tract and YOU.

Jacquie MacDonald

Jacquie's Smart Foods is dedicated to creating foods that are preservative-, dairy-, egg-, wheat-, and sugar-free for the diabetic, athlete, vegan, and those with allergies to wheat, dairy and egg and anyone interested in a health.

Constipation - Not All Fibre Is Created Equal

Study What is Constipation far more

What is Constipation



Constipation is a condition that causes irregular bowel movements that are painful or difficult, or stools that are hard in consistency. Irregular bowel movements alone do not mean you are constipated because bowel frequency can vary between three times a day to once a week among normal people. Therefore, hard stools that are difficult to pass or infrequent stools accompanied by abdominal pain, back pain, and abdominal bloating define real constipation. Other symptoms of constipation include feeling bloated, uncomfortable, and sluggish. Constipation may be acute or chronic. Acute constipation begins suddenly and conspicuously. Chronic constipation may begin insidiously and persist for months or years.

The number of bowel movements usually get less with age. Ninety-five percent of adults have bowel movements between three and 21 times per week, and this is considered normal. The most common pattern is one bowel movement a day, but this pattern is seen in less than half of people. Moreover, most people are irregular and do not have bowel movements every day or the same number of bowel movements each day. A person with constipation often or always produces hard stools that may be difficult to pass. The person also may feel as though the rectum has not been completely emptied. Bowel movements are likely to be infrequent as well. Many people believe they are constipated if they do not have a bowel movement every day. However, daily bowel movements are not normal for everyone, and having less frequent bowel movements does not necessarily indicate a problem unless there has been a substantial change from previous patterns. The same is true of the color and consistency of stool; unless there is a substantial change, the person probably does not have constipation.

How to relieve constipation?

Even though constipation is an embarrassing subject, about which many refuse to talk this condition affects everyone at some point. In fact, some people live with chronic constipation. This is classified by persistent difficultly with passing stools. Many factors contribute to constipation. In some instances, the reasons are clear-cut and easily resolved by making certain dietary adjustments. For example, people with poor eating habits are more prone to constipation as opposed to a person who eats a healthy portion of fruits and vegetables. Of course, too much of a good thing can also cause problems. For this matter, consuming too much fiber may also cause constipation.

Constipation is defined as the condition in which a person finds difficulty in passing stools and has a bowel movement fewer than three times per week. These stools usually become dry and hard causing them difficult to eliminate. If treated on time constipation is not dangerous. But if left untreated it can become chronic. But how to treat or relieve constipation? This is the question asked by majority of the people suffering from constipation. Here is the answer for it. There are many ways for relieving constipation.

Diet is the most common home remedy for relieving constipation. Water is the best liquid for relieving constipation as it plays an important role in keeping the intestines working well. Drink a glass of water early in the morning or add a teaspoonful of honey in it and drink it at night before going to bed. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water everyday. Keeping the water overnight in a copper vessel and drinking it in the morning gives better results. Take a glass of water with lemon juice and pinch of salt in it. Take a glassful of warm milk with a teaspoonful of ghee in it when going to bed. This also helps in relieving constipation.

However always consult your doctor or medical professional if if you are unwell.

Robert is webmaster at [http://www.dietwell.co.uk]

Read Battle Constipation With Safe and Natural Remedies a lot more

Battle Constipation With Safe and Natural Remedies

Constipation Cures

Constipation is one of those unspeakable yet common conditions that people experience at some point or another. It's painful, uncomfortable, annoying and extremely embarrassing. Because most of us don't really like to talk about it, finding the right solution to remedy the constipation problem can be quite difficult. If you currently suffer from constipation, you do not need to suffer in silence and wait until the problem resolves all by itself. Nor do you have to try and test all those urban myths on yourself or have to dread going out and buy OTC constipation medication from your local drug store. Natural constipation remedies are effective in helping you relieve the problem without you having to resort to prescription medication.

Drink More Water

This may sound cliche but water is still the best remedy for constipation. Saying that water is essential is a mere understatement. It is vital and necessary, not just for the purpose of keeping bowel movements regular, but for maintaining the functions of all other organs in the body.

But, going back to water and how it relates to constipation; you see, the large intestine works by removing unneeded water from our body's waste. Once we are dehydrated (due to lack of water intake), all our internal organs go into this state of emergency and locks down anything with water in order to conserve it. This is when we become constipated. Additional water also keeps the stools soft and moist, allowing it to pass easily without pain or discomfort.

So, think back on your water drinking habits. Do you drink water on a regular basis, or do you mostly chug in coffee, sodas or juice? They may be liquid, but they are not the same as water. Drink as much as eight glasses of water a day, and your bowels will thank you for it.

Take In More Fiber

Fiber works well hand in hand with water for easier bowel movement. However, most people tend to forget the importance of dietary fiber as most processed foods such as cookies, white pasta, white bread and even rice have lost their fiber value. Dietary fiber, however, is quite easy to come by. Raw fruits, whole grains, seeds and nuts as well as vegetables (whether raw, steamed or baked) are great sources of fiber. Taking in more fiber in your diet isn't that difficult. The four food groups that contain dietary fiber are very easy to come by and prepare. You might want to make some dietary changes in order to accommodate these kinds of foods.

A quick note though. If you haven't had a high fiber diet in years, you may want to start small with your present fiber diet. Start with a small snack or two, and move on to high fiber meals as the weeks go by.

These are two simple and easy steps to take, yet are very helpful as natural constipation remedies. Incorporate the right water and fiber intake into your every day diet and say goodbye to embarrassing constipation problems for good!

*Natural Remedies HQ* is an online resource dedicated to helping you find natural remedies, prevention, and cures for what ails you. To download your free mini eBook "Natural Remedies For Anxiety", just go to [http://www.NaturalRemediesHQ.com]. Here's to natural health!

Read Relieving Constipation by Acupressure far more


Housewives pass around stories of a "poop button" on the body. What they mean is, an acupressure point three finger widths below the navel. It is claimed that pressing on this point produces the urge for bowel movement, sometimes as quickly as within ten minutes. There are actually many more "poop buttons" on the arms, around the navel, the back and the legs. So it is up to each individual to discover them and stimulate them to ease constipation.

Critics on the other hand, label acupressure as pseudoscience on the ground that it cannot be fully explained by "Western" medical science. This is despite the fact that unlike other alternative medicine, the effects of acupressure can be observed on neuroimaging. For example: a well known orthopedic surgeon when researching the potential of electro medicine, noted that traditional acupressure meridians and points contained amounts of electromagnetic energy that non-acupressure points did not.

In an article written for the New York Times entitled "Now, about my operation in Peking", America's influential journalist James Reston happened to mention the effect of acupuncture on post operation constipation was observed on a fluoroscope where the needles inserted on limbs produced movements in the intestines.

In fact, documented research on the effectiveness of acupuncture and acupressure is growing. America has accepted acupuncture since Reston wrote about how acupuncture relieved his post operation pain.

To doubt acupressure is equivalent to doubting acupuncture as the former works on the same principles as the latter in which the difference is one uses the hands while the other uses needles. Perhaps the area in which controversy is warranted involves Tapas acupressure technique, a healing program to release emotional and negative energy blockages. Tapas technique evolved from the traditional acupressure, does not emphasize on physical contact, is not the subject of discussion in this article.

Intellectual debates aside, acupressure and acupuncture has helped many people especially the poorer ones in the Orient to seek relief from a variety of health problems. Chinese physicians and acupuncturists may recommend acupressure as part of a patient's treatment process.

For folks who feel their constipation can be managed at home, acupressure can be an alternative to narcotic laxatives. When acupressure is applied by a family member, the comforting touch itself heals not only the gut but also promotes emotional well- being.

Generally, versatile acupressure is safe for self-treatment. It is easy to learn, convenient to do anytime and anywhere. Apart from the acupressure point beneath the navel as mentioned at the outset, another point people usually like to work on is the point at the outer edge in the crease of the bent arm. The duration and frequency depends on how grievous is the constipation. People who can afford to pay professionals for acupressure sessions may find it a pleasant experience, especially when combined with moxibustion in which a lighted stick of moxa herb warms the acupressure points.

Of course like all health remedies, acupressure has its limitations, too. It is unsuitable for people with high or low blood pressure and pregnant women. Obvious conditions where the skin should not be touched such as open wound and blisters are not for acupressure.

Copyright 2009 -- Wan Yi. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Read more about TCM principles behind acupressure and locating acupressure points to ease constipation at the online resource that cares about your gut at http://www.constipationopia.com/relieving-constipation.html

Relieving Constipation by Acupressure


Read through Use Psyllium For Colon Cleansing & Constipation a lot more

What Is Psyllium?

Psyllium is a natural product that is used for colon cleansing, as a cure for constipation and in many detoxification programs. Psyllium is often the active ingredient in many constipation cures.

Psyllium comes from the Plantago Psyllium plant, and its seeds and husks are harvested to create natural remedies for constipation and colon cleansing.

How To Use Psyllium For Colon Cleansing and To Cure Constipation

Psyllium can be taken in tablet form - it is often the active ingredient in many laxatives and constipation remedies. However, the most inexpensive and effective methods of colon cleansing include the ingestion of psyllium in its most natural form - psyllium husks, psyllium seeds and psyllium fiber powder.

Psyllium can be mixed with a pleasant-tasting drink, for example, fruit juice or in a shake to make it easier to ingest.

To help the psyllium to flush out impacted waste from your system and cleanse your colon and relieve constipation, you will need to follow these guidelines:

Drink plenty of fluids with your psyllium - the additional water intake will assist colon cleansing and symptoms of constipation. Increase your level of exercise to activate the psyllium fiber and assist in eliminating constipation and speed up detoxification and colon cleansing. Increase the fiber in your diet and include whole grains, fruits and vegetables to help the psyllium activate colon cleansing and constipation relief.

Health Precautions For Taking Psyllium

While psyllium is a natural and powerful aid to colon cleansing, detoxification and constipation, like all natural remedies, must be taken with caution. When using psyllium to cleanse the colon, you need to consider the following:

Inform your doctor and pharmacist if you are allergic to psyllium or any other drugs.Tell your doctor and pharmacist what prescription and non-prescription supplements, drugs and medications you are taking, including vitamins. Psyllium can decrease the effectiveness of other medications and the colon cleansing effect may remove them from your system before they take effect.Let your doctor or pharmacist know if you have any of these health conditions: diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease, rectal bleeding, intestinal blockage, or difficulty swallowing.Do not take psyllium if pregnant or breast feeding.Inform your pharmacist or doctor if you have special dietary requirements that may be affected by psyllium or colon cleansing. Do not take psyllium within 3 hours of taking any other medication, as its high fiber content may block the absorption of medications.Do not breathe in psyllium powder.

Remember that psyllium is a powerful medication for constipation and should be respected as such. When using psyllium for colon cleansing and detoxification, you need to be aware that its high fiber content can cause temporary bloating as it moves through the digestive tract. Another side effect of the high fiber content in psyllium is flatulence.

To avoid these unfortunate side effects, it's best to take psyllium gradually until your body is used to psyllium. A good dosage to start with is one tablet or one teaspoon of psyllium on the first day, and increasing the amount of psyllium taken each day by half a teaspoon until you achieve the desired colon cleansing or constipation relief.

Other Benefits of Psyllium

Psyllium has been used for centuries as a remedy for constipation, and for colon cleansing, but its other health benefits are starting to become more widespread.

In addition to colon cleansing and constipation relief, psyllium is now being used to lower cholesterol, improve hypertension, and treating diarrhea.

Constipation Cures

For more information on colon cleansing visit http://www.naturalcolon.com Sara Dakkar is webmaster of http://www.psylliumhealth.com which reviews psyllium husks and fiber powder products for the use of colon cleansing, constipation cures and bowel detox.

Use Psyllium For Colon Cleansing & Constipation

Read Natural Remedies For Constipation extra

One often experiences pain the abdomen area or feels unnatural heaviness in the stomach region. Some people often feel the loss of appetite or pain the lower legs or feel drowsy throughout the day. All these are symptoms of constipation. The major cause of constipation is improper eating habits. There are some individuals who eat too much of food while there are some who consume food items which are difficult to digest. Too much of smoking, boozing or intake of beverages can also cause consumption . Consumption might also result from some prescription drugs. Irregular sleeping habits, unnecessary fear or worry and stress might also lead to constipation . Natural remedies of consumption help you to overcome such problems instantly .

Natural remedies of constipation can be performed to aid in constipation. One can consume a glass of warm milk before going to bed and in a severe case of constipation one can also mix 2 teaspoons of castor oil into the milk. The other remedy which might prove to be beneficial is drinking one litter of warm water and walking about for a considerable span of time or for few minutes at least immediately after waking up early in the morning. One can also drink a solution made of lemon juice and warm water or can consume one or two teaspoons of aloe gel on a regular basis.

There are also some foods that one can eat to overcome the problem of constipation . The Bael fruit works extremely well in this matter. One must eat this fruit regularly for two or three months. If one cannot have the raw fruit he can make a thick solution by mixing the fruit pulp with water and then have it. Another very good natural home remedy for constipation is the pear fruit . One can either have it in breakfast or before dinner. The pear fruit helps in the clearing up of the entire amount of fecal matter . Other important fruits which help in the problem of constipation are papaya, guava with the seeds, figs, oranges and grapes. The perfect vegetable which aids in constipation is fresh spinach and it is even better when consumed raw.

When one is dying to get rid of constipation he should remember that his diet must consist of food items which are easily digestible . Not only that it should consist of fresh fruits, vegetables and salads. When one eats one must also make sure that he should eat freshly prepared food. One should eat only when he or she feels really hungry and keep a limit of at least 3-4 hours between every meal. Too much of spicy food is not good for those suffering for constipation. Gas forming vegetables should be strictly avoided. One must drink at least 8-10 glasses of water on a regular basis and it will be even better if one manages to have an intake of fresh fruit juices and not the canned ones. A regular physical exercise program must also be maintained to get rid of constipation. Following these natural remedies of constipation one can get rid of the problem in no time.

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Best Colon Cleansers to help you Get Rid of Constipation

Herbal Remedies for Constipation

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Please visit Constipation Resource for more information

Natural Remedies For Constipation

Constipation Cures

Read through Constipation and Leg Pain far more


Although constipation and leg pain are different conditions and occur in different parts of the body, they may be interconnected and can have a common origin. In most cases, the origin is related to nerve damage or dysfunction. It is also seen that people with leg pain have a greater chance of constipation and vice versa. In fact, constipation is one of the major symptoms of leg pain along with sharp or shooting pain and weakness or sensory disturbance of legs.

Many inflammations, diseases or conditions in the lower part of the nervous system can result in constipation and leg pain. Lumbar nerve root inflammations due to disk herniation, burst fractures, spondylolisthesis, foramina, and abnormal bone formation can lead to both conditions. Arachnoiditis, which causes spinal covering damage, can also result in constipation and leg pain.

The loosening of muscles and deficiency of calcium can result in malfunctioning or deterioration of the muscles which aid peristaltic actions and standing. The damages to these muscles result in diseases such as constipation, leg pain, frequent/uncontrolled urination, and diarrhea. Constipation and leg pain may also arise as a result of the diseases affecting the urinary system such as uterine fibroids.

Many pain relieving drugs such as morphine and aspirin used for curing leg pain can cause constipation. This is because all the pain killing drugs act on the central nervous system which causes a decrease in nerve impulse traffic. The result is the reduced functioning of all body muscles including that of the bowel wall. The frequent use of these drugs can result in severe constipation.

Overweight persons are the most prone to constipation and leg pain. Pregnant ladies are also more prone to have both conditions at the same time. Menstrual cramps and the use of some unnatural drugs which irritate the lower nerves can also result in constipation and leg pain. Pelvic bone dysfunctions are another common cause.

Drinking plenty of water and eating fruits can help in good functioning of the muscles, which in turn helps to manage both constipation and leg pain.

Constipation [http://www.WetPluto.com/Cat-Constipation.html] provides detailed information on constipation, cat constipation, causes of constipation, chronic constipation and more. Constipation is affiliated with Are Cold Sores Contagious? [http://www.WetPluto.com/A-Look-at-Cold-Sore-Treatments.html].

Constipation and Leg Pain