Examine Four Simple Tips to Solve Chronic Constipation Problems more


Do you have problems with chronic constipation? Surprisingly enough you've found just the right article for you. After you're done with this article you should be able to determine if you are experiencing constipation and the best constipation treatment for your body.

The key to understanding constipation causes is by recognizing that the pain and discomfort you are feeling is a symptom of disruption in your digestion process.

Constipation is not a disease. What's more, almost everyone experiences problems within the digestive system at some point in their lives.

That means you are not alone. And truthfully, constipation is a temporary problem.

With proper, effective constipation treatment, signs and symptoms will subside within a matter of days.

Plus, we'll also cover constipation remedies that will give you relief almost instantaneously.

As you might have guessed, chronic constipation by definition is having three or less bowel movements for three months or longer. But what it really boils down to is learning how your colon (large intestine) works in relation to the digestive process.

Most digestion and absorption happens before it hits the large intestine. What's left, primarily fiber, spends a large amount of time in your large intestine than in any other part of the body during digestion.

Here's the deal: It takes between 30 minutes and two hours for food to move through the stomach. After that, over the next two to six hours, food will travel through your small intestine. Finally, food sits for from six to 72 hours inside your large intestine before it's finally removed by defecation.

With that being said, the secret to your constipation cause is lack of fiber. Your colon uses fiber to generate nutrients vital to your digestive health. Without enough fiber, your stools become hardened and difficult to pass.

So you'll be glad to know that there are some simple constipation remedies you can begin using today to get rid of the pain and discomfort you are plagued with here.

Let's begin:

(1) Stool Softeners: This constipation treatment is ideal for those who find themselves straining to pass a bowel movement. The stool softener you choose should give your bowel the hydration it needs to soften and pass through body easily.

(2) More Fiber: The recommended daily dosage of fiber is between 20 and 35 grams every single day to aid in digestion and form soft, bulky stools. When you consider changing your diet, think in terms of high fiber foods like whole grains, beans, bran cereals, fresh fruits and veggies. Reach for asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and carrots. Avoid ice cream, cheese, eggs, meat and processed foods.

(3) Lifestyle and Habit Changes: Do you find yourself resisting the urge to have a bowel movement? When you consistently ignore your body's urging to have a bowel movement, over time, you will stop feeling the need to have one.

(4) Relax-Relieve Stress: Your emotional health is a critical component to your physical health. In fact they go hand in hand. So spend time relaxing and alleviate stress in any way possible.

With the tips listed here, you can keep on moving closer toward ending chronic constipation forever. Step back and see what changes you need to make and then do it. Take control of your health.

Make sure to visit my blog http://www.constipation-remedies.net for helpful tips and advice on Constipation Remedies and much more!

Four Simple Tips to Solve Chronic Constipation Problems
